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Posts posted by iReason

  1. 13 minutes ago, CaptHaddock said:

    This is very significant news.  It shows how the lawyers realize the deep trouble Trump and his minions are in, to the point that they called for Kushner to be thrown out of the WH.  Regardless of Trump's public posture, he is in serious trouble.  I think Kushner should begin putting his affairs in order preparatory to a long hiatus from public life.


    Hopefully, along with several others, he'll end up in Public Housing. :thumbsup:

  2. Ditching Donald Trump: Wave of Republican retirements points to big GOP trouble in 2018


    "While a president’s party typically faces strong headwinds in the first midterm after winning the White House, it clearly spells bad news for Republicans when popular incumbents retire because Donald Trump has become toxic after only nine months in office."


    "Already this year, 14 House Republicans have announced plans to bow out of the 2018 midterms, and a total of 17 have decided on a different path in the Trump era. Former Utah Rep. Jason Chaffetz left without delay earlier this year, resigning his seat for a spot on Fox News."


    "Republican strategists are particularly bracing for more retirements in tough swing districts — since such a flood could help Democrats retake the House in 2018 — but the brewing Republican civil war could just as easily prove disastrous for the GOP."


  3. Trump promised to hire the best people. He keeps hiring the worst. NASA is next


    "According to 2016 election exit polls, only 38% of voters considered Donald Trump qualified to be president, 17% of those who thought him unqualified voted for Trump anyway perhaps because he promised that as a wealthy businessman, he would be able to hire the best people to advise him."


    "Who worse to lead the EPA than a man whose primary qualification is having sued the agency 14 times on behalf of polluting industries?"


    "Who worse to lead the Department of Energy than a man who wanted to eliminate the department (until he forgot - oops)?"




    The how does he explain all these firings?

  4. WSJ: Some Trump Lawyers Wanted Kushner Out


    "Some of President Donald Trump’s lawyers earlier this summer concluded that Jared Kushner should step down as senior White House adviser because of possible legal complications related to a probe of Russia’s involvement in the 2016 presidential election and aired concerns about him to the president, people familiar with the matter said."


    "Among their concerns was that Mr. Kushner was the adviser closest to the president who had the most dealings with Russian officials and businesspeople during the campaign and transition, some of which are currently being examined by federal investigators and congressional oversight panels."


    "After some members of the legal team aired their concerns to Mr. Trump in June, including in at least one meeting in the White House, press aides to the legal team began to prepare for the possibility that Mr. Kushner would step down, drafting a statement explaining his departure"



    Kushner had four undisclosed meetings.

    Legal advisors saw the writing on the wall.



  5. ‘He treated them like crap’: Former employee warns Trump not to expect loyalty from Spicer and Priebus


    "Barbara Res worked as a construction executive for the Trump Organization and worked directly under Trump."


    “Why should they be loyal to him?” she wondered: “He treated them like crap.”


    “The lesson to be always learned is loyalty is one thing, but are you prepared to go to jail for it?”



  6. 10 hours ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

    I don't know anything about this guy because he is insignificant.

    A vast majority of Americans are pro integration and want no government interference on social, sexual , or any other prejudice.  To say otherwise is obsurd.


    "I don't know anything about this guy because he is insignificant." :blink:


    A classic representation of a contradiction in terms.


    "A vast majority of Americans are pro integration and want no government interference on social, sexual, or any other prejudice. To say otherwise is obsurd."


    An interesting statement given this recent one of yours :

    (I presume you are not of the majority)


    funandsuninbangkok Posted 15 hours ago Well if you google Hilary and lesbian there are many accusations of abnormal sexual behavior.


  7. Interesting how the followers of the occupier of the White House continually and myopically dwell on impeachment.

    Consistently. As if it is the only factor for his removal.

    Even though, this very thread is entitled: Do you think Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?


    When in fact, chances are greater that he will be forced to resign in disgrace.

    Given the focus of the investigations, it becomes clear.

    Those who are informed rather than those emotionally involved,

    would see that there are many disturbing charges that the occupier of the White House and his brethren are facing.


    Fraud, money-laundering, tax evasion and racketeering being primary.


    And there will be no option of pardons in state cases.


    And given the fact, that the majority of Americans and even his diminishing minority of supporters,

    are sick of his “performance” and continual lies:

    A big beautiful Wall and Mexico will pay for it.

    Immediately repeal and replace the ACA

    Will not take vacations. (Repeated incessantly)

    Ditching NATO.

    He would approve water boarding immediately and "make it also much worse"

    Prosecute Hillary Clinton

    Among many more...


