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Posts posted by NativeSon360

  1. Looks like the Culture Watch Office of the Culture Ministry is the new hub of “mammophobia” at the hub of ping pong shows.

    Don’t worry guys it’s curable after scientists found the trigger point. It is simply a childhood trauma caused when you were breastfed by some like these:

    Btw is any of the TV members aware of the date and location for the public crucifixion of the Nations's editor who is responsible for this:


    Wow, that ole girl @ the top, has enought to share with every PRC or ROK lady on the planet, and still have enough to fill a 40D cup-size remaining.

  2. "Thairath Online also interviewed Roongtawan Chaiha, an Internet idol who rose to her fame by posting her own sexy photos on her Munkaw Chaos Girl Facebook fan page, said she has no plan to catch the underboob seflies trend. So far, her page has received over 470,000 likes mostly from men."

    Odd, the only "Munkaw Chaos Girl" Facebook page I can see only has 1,276 likes. Er, make that 1,277.


    Got to keep things in perspective too - this is the same Culture Ministry that was going to use this poster to promote Songkran not long ago:


    Excellent clap2.gif Thanks for sharing.

  3. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    its not porn if nipples are covered, so no its not illegal.

    mind your own business....

    they (who ever "they" are) take this thai culture thing way to seriously

    in everyday life I see next to no thai culture that "they" deem so important coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJARfU4 alt=coffee1.gif width=32 height=24>

    It was not more than 100 years ago when many thais were running around topless in their villages. Plus Thais are one of the most promiscuous people on the planet account for far more than their share of marital infidelity.

    That's bull. Thais are no more promiscuous than another other group of people, on this planet. Thais are just more open, and more (ahem) honest about sex, as opposed to the more constipated westerners; particularly those from El Norterolleyes.gif .

  4. Excuse me, but when I last checked the 1619 Mayflower passenger list, I didn't see any Thai names listed. So what's with the all-of-a-sudden Puritanical "American" bull, in the LOS? Illegal pornograghy involves either the photographing, or the filming of activities, where either the sexual organs, or sexual acts are publically displayed. The mammory-glands (boobs) are not sexual organs. Duh!

    My question is, what does the Thai Culture Ministry intend to do about the blatant public displays of male Transvestite-ism (even in the daily public service sectors), so prevalently proliferated thru-out the entire Lwai2.gifS society? Huh?

    Get yourselves (together with your NSA "monitoring" bosses) unconstipated, for once,....for heaven' sake. The world would definitely become a happier place.coffee1.gif

    The mammory-glands (boobs) are not sexual organs. Duh! They are when you stick your length between them and bruise the underside of her chin ill tell ya.

    Absolutely correct! Especially when you are a designated member of the Richard Forbrain Society of Lpassifier.gif.pagespeed.ce.4LsapYv4zCdgcS Expatriates..................Capiche? Probably not,...........................................Cheeriwhistling.gif

  5. Perfectly right. Do a google/images search for underboob and you'll see what I mean. There are several million images, although only a couple of hundred are seen on an iPad (a limit, for some reason). They're all disgusting. Every single one of them. You shouldn't look.

    I wont look. can you supply a link?whistling.gif

    Right-on Jambar!cheesy.gif

  6. Good to see the government has raised awareness on this issue.. I didn't know anything about it.

    They have succeeded in bringing smiles back to Thailand.

    Same here...

    Raising public awareness of about insignificant issues, is more akin to dumbing society "down" to the state of unconsciousness, instead. Any expat to the LOS, who's given to the Puritanical mindset, yet has remained in the LOS, after the first 90-days of arrival, is definitely one totally constipated hypocritecoffee1.gif

  7. After reading this article I got a little worried my girlfriend last name is Sukaporn will I get in trouble filming her graduation from college? Because if boob selfies are illegal then me filming her at graduation could be seen as filming a porn movie. In that case I would go to hotel Bangkok for a stay.

    Amen to that moveclap2.gif

  8. Excuse me, but when I last checked the 1619 Mayflower passenger list, I didn't see any Thai names listed. So what's with the all-of-a-sudden Puritanical "American" bull, in the LOS? Illegal pornograghy involves either the photographing, or the filming of activities, where either the sexual organs, or sexual acts are publically displayed. The mammory-glands (boobs) are not sexual organs. Duh!

    My question is, what does the Thai Culture Ministry intend to do about the blatant public displays of male Transvestite-ism (even in the daily public service sectors), so prevalently proliferated thru-out the entire Lwai2.gifS society? Huh?

