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  1. U can get a re-entry permit anytime. So now is fine. I presume you have a visa...
  2. I will NOT travel without my pet bee!
  3. I checked their homepage and found nothing about it - more importantly - I need it in Bangkok with cold shipping, and doubt they (cold) ship it.
  4. I till recently had delivery from North Thailand of frozen/chilled 2L jugs of of raw goat milk and kefir (Facebook ad) but currently no supply, so am looking for an alternative to order same online from anywhere. Does anybody know where I can get raw goat (or cow) diary products? (I found a very old archived thread here about it, but it was all outdated). I am Bangkok based but am willing to pay for cold shipping from anywhere.
  5. I have yet to find a quality multiple locally here, and still order from Iherb and Vitacost (have great synergy series) even if sometimes gets caught in customs. Rather random as I keep purchase under $50 but SOMETIMES they add the shipping, and other times they do not - and most times it just sails straight through. PipingRock is good too, but their multiples are not up to the NOW Adam multi the OP requested.
  6. Ah, so fewer people take taxis and do shorter trips? Let's increase the price then!
  7. The irony is that we can even KEEP our own number and switch to another mobile provider, but then not to these promotions? Scuba; I might want to try that out. What is AIS Direct? A Google came up with some group business account.
  8. I am aware that AIS (and others sell 1 year pre-paid Simcards/plans. Example from Lazada below: https://www.lazada.co.th/products/ais-ais-the-one-sim-ais-marathon-ais-15mbps-1-100gb-1-a-lot-i1395498609-s3566684413.html?freeshipping=1&search=1&spm=a2o4m.searchlist.list.i40.3e313892vVpBeD This is much cheaper for most of us living here - but can it be added or changed from to a plan/number I already have? Why do I see the options NOWHERE on their homepage OR in MyAIS on my phone? Why does it need to be bought from re-sellers like Lazada and Shopee Etc.? 1400 Baht for a year is a bargain (Incl. some free calling Etc.) compared to the 400 Baht or so I pay per month currently. Anyone that can answer some of my questions?

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