    Along with his outrageous false claims:

    3 million illegal voters

    President Obama wire-tapped him and is not an American citizen.

    (And he lied claiming GCHQ had supplied the wire-tapping info)

    We are the highest taxed nation in the world

    Global warming is a hoax created by China

    And hundreds and hundreds and hundreds more of flat out lies:


    His most recent one:

    "Our incredible U.S. Coast Guard saved more than 15,000 lives last week with Harvey"

    The Coast Guard rescued 11,022 people endangered by Harvey, spokesman Brandon Giles told the Star.


    This blatant deflective attitude of: “It’s the “Democrats, the Liberals”, is simply hollow and baseless.

    It is merely, parroted group-speak. "Bullet points.”

    And has nothing to do with the reality and seriousness of the investigations.



  8. 20 minutes ago, RobFord said:

    And lest we forget.

    Damn those liberals anyway.



    Along with James Comey, who had been a lifelong Republican and Republican campaign donor,

    including past donations to GOP presidential candidates.


    The rest is just subterfuge and divisive adolescent labeling from desparate, small minded people.

    It is meaningless and pointless.


  9. 4 hours ago, MajarTheLion said:

    I have merely stated that it doesn't sound like Trump has obstructed justice and don't believe such a charge will be recommended by Comey.

    "don't believe such a charge will be recommended by Comey"

    First readily substantiated statement I have seen you make.


    "I have merely stated that it doesn't sound like Trump has obstructed justice" :blink:

    6 hours ago,  MajarTheLion said: 

    There will be no obstruction of justice charge.

    (See post #2531above)


    What a difference merely 6 hours can make...




  10. 3 hours ago, MajarTheLion said:

     Now what question is it you would like me to answer? Assuming it's on topic, I'll gladly address it.


    Here's just some of your many statements that you have refused to answer when challenged:
    How about some substantiation for these?
    On September 11, 2017 at 10:45 AM,  MajarTheLion said: 
    There will be no obstruction of justice charge because there none.


    6 hours ago,  MajarTheLion said: 

    There will be no obstruction of justice charge.



    And how about some substantiation for this outlandish one?
    On September 9, 2017 at 10:15 PM,  MajarTheLion said:
    If you'd like to compare the one event in Charlottesville with
    the plethora of violence and murder we've seen from terrorist organizations like Antifa and Black Lives Matter,
    I'll be happy to accommodate you.
    "the plethora of violence and murder we've seen from terrorist organizations like Antifa and Black Lives Matter"
    Murder in particular.

    Still waiting.
    So far, you have not been very accommodating...
  11. 5 hours ago, MajarTheLion said:

    So why couldn't Hillary beat a babbling fool? Oh I forgot: *Macedonian content farmers* and a conspiracy with Russia. 

    Donald Trump suggests the DNC was hacked by 'someone sitting on their bed that weighs 400 lbs'

    "I don't know if we know it was Russia who broke into the DNC," Trump said at the debate."


    "Clinton is saying Russia, Russia, Russia."


    "Maybe it was, it could also be China, it could be someone sitting on their bed that weighs 400 pounds."



    Now that is a babbling fool.


  12. 4 hours ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

    Alt Right? I mean Alt to what?  

    Also I did a check and Spenser( English name , no?) claims to be a white NATIONALIST not Supremacist.


    What is sad, is that you know nothing about the leader of the White Supremacist, ehtno-State advocating "alt-right",

    neo-nazi movement in your own back yard.


     "In response to his cry "Hail Trump, hail our people, hail victory!", a number of his supporters gave the Nazi salute and chanted in a similar fashion to the Sieg heil chant used at the Nazis' Nuremberg rallies." 


    "We need an ethno-state so that our people can 'come home again,' can live amongst family and feel safe and secure"






    Richard Spencer, self-proclaimed inventer of the term "alt-right" to make his movement sound more "palatable",

    is using "Nationalist" to cloak his perpetuation of bigotry in the same manner.


    "Is the American nation just purely defined by the Constitution and some legalisms? No."


  13. 3 hours ago, MajarTheLion said:

    The current AG says there's not a "whiff of interference of Russian interference.



    Ahh, no, not quite.

    Firstly, that would be Christopher A. Wray, the Russian associated lawyer, who was representing Chris Christie at the time, when the occupier of the White House appointed him to the F.B.I.


    And allow me to expand your obvious limited knowledge on the subject:

    Wray: No ‘whiff of interference’ with Trump-Russia probe

    “I can say very confidently that I have not detected any whiff of interference with that investigation,” Wray said during an intelligence-focused conference in Washington."


