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Posts posted by iReason

  1. Trump's Two Nights of Parties in Moscow Echo Years Later

    "Along with after-midnight partying, Trump’s visit provided him a chance to meet Russia’s financial elite."


    "In one instance, he dined at the Nobu Moscow Japanese restaurant with more than a dozen Russian executives and business tycoons, including top executives of state-controlled Sberbank PJSC, Russia’s biggest bank, which sponsored the pageant."


    "The Nobu meal was organized by Sberbank Chief Executive Officer Herman Gref, a longtime ally of President Vladimir Putin, and Aras Agalarov, the father of the pop singer; Agalarov is the founder of Crocus Group, one of Russia’s largest real-estate companies, which was hosting the Miss Universe contest at one of its concert halls."



    Everywhere you look, Russians, Russians, Russians...

  2. The Characters Who Tried to Make ‘Trump Tower Moscow’ a Reality

    "It was a dream years in the making—and helped along the way by two New York real estate tycoons,

    one of whom is considered the right-hand man of an oligarch linked to an infamous money laundering investigation."


    "Naturally, this man is also considered a friend of Vladimir Putin."


    "The two tycoons—Alex Sapir and Rotem Rosen—accompanied Donald Trump on his 2013 trip to Russia, where they reportedly tried to pull strings behind the scenes with to make Trump Tower Moscow a reality."



  3. A comprehensive timeline of Russian interference in the election of 2016 including, the varying statements of DTJr.

    September 2015-August 3, 2017


    2016 Presidential Campaign Hacking Fast Facts

    "Here's a look at hacking incidents during the 2016 presidential campaign and allegations by the United States

    that the Russian government meddled in the election."


  4. 21 minutes ago, MajarTheLion said:

    You poor thing.... reduced to modifying a quote and removing relevant content to make a dishonest point.

    Your concession is noted, as is your dishonesty. Checkmate.


    Nope. Nice try.

    Dunning–Kruger effect kicking in?


    Your entire quote is in the very same post directly above it:

    (But you knew that. :biggrin:) 


    Your statement;

    18 hours ago,  MajarTheLion said:

    However, leftist savages who have recently and repeatedly engaged in a campaign of terror,

    attempts to silence free speech, violence and murder are clearly morally inferior to the silly Nazi wannabes.


    Carry on, deflect away...






  5. 13 minutes ago, MajarTheLion said:

    Why would any rational person invest so much effort (as you clearly are) into something we have no control over nor know when will come to an end?


    And yet, here you are.



    Oh, now you've scampered off.

    I was hoping you wouldn't stay true to form and dodge your other hyperbolic erroneous claims you had made before you left:


    Your statement:

    "the current AG says there's not a "whiff of interference of Russian interference"

    Erroneous on two counts.

    (You just made that up, correct?)


    Your statement;

    18 hours ago MajarTheLion said:

    However, leftist savages who have recently and repeatedly engaged in a campaign of terror,

    attempts to silence free speech, violence and murder are clearly morally inferior to the silly Nazi wannabes.


    "leftist savages who have recently and repeatedly engaged in ... murder"




    S. J. RES. 

    "Condemning the violence and domestic terrorist attack that took place during events between August 11 and August 12, 2017, in Charlottesville, Virginia, recognizing the first responders who lost their lives while monitoring the events, offering deepest condolences to the families and friends of those individuals who were killed and deepest sympathies and support to those individuals who were injured in the attack, expressing support for the Charlottesville community, rejecting White nationalists, White supremacists, the Ku Klux Klan, neo-Nazis, and other hate groups, and urging the President and the President’s Cabinet to use all available resources to address the threats posed by those groups."


    "Whereas, on the night of Friday, August 11, 2017, a day before a White nationalist demonstration was scheduled to occur in Charlottesville, Virginia, hundreds of torch-bearing White nationalists, White supremacists, Klansmen, and neo-Nazis chanted racist, anti-Semitic, and anti-immigrant slogans and violently engaged with counter-demonstrators on and around the grounds of the University of Virginia in Charlottesville; "


    "Whereas the extremist demonstration turned violent, culminating in the death of peaceful counter-demonstrator Heather Heyer and injuries to 19 other individuals after a neo-Nazi sympathizer allegedly drove a vehicle into a crowd, an act that resulted in a charge of second degree murder, 3 counts of malicious wounding, and 1 count of hit and run; "




    Certified Domestic Terrorist and Extremist Hate Groups.

  6. 46 minutes ago, MajarTheLion said:

    I just showed you a list of banks he has and has had loans with. You pretend otherwise

    Oh and wow. I have several accounts at Bank of America. They've been fined by the US government several times.

    I must be crooked.


    Given the fact you are true to form, and haven't read the links you responded to, once again:

    (Perhaps read a bit slower this time)


    "Mr. Trump had passive investments in limited liability companies that had borrowed significant amounts of money."