    Get yourselves (together with your NSA "monitoring" bosses) unconstipated, for once,....for heaven' sake. The world would definitely become a happier place.coffee1.gif

  9. All countries are made up of migrating populations - they also intermingle.

    Genetics are coming up with a few surprises as we often mistake language and culture as evidence of where people came from.

    however I think two things are demonstrated on this thread - firslty the dire lack of general historical knowledge and how countries are formed by those in the Thai Visa community and secondly the dire lack of knowledge that Thai people have of their own real history.

    A very clear-minded perspective. Thanks for sharing. Cheers.

  10. Congratulations on a good deed (by a Thai), for a welcomed change of selective social behavior.clap2.gif However, the Laws of Karma rewards best, those who (quietly) do good deeds for others, without "publicly" blowing their own trumpets, about it. wai.gif

    I would presume it was not her that went public with this, especially since she refused a reward.

    Presuming the story is true (to begin with), the wallet-finder allowed her name to be publicized, and the reward refusal was probably just a "face-saving" gesture, by someone who can live well-enough, despite the 10K-bht. reward offer.

  11. How quickly we forget. Despite it's schizophenic, infantile governmental paralysis, I remain a devoted, loving and loyal citizen. The United States of America, with it's 239 year-young history, continues to experience the growing-up pains of adolescence. Thailand, currently has a military junta that came to governmental power, legitimately (in accordance with the current Thai Constitution), non-violently (by comparison), yet cannot be given the courteous recognition, and gesture of a diplomatic invitation.

    The hilarity of it all, is that a former Thai Prime Minister, currently under criminal indictment for treason, etc., and classified as an internationally recognized fugitive from justice, can freely, and openly enter the U.S., with an apparent multiple-entry visa.

    That same fugitive, during his PM tenure, publicly advocated the over-throw of the Thai Monarchy, when the Monarch himself, is a (demonstrated) lifetime loyal, and dedicated friend to the United States. Go figure, while considering the habitual flakey, and juvenile behavior of the U.S. American government of the people, by the people, and for the people,..........has definitely perished from the earth. "And I say to myself, what a wonderful world"coffee1.gif

  12. Congratulations on a good deed (by a Thai), for a welcomed change of selective social behavior.clap2.gif However, the Laws of Karma rewards best, those who (quietly) do good deeds for others, without "publicly" blowing their own trumpets, about it. wai.gif

  13. Why just think if America had only elected John "cant find my rear with both hands" McCain and his trusty sidekick "Scary Sarah "look at my pretty red shoes" Palin then every problem in the entire world would have been fixed long ago...

    But since that didn't happen America had yet another chance to vote in Mitt "show me the money" Romney and his moronic sidekick and we could be in a couple more nice wars, maybe even a really good one with China....

    But America elected Obama not once but two times.....and the sore losers have done nothing but whine and moan and blame and disrespect Obama from day one. No president has ever had to put up with such disrespect in my life.

    Anyone who thinks America is not better off now than the day W left office is in denial or delusional or has fox news playing 24/7.

    A bit off-topic, but well written, and certainly worth further consideration. Thank you.clap2.gif

  14. Is there anything that Obama doesn't get the blame for?

    Is there anything he has not done wrong?

    Hey, he's the one who chose to become a puppet for the Good Ole Boys, pulling the strings from the back-room round table. Anyone who would "want" to become president, anymore, must have some loose-screws bouncing around inside their head, to begin with coffee1.gif

  15. Giuliani is absolutely correct, re: the enormous amount of crimes committed by blacks, and that Obama (as a black man) is not addressing that domestic issue. The black voting block doesn't significantly impact the over-all political scheme of things anyway, except from a negative aspect.

    The problem in Ferguson is not due to black people, but due to the arrogant racist police force who just shoot (black) people at random. And get away with it too!

    As a president Obama is trying to do a lot for domestic problems, unlike for instance loony George W who never addressed ANY domestic issue. The only thing he could do was promoting hate and war

    Explain the reason why, despite the presence of black Tamil Indians, and other dark-skinned ethnic minorities, who also reside within and in the vicinity of Ferguson, that only the black "Americans" of Ferguson seem to have any major issues with the conduct of local police? The reasons are quite obvious, and apparent to any political figure, with the guts to stand-up, and call those majority black "Joker Cards", for the Aces they really are: Trump cards of social chaos, civil disobedience & destructive behavior.

    Giuliani is one of those political figuresclap2.gif.

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