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Posts posted by Firefan

  1. It will be hard to reture on USD(I am guessing) 90k anywhere in the world. Jackp is willing to pursue work, but that can be hard to find here as we all know.

    Jack; take a longer holiday than usual and check the job oppurtunities as well as cost of living for your wanted lifestyle. With that info your future planning will be much easier. Cheers!

  2. I tend to agree but if we are talking the CHEAPIE level of those I presume that: Chang, Archa, Leo, Beer Thai (any beer Laos?) are then the list we have composed? Any others we can think of? Cheers!

    Wow! there's just so many to choose from in this land of goods and services variety. Why in the grocery store just the other day I saw over 75 brands of cheap beer.

  3. Auch! :o They are pricing themselves against the Singha and Tiger level then I guess. That reduces the list unless others have something to add. Cheers!

    Firefly, I caught sight of the cost of Blue Ice in Tops, 25.50 baht. So it's not really in the cheapies range.

    Somehow, I don't think I could ever bring myself to drinking a beer that sounds like it should come with a little umbrella and a cherry on a toothpick. :D

  4. Is Archa produced by same guys doing Chang? Is it supposed to be a lighter beer with less alcohol?

    The line up (in no particular order) looks like: Leo, Archa, Chang, Blue Ice, Beer Thai (Any other in the B 20/can level?).

    Singha is not popular here (and I agree, that wierd aftertaste...) but also at B 25/can not in the cheapie range anyway.

    Needless to say that super-cheapies will buy in bottles as much better value overall. Cheers!

  5. Yes it is scary how much we identify ourselves and others with what they DO rather than who the ARE.

    Anyway it leads to the question of how much is "enough" for each of us. One needs to know that before one can decide when one can step of the Dilbert-threadmill.

    For most. living in Thailand means a lower cost of living, but still again I am guessing that most would want some of the Western luxuries such as aircon, special foods and drinks, maybe apartment with pool, gym membership Etc.

    So how much is enough to early retire in Thailand for you? $200k?, $500k?, $1M? and/or how much income would you need for the lifestyle you want here?


  6. Nothing wrong in questioning official prices. Also nothing wrong in giving us the link to that other page so we can do some checks ourselves.

    I am guessing that the deals will vary depending on many factors, so sometimes one booking page will be the cheapest, but other times not.Cheers!

  7. So it is either going UP or DOWN.... or maybe it will just linger around for a while..? :o I find this technical stuff entertaining, but hard to use in real life. Cheers!


    The day ends headed down and I was hoping as I watched it we would see some support lines broken but none were visible on the charts I looked at. The wave can count either as an ABC or a 123 with the day not seeing C or 3 complete, this will send us down on the open to test our trendline supports on Monday, if we bounce them it will lead to new highs at the same time if they fail we very well could be headed down for the next week or two at a minimum.

      The levels we have reached and the wave counts here have both bull and bear and we are at a crossroads. We are either moving in a 3rd wave of 5 up after a double zig zag in the colossal degree or we are finishing a 32C and getting ready for a grand decline.  It's super bull or super bear, the bear case is supported by charts that need a serious decline from here, the bull case is supported by the proximity of and or the setting of new highs on the indexes.

  8. Interesting - some positive input on Red Horse and also Blue Ice which I tried in Patpong and found rather refreshing - but did no comparisons.

    Gazza; thanks for the Carrefour price comparison (no Blue Ice or do you just not remember) - so is Carrefour is the cheapest place to buy our cheapie beer?


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