    "In a typically complex deal, loan documents show that four lenders — German American Capital, a subsidiary of Deutsche Bank; UBS Real Estate Securities; Goldman Sachs Mortgage Company; and Bank of China — agreed in November 2012 to lend $950 million to the three companies that own the building.


    "Those companies, obscurely named HWA 1290 III LLC, HWA 1290 IV LLC and HWA 1290 V LLC, 

    are owned by three other companies in which Mr. Trump has stakes."




    "Mr. Trump had passive investments in limited liability companies that had borrowed significant amounts of money."


    P.S. I could not care less about your frequent, irrelevent, deflective personal anecdotes...




  7. 1 hour ago, MajarTheLion said:

    So now you want to complain about paid speeches in Russia? Seriously, you want to go there?


    Don't be silly. No time for deflection

    There is a myriad of charges Flynn may face.


    "Flynn Intel Group also was paid $530,000 in 2016 for work the Justice Department has said benefited the government of Turkey"


    "The elder Flynn did not register as a foreign lobbyist at the time."


    "The elder Flynn was fired as Trump's national security adviser in February after it became public that he had misled Vice President Mike Pence about his conversations with the Russian ambassador to the U.S."



    "US congressional investigators are examining whether Michael Flynn, Donald Trump’s former national security adviser, secretly promoted a plan by private business interests to build US-Russian nuclear power plants in the Middle East while he was serving in the White House."


    "Among startling new details unearthed by investigators working for a congressional committee is that the nuclear power plan Flynn was allegedly secretly promoting, during the campaign and once he joined the White House, involved a Russian state-owned company currently under US sanctions."



    And concealing illegally working for foreign powers have put him right in the crosshairs of the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency, and the Treasury Department, (which also has a financial-crimes division) who are investigating him.


    You would of course know this, if you actually paid attention to the information already presented on this thread.

    But alas...


    Sheesh, this is as easy as shooting fish in a barrel...




  8. 34 minutes ago, MajarTheLion said:

    If you want to quibble about whether they are banks or other lenders, fine with me.

    Simply addressing another of your pretentious inaccurate claims that you state as if it were fact:

    "Trump has many bank loans with many banks"


    37 minutes ago, MajarTheLion said:

    Oh and Deutsche has strong ties to Russia? So what?

    Under DOJ investigations. And partnered with a U.S. sanctioned bank.


  9. On September 13, 2017 at 3:24 PM, amvet said:

    Derelicts, homeless people and subsistence farmers don't use smart phones.

    Perhaps they have more pressing matters to address than taking photos of themselves, their cats or what they are eating.


    On September 13, 2017 at 3:24 PM, amvet said:

    One has to be more intelligent to purchase the right smartphone and download the most appropriate applications to make it function at peak efficiency over a typical land line.

    Who uses a mobile with a landline?


    On September 13, 2017 at 3:24 PM, amvet said:

    Many women in Thailand it has been my experience will not give a second look to a fellow who does not posses an up to date smart phone.  (paid companions excepted)


    If superficial women such as you describe are what one desires, I suppose that's what they'll have to deal with...


  10. 11 minutes ago, CaptHaddock said:

    Mike Flynn, Jr. is now a target of the Russia investigation.  Seems he broke many laws working for his father.  The interesting part is that it looks like Mueller thinks Flynn might fall on his sword for Trump, but would flip to save his son from the slammer.

    Flynn, Sr. is going to prison.  If he does flip, then so is Trump, because Flynn appears to have all the real dirt on DT.




    Indeed. A whole nest of loose cannons:


    Mike Flynn’s Son Is Subject of Federal Russia Probe

    "Michael G. Flynn accompanied his father, for instance, on a trip to Moscow in December 2015 for the elder Flynn to deliver a paid speech at a 10th anniversary celebration for the state-sponsored Russian television network RT."


    "The elder Flynn, a retired Army lieutenant general and a former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, was seated at the same table as Russian President Vladimir Putin during the dinner."


    "Records released by the House Oversight Committee show he was paid nearly $34,000 for his speech; RT also paid for Flynn and his son's airfare to Moscow and lodging at a luxury hotel from Dec. 9 to Dec. 12."


  11. On September 11, 2017 at 10:45 AM, MajarTheLion said:

    What more is there to say about his tax returns? You're not going to see them, no petition does anything to change any outcome and most importantly of all- many if not most Americans are educated enough to understand them anyway.


    "most importantly of all- many if not most Americans are educated enough to understand them anyway."


    What a ludicrous, pointless assertion.


    Whoever said "most Americans" would be looking at them?


    No worries. Special Counsel Mueller has access to them and will get to the bottom of it. :thumbsup:


    Stand by, the wheels of Justice are turning.

  12. Manafort Notes From Russian Meet Refer to Political Contributions

    "WASHINGTON — Paul Manafort's notes from a controversial Trump Tower meeting with Russians during the 2016 presidential campaign included a mention of political contributions near a reference to the Republican National Committee, two sources briefed on the evidence told NBC News."


