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  1. Then why do let them Enter the Country? And it’s not good for your Economy !
  2. Doesn’t Thailand realise that China wants to buy them Out with All this “Free” Money ???
  3. How come the Ruskies gets 90 days and not the rest only 30 ??? Is it Quantity not Quality !
  4. Why is HE so special that he’s above the Law , A Crim is a Crim and Should be dealt the same as any that Breaks the Law !!
  5. Why are China allowed to let Cheap imports into the country ??
  6. Stand Up to these “ Toxic “ People otherwise they will think you are Weak and Will keep on taking Advantage of you!!
  7. If That’s Not Blackmail what is ! After what Hamas did without warning would you turn a blind eye ???
  8. Do These People at TAT or Whoever ever Think before They Act ?? First They want to Increase the Visa so People Spend More Money and then Return to 30 days and now This Fiasco ?? Makes you wonder !!!
  9. Can Anyone tell me why Thai has Stopped Flying from Perth ( Aus ) to Bangkok???
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