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Posts posted by Thaipwriter

  1. Most good deals go to local big guns who are tipped off by bank staff.

    Whats left is often unrealistically priced, poor condition and derelict.

    Best avoided generally unless you are well read on the state of play in the property market.

    A high percentage of the stuff advertised by banks now is the dregs of the 56 finance companies that went <deleted> up in '97. no-one wants them but the prices are not discounted.

  2. I just did the Nogn Khai - Laos visa run last friday.

    No problems at all, there were a few troop lounging around looking totally disinterested in anything.

    I didnt use an agent as filling out those small forms is clealry a requirement for the individul to do.

    If the agent makes a mistake which then makes you look like you are supplying false information on a visa application then you are in the poop.

    Fill out the forms yourself, we are all grown ups chai mai?

  3. not at all.. its reality I dont know what they teach u in england to trust so easy and give away ur money and let the thai lady roll u on her small finger... hehe

    too many stories and live reality.. :D

    Watch ur money..even if its pound=~70 baht... :o

    Well generousity towards peasants has always been an anglo saxon trait

  4. The way to play the market here is to purchase a single owner, 8 - 12 month old Honda or Toyota. Keep it for 4 years and then get 70 % of your money back when you sell it.

    Thats cheap motoring.

    Folks in other countries have more money and can afford to take bigger losses when trade in time arrives.

    Thai's in general have thier cars on credit and when it comes to selling day they aint giving it away and rightly so.

    They strenghen thier own market with sensible but sometimes illogical actions, much better than in the UK where money falls of the value of cars at a horrific rate

  5. put perishable stuff into the freezer compartment and cover it with frozen stuff.Put your beer in there too. :D

    The turn the stereo on loud so that when the power comes back on you hear the music as an alarm clock to know tht you have to move your food back into the chiller section of the fridge.

    My condolonces on your loss last night, I'm sure it was very traumatic for those westerners from the more pampered continents :o

    Chaing Mai samaritans are waiting for any calls from individuals unable to come to terms with thier loss. :D

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