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Posts posted by fire2rescue99

  1. Ask her why her skin is so dark!

    This will shut her up ......

    'Sawadee cap dam_n pit pee.'

    Roughly translated 'Hello, black one.'

    That's a great retort. However, phonetically, (jus saying), I would try, " Sawadee Kahn, dum pit pee".

    For emphasis upon the next meeting when she disses you: drop the Thai and use English. Simply call by her first name and add Super Black. So, if her name is Tik. Simply say, "Hey, Tik Super Black, nice to see you." Just keep on referring to her as Super Black. Her friends will giggle and maybe pick up on it.

    Thai's know some English words. These are two they know and I have heard them refer to others in their circles using this. It's the same as calling you "ooun" or fat. It's a fact. You will not change their behavior. But perhaps you can have a little fun in your own fashion. Do fret to much.

    You are in their world. Go with it. Own it, dude. Good luck

    Sorry auto spell , I meant "kahp", not Kahn. As in Ghengis or Star Trek wrath. :)

  2. Ask her why her skin is so dark!

    This will shut her up ......

    'Sawadee cap dam_n pit pee.'

    Roughly translated 'Hello, black one.'

    That's a great retort. However, phonetically, (jus saying), I would try, " Sawadee Kahn, dum pit pee".

    For emphasis upon the next meeting when she disses you: drop the Thai and use English. Simply call by her first name and add Super Black. So, if her name is Tik. Simply say, "Hey, Tik Super Black, nice to see you." Just keep on referring to her as Super Black. Her friends will giggle and maybe pick up on it.

    Thai's know some English words. These are two they know and I have heard them refer to others in their circles using this. It's the same as calling you "ooun" or fat. It's a fact. You will not change their behavior. But perhaps you can have a little fun in your own fashion. Do fret to much.

    You are in their world. Go with it. Own it, dude. Good luck

    • Like 1
  3. I don't remember tragedies like this at Don Muang, when it was primary. The parking garage there is several stories high as well. Maybe not as promenant as departures at Bhumi. Poor guy, looks as if he had intentions of making a normal trip. I would like to see some kind of assurance from AOT police that it happened as reported, with no foul play involved. Let's have someone official confirm the facts by reviewing the video available

    • Like 2
  4. Sorry, I meant to add, as far as a hospital to use. In Bangkok, BNH Hospital on Convent Rd. or Bumrungrad off Sumkhumvhit. These are the only 2 hospitals that the Canadian Embassy will take blood work documents from as trustworthy.

  5. She is 20 and lives in Pattaya..... What does she do in Pattaya? Have you gone to her place of work? And met and have meals with coworkers? I wouldn't do anything until you are sure the child is yours. Anything else you are entering a sequential vortex that an inexperienced newbie should not go alone. You should look at Stickman or elsewhere (is there one that advertises here?) site and hire a detective to verify her daily activities. You should install spyware on the iPad you gave her. The Lovelinks site has a reputation for players. Tread carefully. Good luck, don't let deceit or a world class actress ruin your life. I mean not to demean your relationship, just giving you experienced advice.

  6. Driving a car in Bangkok and Thailand is not for the faint of heart. The only place I suggest to ride a scooter is around the village, upcountry or wherever. If you plan only to ride a side soi and park at transportation, that may work, but be prepared for theft.

    I know a young man that spent his savings, bought a bike and thought he would be a courier in town. He had several wrecks and quite scrapped up. Maybe he did not have the skills, but that was his experience.

    I would simply pay the point to get around town by available means. You will literally be taking your life into your own hands in metro traffic. Be careful.

  7. In a word, yes, it is common. Nothing unnatural about family and friends grooming one another. It's rather endearing. How many people do you know back home that know ach other that well?

    Mee how Mai? Have lice yes?

    You may not get it if you shampoo 2x a day vigorously. Children simply do not wash as thoroughly. Just my guess.

  8. Thankyou for the replys guys, but to clarify a few points as I have not been very clear, it would most likely be just for expats as I am certain that Thais would have no interest at all, also I appreciate that several other people may have mentioned opening such a facility before and I must admit I have been considering this venture for quite some time now, also I am in a fortunate position that I have the funds to do this, however the realisation for me is that my dear mother is getting older by the day so the time is fast approaching that I need to make a choice of either making this happen or go home to the UK to care for her as I am at sometime sure to need professionally trained help, I do love living here and hope to remain doing so therefor by opening such a place would perfectly suit all concerned, also on top of knowing that my dear mother is receiving the best care possible we would have the pleasure of running a very rewarding and hopefully successful business, so any information or advice will be gratefully appreciated as I have never been more serious or nervous about anything in my life, Thanks again.

    I think there is great potential in your idea. Plenty of ex-pats getting on in age. They cannot live on their own forever. I am surprised that a big hospital has not embarked on an enterprise like you suggest. Good luck and good on you for taking care of your Mom.

    • Like 1
  9. I don't get this. I have two dogs and a cat and they are my pals. They are everyone else's pals too, even strangers. Rather than biting someone, they would be more of a danger of licking him to death.

    I think enough of my dogs to keep them on my property so they won't get hit by a car, stolen, or hurt by someone or another animal.

    If one of them got loose and something bad happened to it I would blame myself. Some people are simply afraid of any dog and I won't take chances.

    OTOH, let someone else's big dog come onto my property and threaten me, especially if I know it bites, and it is dead. I already told this story once here, but I was running my excavator outside one day and a big rottweiler mix actually tried to climb up into my cab and get me. All I could do was to move the excavator back and forth to keep him off the tracks so he couldn't jump into the cab. (which had no doors.)