    "The contents of the note, which have not been previously disclosed, elevated the significance of the June 2016 meeting for congressional investigators, who are focused on determining whether it included any discussion of donations from Russian sources to either the Trump campaign or the Republican Party."


    "It is illegal for foreigners to donate to American elections."


  13. Rinat Akhmetshin, ex-Soviet military officer who served in Russian counterintelligence, 

    get's a sit-down with the Grand Jury:


    Russian lobbyist who met with Trump Jr. testifies before Mueller’s grand jury

    "A federal grand jury has heard secret testimony from a Russian-American lobbyist who sat in on a June 2016 meeting at Trump Tower with Donald Trump Jr., a new report said Thursday."


    "The lobbyist, Rinat Akhmetshin, appeared before special counsel Robert Mueller’s grand jury in recent weeks, according to the Associated Press, citing a source close to the case."


    "The revelation suggests that Mueller and his team of investigators view the meeting, which came weeks after Donald Trump won the GOP nomination, as potentially important to their probe into Russian interference in the 2016 election and possible collusion with the Trump campaign."




    That would be the clandestine meeting that DJ Jr. who initially said, was attended by three people.

    Later to be revealed, six people. Then ballooning to eight. :whistling: 



  14. Democrats flip seats in pro-Trump districts with swings of up to 31 points

    "In Oklahoma, Democrat Jacob Rosencrants defeated Republican Darin Chambers to claim an open seat in the state’s House of Representatives.


    "Democrats bolstered their numbers in the New Hampshire House of Representatives as Democrat Charlie St Clair defeated Steven Whalley to secure a vacant seat formerly occupied by a Republican."


    "According to data compiled by Daily Kos, Mr Rosencrants’ 20-point victory represented a 31-point swing over the margin compiled by Mr Trump, who carried the district by 11 points. In New Hampshire, Mr St. Claire won by 12 points a district where voters chose Mr Trump by a 17-point margin, a gap of 29 points."



    Massive margins. :thumbsup:

  15. Three sources confirm Donald Trump’s Pee Pee Tape

    "Paul Wood recently wrote in a major British publication, The Spectator, that he also heard about the blackmail material from “two sources months before the Steele dossier came to light” (link), this means we’re looking at three sources confirming the Pee Pee Tape."


    "Steele is not yet known to have testified for U.S. investigators looking into the Trump-Russia scandal."


    "But it has been confirmed that he recently turned over all of his sources to investigators."




  16. 7 hours ago, SABloke said:

    "Trump's ban was against a religion"

    Was it? I must have missed the part where he banned travel from Indonesia, India, Pakistan and Bangladesh - you know the countries with by far the greatest Muslim populations in the world and totaling 750 million in all. To put it in perspective, Bangladesh has twice the Muslim population of Iran. 


    So I ask again, where was this ban on a religion that you speak of?







  17. 11 hours ago, MajarTheLion said:

    Trump has many bank loans with many banks.


    Can you come up with some actual FACTS to support your accusations?????

    From your link:

    One bank loan.

    Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas

    (Which is a target of DOJ investigations)

    Ladder Capital, also listed, is not a bank.


    Deutsche Bank 'expects to face Trump-Russia probe'

    "Deutsche Bank stepped in when few on Wall Street wanted to work with Trump in the 1980s and 1990s, 

    and it is that relationship that has now come under scrutiny."


    "DB also has strong ties to Russia."


    "It signed a "cooperation agreement" with Vnesheconombank,

    a Russian state-owned bank and a target of US economic sanctions, the New York Times reported."


    Deutsche Bank expects subpoenas over Trump-Russia investigation




    Meet the Obscure Company That Just Lent Trump Even More Money

    "According to Crain’s New York Business, Ladder has extended Trump $275 million in loans in recent years,

    providing much-needed capital at a time when most major banks deemed Trump too risky to do business with."


    "Ladder was founded almost a decade ago by Brian Harris,

    a former UBS executive for commercial real estate (which may help explain the refinancing connection)."


    "The entity that refinanced the UBS loan was Ladder Capital Finance, a small, somewhat obscure outfit that isn’t a bank at all, but rather what’s known as a real estate investment trust or REIT."



    Trump’s Empire: A Maze of Debts and Opaque Ties

    "Mr. Trump had passive investments in limited liability companies that had borrowed significant amounts of money."


    "One of these investments involves an office tower at 1290 Avenue of Americas, near Rockefeller Center. In a typically complex deal, loan documents show that four lenders — German American Capital, a subsidiary of Deutsche Bank; UBS Real Estate Securities; Goldman Sachs Mortgage Company; and Bank of China — agreed in November 2012 to lend $950 million to the three companies that own the building."


    "Those companies, obscurely named HWA 1290 III LLC, HWA 1290 IV LLC and HWA 1290 V LLC,

    are owned by three other companies in which Mr. Trump has stakes."




    "Mr. Trump had passive investments in limited liability companies that had borrowed significant amounts of money."


    Ya got anything else to substantiate your fallacious claim of: "Trump has many bank loans with many banks"?


    Just making stuff up. Again.




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