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Posts posted by fxm88

  1. I've been checking hotels in Penang and thinking of staying at Hotel Continental. Is it better to book online (for 80.50 nett) or should I just go there when I arrive without any reservations?

    Any other suggestions welcome...


    If you're staying on Jl Chulia the Hong Ping Hotel above the Coco Island restaurant/pub is decent value at 273-B, Chulia Street, Tel 604-2625243, http://www.penangnet.com/hongping/ The rooms have TVs and aircon and walls that go all the way to the ceiling.

  2. As allways.

    Supply and demand.

    Really? How does that explain such low turnover rates at most of the used cars lots I've had the opportunity to shop around? Plenty of cars but no shoppers. Those cars aren't getting sold, at least not quickly. So how does it really work? It's like the old joke about the little girl selling lemonade on the sidewalk for $100.00 a glass: "But I only have to sell one!"

  3. Just came through the airport a few days ago. Long queues, as usual, at the immigration counters. I noticed that one of the counters was exclusive for Thailand Elite members. Unfortunately no members came through while I was waiting so I did not get to witness the speed and ease of their process. Instead the Elite counter had become a distribution point for immigration forms. But that counter must get a lot of traffic because its unique Welcome carpet was looking a little worn out.

  4. I just discovered that there's still a bit of Taco Bell left in Singapore at the Shaw/SB shopping mall on Orchard Road above the Orchard NS22 MRT station. It's on the top floor with the movie theatre but it's combined with a KFC/Pizza Hut so there's only about 6 items on the menu -- chicken quesadilla, bean burrito, nacho cheese gordita, and a few others.

    Sadly it kicks the crap out of everything "Mex" I've had in Pattaya :o

  5. As a very broad generalisation, the system/facts you are talking of is under "common law".  Thailand adopts a "civil law" system.  As such, although not wholly the case, it is extremely unlikely you could win a tort case based on the facts set out in your post.

    OK, let me attempt to rephrase:

    How comfortable should I be having phantom co-owner's of the company that owns my house? People whom I've probably never met and have little to no idea of their other involvements either before or after taking them on as co-owners.

    If they were somehow placed in a position where they had to raise cash -- e.g. by court order or other government action -- could that then force the liquidation of their assets including the 10% of the company that holds title to my house? And if no buyer could be found for their 10% -- presumably I cannot buy it since I already own maximum allowed percentage -- could that in turn force the liquidation of the company's assets i.e. my house?

  6. Some of the first Thai movies I saw were Ong-Bak, and a couple of other action movies that were good, and also Faen Chan which I thought was really, really good. So I started to go see lots of Thai movies. I was usually disappointed by any comedies, not least because the translations of any jokes were so poor as to make them unfunny. Then there was just such a slew of utter crap -- the bank robbing ladyboys, a slew of badly made ghost movies, more unfunny comedies than you can shake a stick at, and really boring crap like Fake -- that I completely gave up on Thai films and now refuse to see any of them.

  7. I couldn't care less that a book was read only once and still looks new, or was read 100 times and is a little dog-eared, as long as it's complete.

    Do you care if the book smells like old piss? Or random shmutz falls out of it into your eye while reading in bed?

    That said, I hate the way they wrap the books in plastic. I passed on a Singapore guide book last week because I couldn't open it to see the date of publishing, could have been 15 years old.

    The bookstore on Pattaya Klang near the beach (forgot the name) is great for that! Anyone want to buy a brand new 10 year old IT book (e.g. Dreamweaver '97)? With a 2005 price? Anyone? Anyone?

    "Clearance Sales" aren't very popular in Thailand -- the whole country might go missing!

  8. careful as it was the "cold season".  it must have got down to 60f that night.  there is

    I stayed in Ubon Province one season near the Mae Kong river and it does indeed get pretty cold, at night anyways. A few early mornings pre-dawn I could have sworn it dropped below freezing. If you go there bring a jacket, and a hat, and some gloves. There are a few sites to see around the Province -- temples, interesting geography, temples on interesting geography, pre-historic cave paintings, and of course the river can be fun -- but nothing spectacular.

