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Posts posted by Firefan

  1. Pascal; I think your post belong in the classified or commercial ads forum.

    Also; why would anybody be interested in this considering the higher risk/same return as bank CDs or even money market or saving(offshore) accounts with reputable banks and institutions? Or a short bond fund.

    Actually the 10% you have been offered by banks here sounds a bit more realistic (Ok, make it 9%! :o ) in order to attract SOMEBODY..maybe....


    We are a registered company here in Thailand operating fully following the rules but the share amount owned by Thai nationals is very low, therefore it is very difficult to get approval for a credit or a leasing to expand investments on machinery...

    On the other side we are a European company but we operate here in Thailand so the banks are very reluctant there to help us invest here...

    We finally found leasings available but well over 10% what we find to high.

    We would be interested to meet possible investors for loans on 3 to 5 years at rates of 4 to 6 % annualy.

    The investment could be done as well in one European ( or Switzerland ) country  in Euros ( or Swiss Francs ) or here in Thailand in Thai Baht.

    The use of the funds will be disclosed to the possible investor, we may organise visits to our production facility, etc .

    Minimum amount  2'000'000.00 thb as we are not a bank but a manufacturing business.

    In order to keep it confidential, first step of connection would be by reply to this posting and website.

  2. Hurrah! Went to the Amphur again to pick up my book as agreed - the officer slapped his head when he saw me while mumbling something about "just a moment" (he obviously had forgotten to make the yellow tabien bahn book with my name in it). "Never mind" I said, and one hour later I walked out with 2 books. New Blue one with the address in it, and new yellow one with both address AND my name in it!

    Of to soi Thonglor for a beer to celebrate! Cheers!

  3. Susah is partly right. The new directive is already approved and will start sometime in 2006 (not certain abot the date).

    Both Switzerland and Luxembourg(by the way; LU IS part of EU) as well as Austria(who fought the hardest, and LU and Switzerland used that to hold back) and all those British isles have agreed BUT the client can decide whether it will be withheld anoumously, OR to have all interest reported to home country.

    It will go all the way to 30 or 35% withholding.


  4. Unlike the above "everything is guarenteed and insured" investment the Star Capital Protection fund looks legit but a few issues:

    Note that it will cost you money to pull money out the first 5 years - That is OK as long as one does not need to live of/take money out first 5 years

    Also; what is not mentioned is that the capital guarentee is not guarenteed unless you hold the fund until 2015. So inflation at say 3-4% eating away at your capital for 10 years actually means that you LOST 40% or so of your original buying power. One has to walk to stand still (metaphor) and run to get ahead.

    Also note that there is NO return guarentee - just the original (nominel) capital.

    Their fees are on TOP of the underlying hedge funds fees, so I sincerly doubt that their 10-12% return target can be reached - I have seen too many fund of funds take a beating on the "double-fees" but at least a 10% return is realistic (being the historical long term return of some of the oldest stock markets as well as the SP500).

    Personally I would chose a fund with a bit of history and an experienced manager - he will make the diversification for you (long/short/derivatives/commodities or whatever) - no need to pay a company to pick hedgefunds to do that for you.

    The main idea of hedgefunds is to do (resonably) well no matter what the general market does.

    Not saying that the above would not be good for some of ones money - but there are better products out there I would think - nope; you would have to pay me to figure out which! :D



    You may find this useful

    i've recently invested in a fund that offers 8-12% growth, but also it is a capital guarented fund so your original investment is safe should something go wrong

    the fund is called All Star Capital Protection Fund Number 1, with capital protection provided by a large austraillian bank called MacQuaries and its Administrations Are Kleinwort Benson, i found out about the fund from my financial advisor but the website is www.allstar-funds.com.




    humm, :o

    FireFan, what do you think ? :D

  5. Good question and one that I am currently contemplating.

    One one hand I like the thought of having a car, especially to get out of Bangkok/go to the beach Etc. but also to move around BKK.

    A car with own music is a little "safe"-haven in crazy BKK compared to pushing around skytrains/busses or fighting with Isaan drivers having never heard of the World Trade Center...

    I had a car when I lived here a few years back and truely enjoyed it - but my place location and work location required the car.

    Now I live close to a subway station and I do appreciate to be free from all the hassles of parking/getting serviced/remembering to pay various stickers/paying fines Etc. I.e. less worries.

    On the cost side the decision is ofcourse a no-brainer. A b400k car would cost about b25k per year in tax/insurance alone - and that is BEFORE gasoline, service, repairs/spare parts, fines, parking fees and the loss of value on the car. That fairly easily adds up to b120k/year in total - one can do a lot of taxi for b10k/month... one can actually rent a car(adding only gasoline)...