    “I have enormous respect for former Director Mueller, who I got to work with almost daily in the early 2000s, as a consummate professional,” Wray added."


    “Now, I’ve had the opportunity to see a lot more fully, highly classified information….I have no reason to doubt the conclusions that the hardworking people who put that together came to,” the FBI director said, referring to an intelligence community assessment produced in both classified and unclassified versions in January."




    Further glaring evidence, that you have no idea what you are talking about.



    P.S. And you would know all of this, if you had been following this thread.

    Rather than diving in willy nilly with your erroneous claims...



  14. 2 hours ago, MajarTheLion said:

    Ah yes, the old the Democrat told him but the Republican did nothing meme!

    You people tried this when you blamed Bush for 911. Didn't work then, won't work this time.


    What are you babbling about?


    Do I have to hold your hand?


    "January 5-6, 2017 - Intelligence officials meet separately with Obama and Trump to present the results of their probe into cyber espionage during the presidential campaign. After the president and the president-elect are briefed, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence releases a declassified version of the report."



    And your boy, did nothing.

    Well, actually, he attacked his own intelligence community. Repeatedly.


    It's quite clear, you are simply, uninformed. Or, with your head willfully, in the sand.


  15. 17 minutes ago, ELVIS123456 said:

    All straws and no substance.  Innuendo and accusations - and no evidence.


    Just making stuff up.



    For starters,

    Evidence is required to covene a Grand Jury.


    Currently, there are two of them.


    Along with all of the other agencies investigating, are they part of your "witch hunt" conspiracy too?



    Oooouu, perhaps it's the doings of the "Deep State"... :w00t: 

  16. 16 minutes ago, ELVIS123456 said:

    They are lost without logic or reason in the land of the living dead Hillary supporters, who refuse to accept Trump won, and they want him impeached for doing just that, while refusing to accept that he did that.  

    They are stuck in an endless 'time loop' without any hope of a break, unless Trump is impeached,

    and they are therefore desperately clutching at any and all straws that they think will justify impeachment.


    Yup. It's all one big conspiracy amongst these folks: :bah:


    Investigating the White House and it's associates are:

    The F.B.I.

    The House and Senate Intelligence Committees

    The Senate Judiciary and House Oversight and Government Reform Committees

    The Department of Justice with Special Counsel Mueller

    New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman along with the I.R.S. financial crimes unit.


    In the case of Michael Flynn, the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency, and the Treasury Department, which also has a financial-crimes division are investigating him.

    Grand Juries in Virginia and D.C. have been convened.

    Federal prosecutors in eastern Virginia have already issued subpoenas to Flynn associates.

    Another FBI target is Carter Page, one-time Trump campaign adviser on foreign-policy issues.


    And the fact that the occupier of the White House' son admitted that he, along with Senior Advisor Jared Kushner and said occupier's campaign manager, Paul Manafort, held a clandestine meeting with agents from a foreign adversary, Russia, has raised a lot of concerns. :whistling:


    Yup. Just one big conspiracy.


    Denial exemplified.



  17. 6 hours ago, dunroaming said:

    Does anyone listen or care what Bannon says?


    The occupier of the White House listened to Bannon, his Senior Advisor for a year and a half. :biggrin:


    Bannon also said this in the same interview:  "Bannon confirmed he opposed President Donald Trump's decision to oust Comey, calling the FBI 'an institution."


    "I don't believe that the institutional logic of the FBI, and particularly in regards to an investigation, could possibly be changed by changing the head of it,' Bannon said."


  18. 46 minutes ago, MajarTheLion said:

    The president can fire the AG any time he wants- Russia thing or not.

    Now, your last statement. Was that an accusation or an admission? I honestly can't tell.


    And would you like to bet a donation to thaivisa.com that Trump will not be indicted for obstruction of justice?

    Even better, can you provide anything beyond wishful leftist thinking that Trump is guilty of it?


    Thanks, I think I'll go with the opinion of the best-known Harvard Law professor over what some desperate losers, still grieving over Hillary losing, think.



    "The president can fire the AG any time he wants- Russia thing or not."

    True. And he said why.

    Over a "made up story" by the Democrats. :biggrin:

    So, if it is just "a made-up story", what's the worry? Why fire anyone?


    Hey, while I've got you here, perhaps you haven't seen my response to your post, so I'll see if you are ready and rested now, and in the accomodating mood you offered before to substantiate your claim of:

    "the plethora of violence and murder we've seen from terrorist organizations like Antifa and Black Lives Matter"


    Your offer:

    "If you'd like to compare the one event in Charlottesville with the plethora of violence and murder we've seen from terrorist organizations like Antifa and Black Lives Matter, I'll be happy to accommodate you."




