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  1. "Family Friendly" resort!!!
  2. Now THAT"S the face of a bulldog chewing a wasp!
  3. Giving you an emoticon for the "bulldog chewing a wasp" gag. Having said that, not all actors and actresses are "pin ups"!
  4. In the "Family Friendly" destination?
  5. The UK gutter press were not to blame a few years ago when Muslims (can I say that?) were blatantly holding religious prayers in Hyde Park, and when a lady approached one of the Police Officers "standing by" and asked him to tell them to stop doing it, as it was against the law, he first of all didn't believe her, and "shooed her away", but when she produced a copy of the local by-laws where it specifically stated that religious meetings/prayers were expressly forbidden ther and other Public Parks in London, he said (after consulting with his superiors at "base", that he couldn't stop them as "IT MIGHT CAUSE TROUBLE"!!!
  6. "................disrupts social harmony, violates public morals, and potentially damages Thailand's reputation." Perhaps they should also look at the transgenders/ladyboys that by their actions do exactly the same!
  7. In my case British too - but that is very quickly becoming meaningless due to the influx of "other peoples", and their reluctance to integrate!
  8. If you think a retirement "O" Visa is difficult to get - you try for a Visa based on marriage to a Thai national! My first year I had to get 147 photocopies of various documents - another kind of maximum break! Plus numerous trips backwards and forward from Immigration with pieces of (IMHO) "needless trivia" - and a visit to our house from the Immigration Police who arrived the day before we were told they would be coming!
  9. I thought bad language wasn't allowed on AseanNow? 😄
  10. I think you beat many people to it!
  11. Hopefully Koh Samui and Phuket will follow suit. These destinations are only in existence as they now stand due to the influx of much tourist money over the decades, and we can safely assume that most tourists are not Buddhists so why should they have to conform to Buddhist principles. Personally, I can live with the bars being closed on the Buddha days, but what is frustrating is not being able to purchase alcohol at any of the major supermarkets between 2pm and 5pm.
  12. Shows the I.Q. of the average American to vote a convicted felon in as POTUS! A dangerous man who will do the USA no good at all as a responsible leader.

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