    Ah, but the FREEDOM of having own car.... AS you can see I am still not sure what I want...


  6. Teach I do not get all the stuff you mention about insurances and guarentees - is it 23% OR 13%/year guarenteed? And by WHO?

    Also; it sounds too good to be true, and that is when my spider-sense normally kicks in! :D

    But tell us more! Cheers!

    (Ps. I wish that the stock price went DOWN - not up, as I have not bought yet... Like W. Buffett I like my investments on SALE)

    Well Skipper after all this advice I guess your head must be spinning what with UTA's and ABC's and blah blah blah :o

    Firstly the question should be how old are you or more acurately - when would you like to retire???????

    If you would like substantial income from a secure investment try this:

    6 year term ( no dividends)

    Invest every year to establish an annual stream

    Physical asset with title (land based)

    Guaranteed minimum return 300% equating to 23%pa

    underwritten guarantee of 60% return on investment equating to 13%pa

    Secondary market available for early redemption

    Investment guaranteed by insurance

    Investment guaranteed by 100% buffer

    Money back guarantee

    No mind boggling terms

    No crash course in Investment terminology

    Tax free returns

    Thailand based asset

    and while your investment is growing, you're living your life - not spending 12 hours a day monitoring your stock.

    ...and the stock price of this company just went up 50% in the last two days.

    This is a no brainer, available to anyone who can see beyond stocks, shares and bonds (which have been in the RED for the last 5 years) as the only way to gain capital growth.

    So in laymans terms:

    You put US$5000 in this year, you get US$15000 in 2011

    US$5000 in 2006 - US$15000 in 2012

    and so on.



  7. WEll about 20% (bad) fat, some white flour, lots of salt and some MSG... sounds very healthly... :D


    eating Mama......

    I must admit, I don't have to do it, but I do it as a sort of financial punishment for being extravagant.  They are inexpensive and good. 

    Funny, i find myself doing the same, I tend to buy nice things for the house or clothes and then penny pinch on food! :o

  8. As mentioned I did the same tests on a weekday afternoon today; averaged 130kbps download and around 100kbps upload.

    Meanwhile this afternoon might not be representative due to the US labor day - so will try again later in the week.


  9. Those of you who use your Thai bank atm card and see fees when pulling cash (from other banks machines only?), do you see the actual fee on the slip/in your account?

    20B charged by Kasikorn. I use BKK Bank and have never seen a fee using the other banks machines. But I might not pull more than 3 times per month.


  10. Just to clarify - my results where simply based on the average of (multiple of) the mentioned online speed tests. If somebody else does it at least we have a base mark for comparison.

    On a side note my true connection completely crashed yesterday after I typed that I was ok with what I got for my money.... after some modem resets and input of passwords/log-in I got it back alive.


  11. Good comments guys. Most of my surfing involves overseas and mainly US based servers so I am guessing that the above speed tests give a decent idea. I did multipe tests on each (but will do more on week days - especially afternoons where most seem to see slow connections).

    When I test the in Thailand speed I get practically the full 256/128 I pay for.



  12. Blue Ice normal price is B 25-26 so then we would also have to include Tiger, Asahi, Singha and several others - so we stayed with the Cheapies (at standard price) - we can not always expect a discount price unfortunately.

    I agree on the can issue - but they ARE so much more handy! We DID poor the beer into glasses prior the test though.


  13. Had a few friends over and we tried to do an unpartial beer tasting of the cheapie beers (at or below B 20/can in Tesco/lotus) we could find:

    Archa, Red Horse, Thai Beer, Chang, Leo

    1. Chang and Red Horse. (so we need to do another test between the 2! :o )

    2. Leo

    3. Beer Thai (dislike of after taste from some. Seems a bit flat)

    4. Archa (almost all had a dislike of the after taste ("can-like") and seems bit flat)

    On a side note you can currently in Spot supermarkets get buy 3 get 4 Blue Ice lowering the price per can to B 19. Not a bad deal.


  14. I finally got down to testing the speed of my:

    TRUE ADSL w. wireless modem 256/128 kbps B 590/mth+vat.

    It is connected to own direct tel line (no switchboard or similar).

    I used: http://www.wugnet.com/myspeed/speedtest.asp http://www.dslreports.com/ and http://www.bandwidthplace.com/speedtest

    I generally (Sunday afternoon) averaged 125 kbps on download and 110 kbps on upload (sometimes the upload results are all over the place w. Wugnet saying I have 320 kbps - but as for most it is the download speed being the most important to me).

    So I seem to be getting half the 256 download speed and practically all the upload. That is from I have been reading here quite good?

    I will be doing some more tests during week days but from memory they are very close to the above results also.


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