    "Even better, can you provide anything beyond wishful leftist thinking that Trump is guilty of it?"


    Investigating the White House and it's associates are:

    The F.B.I.

    The House and Senate Intelligence Committees

    The Senate Judiciary and House Oversight and Government Reform Committees

    The Department of Justice with Special Counsel Mueller

    New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman along with the I.R.S. financial crimes unit.


    In the case of Michael Flynn, the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency, and the Treasury Department,

    which also has a financial-crimes division are investigating him.

    Grand Juries in Virginia and D.C. have been convened.

    Federal prosecutors in eastern Virginia have already issued subpoenas to Flynn associates.

    Another FBI target is Carter Page, one-time Trump campaign adviser on foreign-policy issues.


    And the fact that the occupier of the White House' son admitted that he, along with Senior Advisor Jared Kushner and said occupier's campaign manager, Paul Manafort, held a clandestine meeting with agents from a foreign adversary, Russia.

    This has raised a lot of interest. To put it mildly...


    I'll go with these professionals as opposed to your one, paid, talking head. :thumbsup:

    Do you think all these professionals are doing their job because of some silly "sour grapes" nonsense?

    It's a mass conspiracy?


    P.S. Grand juries are not convened without evidence.

    Stand by: The wheels of Justice are turning.



  19. 12 hours ago, RobFord said:

    Nah, trump fired Comey because of that Russian thing. Others obviously agreed, but his bad decision. Own it.


    "Update, May 12: After we posted our story, NBC News posted the full interview with Trump. The president said that he thought about “this Russia thing with Trump and Russia” when he decided to fire Comey.

    “[Rosenstein] made a recommendation, but regardless of recommendation I was going to fire Comey, knowing there was no good time to do it,” Trump said. “And, in fact, when I decided to just do it, I said to myself, I said, ‘You know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made-up story. It’s an excuse by the Democrats for having lost an election that they should have won.’”



    "regardless of recommendation I was going to fire Comey"  “And, in fact, when I decided to just do it, I said to myself, I said, ‘You know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made-up story."


    If it is just "a made-up story", what's the worry? Why fire anyone? :biggrin:  Unless he wanted to obstruct justice...


    A babbling fool.

  20. 'This is great!': Trump called Chuck Schumer to tell him about the great TV coverage their bipartisan deal got


    "I got a call early this morning” from Trump, Schumer told The New York Times on the podcast, “The New Washington” on Thursday."


    "He said, ‘This was so great!’ Here’s what he said: ‘Do you watch Fox News?’


    "I said, ‘Not really.’ ‘They’re praising you!’, meaning me, but he said, ‘And your stations’ —  I guess meaning MSNBC and CNN — ‘are praising me! This is great!'”




  21. Twitter Reacts After Trump’s Social Media Director Shares Hoax Hurricane Irma Video


    "The White House Director of Social Media Dan Scavino Jr. tweeted a video to President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence claiming that it showed the aftermath of Hurricane Irma on Miami International Airport."


    "As it turns out, the video was actually recorded days before Hurricane Irma even made landfall in Florida and hence,

    could not have been of Miami airport."



    Mexico City:

    (The flag of Mexico is clearly visible in the video)


    Another example of those "Best people" working for the White House...

  22. Steve Bannon says President Donald Trump made the biggest mistake in 'modern political history' by firing FBI Director Comey

    "Bannon confirmed he opposed President Donald Trump's decision to oust Comey, calling the FBI 'an institution."


    "I don't believe that the institutional logic of the FBI, and particularly in regards to an investigation, could possibly be changed by changing the head of it,' Bannon said."


    "In the interview, Bannon predicted Republicans could lose control in the House in the 2018 congressional elections because of a looming battle over what to do about 800,000 immigrants known as 'Dreamers.'


  23. Donald Trump Is Irrelevant to Corporate America


    "That is the unequivocal message coming from some C.E.O.s, and the Wall Street bankers who work most closely with them."


    "The new strategy by corporate executives to get the policies they once hoped Trump would deliver to them—tax reform, the repatriation of corporate profits, regulatory relief, and a comprehensive infrastructure plan—is to forget about Trump altogether and to work directly with congressional leaders to craft bipartisan legislation that Trump will have no choice but to sign."


    "These C.E.O.s and bankers say they are focussing their attention almost exclusively on working with Mitch McConnell, the Senate Majority Leader, and Paul Ryan, the Speaker of the House, who both have had their differences with Trump of late."



    Irrelevant. Ain't that a pertinent statement.

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