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  1. They WERE injured if you read the story!!!:- "The vehicle involved was a BMW with Phuket registration, driven by Mr. Moritz Harald Hick, a 24-year-old German national. His passenger, Mr. Anton Augsten, also 24 and German, sustained injuries. Emergency services transported both to Chalong Hospital for treatment."
  2. "Thaksin Investigation Stalled by Legal Hurdles, Says NACC" Oh, what a surprise! Who would have thought otherwise? 🙂
  3. A 20,000 baht fool! If a stranger told me I was overweight, I would immediately walk away after saying something like "And you're ugly!" Besides, the guy doesn't look particularly overweight to me? "When his partner joined him, they realised the product did not deliver the promised benefits" Did they expect the weight to drop off "like water off a duck's back"? Unbelievably naive!
  4. Apparently he has indulged in this kind of behaviour before, if you read the post in its entirity:- "Locals from the area, familiar with the British national and his Thai wife, echoed sentiments of previous insults hurled by him in past interactions." and obviously hasn't changed his spots! He should try that kind of behaviour in the "Family Friendly" resort and see what the reaction of the locals is there!
  5. "Police from Phimai swiftly arrived at the scene, ensuring the incident didn't deteriorate into violence. However, the police have yet to confirm whether the Briton faced any legal repercussions following the altercation." And "Lieutenant Colonel Vorachai of the local police added: 'The officers at the scene calmed him down and helped to avoid any further conflict and no arrests were made." Sounds like he's a right plonker - he's played similar tricks before apparently, and is exactly the type that gives Brits a bad reputation. Give him a few days in the slammer with bread and water to sober him up and he might think twice next time!
  6. With questions like that, I have just remembered why I have you on"Ignore"
  7. I think you need to move!
  8. "US"? Treading on thin ice there, Malcolm!
  9. What? Never! The "family friendly" resort "dangerous"? You must be thinking of somewhere else!
  10. Where does it say "machetes"? I see only a reference to fists, foreign objects, sticks and rocks!
  11. See it's affected your spelling abilities!
  12. "Worryingly, he has been on this rampage since November 2014, yet the issue remains unresolved." WHAT! Nearly 10 years and he is still a problem? I am sure that the RTP can think of some reason for detaining him - if they want to!
  13. I'm a critic - I've been there and never want to go back - Happy? So why don't the police have a presence in these two streets that you mention? I've already made a suggestion as to why, but with you seeming to be a lover of the place, maybe you know better?
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