    Finally I had enough and shot him. Still on the excavator, I dug his grave, pushed him in with the bucket, filled it in with the blade and compacted it with the bucket. Then I smoothed that with the blade.

    What dog? It was the owner's fault - first for owning a dangerous dog, and second for letting it loose. Everything I did was legal, too.

    That's a good story with an appropriate ending. Som nam na.

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  10. For those that have nasty things to say about taking care of/doing in vicious dog, it is obvious you have never spent any time or lived in a neighborhood in Thailand. Even if claimed you have, I can't give any credence or consideration to your suggestion that everyone must cede their right to exist due to a neighborhood vicious dog. These things tend to get taken care of. Some just longer than others. It's the way of the world. c'est la vie.

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  11. Wow, if this is a troll thread, it is a good one. It has everyone talking. In my mind, I cannot understand why your wife is upset at you. You have rid the soi of a danger and nuisance. She should be giving you hot tea and a foot massage for Christ's sake. A bad dog is a bane to entire community. I can't believe everyone on the soi isn't glad to have it gone, whether they know you were involved or not. I would have your wife invite the woman over and have her repeat in front of the local Police Captain what she wants from you. Of course, you have to go to the Captain with your wife first and make a contribution to his station and orphanage fund. Most likely, if you get an officer enrolled in your cause, he will ask both parties to present to his station office. As he would not venture out to a soi for such a negligible matter. When the rotten woman finds she is going to the police box and you want her to tell the police what she told you, she will probably want nothing to do with you anymore. I would further tell her that if she shows her face or your wife gets wind of her foul mouth running on about you or your family that you intend to pursue compensation for your 2 cats and revisiting blackmail charges. When she came to your house and first spoke to your wife, tell her you have a recording of the entire conversation as well. Don't admit to any wrong doing what so ever. You are the aggrieved party here. Act outraged and defiant. I would extract my equivalent of a pound of flesh from this witch. That's how it works. Make sure you enlist the help of the authorities to repel and beat back this foul woman. Good luck. Cheers

  12. Ahh yes, the good old days. Just a few years ago I ate at the Honey Coffee Shop. Bunch of old battles axes in there giving me cross looks for no good reason. The food was just fine for an English breakie and very reasonable. I thought the hotel was a bit overpriced for what it was . Grand President just up the soi seems a value to me with a jr. Suite. Cheers

  13. I have seen a few beautiful middle aged women with their boy toys, showing off their trophies at The Loft restaurant on the top for of Central Chidlom. I love that restaurant, despite being pricey. It has a great to yum Kung.

  14. Maybe 15 years ago, I was staying at Indra Regent hotelnot too far from this place. It may or may not be in the same police/fire jurisdiction as Police Hospital. Anyways, the hotel ran a pretty thorough fire drill done in concert with the fire-police. They even recruited several guests from the lobby and pool area to participate, of which I agreed to play along.

    Don't know if a sprinkler test was performed or not, but a fire brigade made up of hotel employees responded to a faux fire and used the hose cabinets in the hallways. They did test the risers in those cabinets and they worked. We then evacuated down to a lower level, out onto a roof, then down two flights of outside fire escapes.

    A little ceremony was held at the conclusion and they gave the guests a little certificate of appreciation and free drink coupons at the bar. I have a commenerative picture of the event somewhere in my old trunk. I was quite pleased to participate and see how they went about things. The Fire police officer in Command was some sort of senior level Captain and was treated with great reverence by the hotel management.

    I was surprised that there was actually a supervised fire drill with meaningful evolutions were held at my hotel. I don't know if this was an anomaly or standard practice. Just my experience.

  15. A boat doesn't sink because it's bilge pumps don't work, it sinks because it is leaking, and they were running the bilge pumps as a band aid fix. when the bilge pumps quit, there was no hiding the problem.

    To recap, the boat had a cracked bow, was overloaded, the bilge pumps didn't work, and the captain was high.

    Don't forget a universal prime maritime safety directive: have life preservers for every soul on board.

  16. Beleaguered Tatiana is wearing a Wanted T-shirt. Should be on the thief. I guess she is lucky he didn't take the shirt off her back. I bet there is an equivalent expression in Russian.

    I am not sure if she looks disgusted or bemused in the photo. It's de riguer to pose for these photo ops for the agency in charge, whomever that might be. I imagine she was prodded into the photo op. Would have been better to see her giving him a right cross to the chops.

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  17. You're arriving midday, it will be slooooooow....but the shops will be open and hopefully, the sun will be shining.

    Walk around and find a nice place to have dinner that night.

    Then, it starts getting dark and life starts to seep into sleepy old Pattaya town.

    Next, it's really dark and before you know it, it's midnight. Walking Street is gearing up for party time.

    Finally, it's about 1am and the beer bars and go-go rip off joints are in full swing.

    It's around this time that you'll get maximum winks and smiles from the girls.....and maybe a few from the boys too.

    It's also around this time that you'll notice your wallet is not so heavy as money starts pouring from it.

    Before you know it, you'll have a huge decision to make.

    Will I keep on drinking here, will I take the friendly offer from that girl, this girl or the other girl, or will I sleep alone.

    If I choose to take one, or maybe two, of those girls, will I have enough money left over in the morning to get out of Pattaya and will I be sober enough to wake up in time for the taxi.

    Whatever you choose to do, I'm sure you'll enjoy your 24 hours and leave with a smile on your face.

    Mighty Mouse, very good suggestion! One more post to 3K!

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