  9. Hey everybody

    Just sitting here, waiting for my girlfriend’s fiancée visa interview at the U.S.  embassy, in Bangkok. Got almost two more months of torture left. I was wondering if anyone knows about what percentage of fiancée visas are approved, and what percentage are rejected.


    I have heard that fiance visas are never rejected out-right. Instead they will avoid approval by continuing to request more documentation, etc. until you finally give up and go away. Please post a followup with your experience to let the rest of us know what happens.

  10. Thailand will be celebrating the end of WWII by discounting all Nazi inspired merchandise by up to 70%! Now is the time to buy that swastika motorcy helmet you've had your eye on. Or maybe you'd prefer that stylish "white power" t-shirt. Enjoy the savings while they last. (Please note that these discounts are applicable only to right-facing nazi-inspired merchandise and do not include left-facing buddhism styled swastika merchandise.)

  11. ...let it compound and roll over until another safe country with higher interest rates comes along...

    What is your definition of a "safe" country? If it were truly "safe" then it would have a very low real interest rate (i.e. nominal interest rate - rate of inflation). As New Zealand currently has very mild inflation how can one explain their high interest rates? Perhaps it is riskier than you think.

  12. I have a 20-30 K US$ which I can invest long term. Actually I don't want to trade every day and I don't want much of a risk and I have no idea about such things.

    I think of let the money stay 5 or 10 years and than happily finding out that it is more than before.....

    One word: Plastics!

    But seriously, no risk == no return.

    If you could manage to wait 15 or 20 years (to weather any market downturns) I would recommend you put it all in an stock index fund, most easily purchased as Exchange Traded Funds which trade like stocks e.g. SPY (S&P 500) or QQQQ (NASDAQ 100, previously QQQ).

    If you've really only got 5 years then I'd go 100% bonds (not -- repeat not -- bond-funds) or CDs.

  13. ...and that spaceship the Scientologists believe is hiding behind Venus...

    Just for the record it was Higher Source/Heaven's Gate who attached significance to the spaceship "companion" of the comet Hale-Bopp.

    Scientology (Tom Cruise, Lisa Marie Presley, Greta Van Susteren, etc.) teaches that the spirits of ancient aliens (brought to this planet and blown up with nuclear bombs in a volcano) attach themselves to living humans and cause all kinds of problems. Also that humans evloved from clams.

    I'm not sure if leaving a bottle of Fanta Red out for a statue's enjoyment makes any more or less sense.

  14. Hey All!

    I wonder how songthaew driver's can afford to do what they do? I don't know but I can't imagine they're making a lot on fares. Minus the rooftop and paintjob, petrol (e.g. in Pattaya some seem to drive around incessantly even when empty), food to eat and possibly even a place to sleep, there surely can't be much leftover to pay for the truck -- can there? And some of these trucks are brand new! Have they tapped into some secret source of incredibly cheap trucks?

    Same goes for the motorcy taxis.

    What's the deal (and how can I get in on it)?

  15. Hey All! I've read about how many farang "own" property using limited liability companies where a majority of ownership is held by non-voting Thai nationals. But what exactly are the limits of liability in this limited liability company? For example, suppose that someone goes onto the property and injures herself. Who is liable? Also suppose that any insurance policies have lapsed.

    In some [western] countries the owners of the property can be subject to lawsuits and held financially responsible. What about Thailand? Are the owners of the company "jointly and singly" liable (i.e. together as a group AND each owner individually)? What if the farang owner is out of the country? Can the Thai owners be held liable?

    Can the property become subject to seizure? How is the value of that property determined: the "book value" (i.e. the price it was bought at)? or perhaps a value reflecting a possibly lower market price? or what? What if buyers are hard to find?

    Now suppose that value of the property is less than the damages? Since the farang owner is absent can the Thai owners be forced to make up the difference? And if they claim not to have any money but it could be shown that they are owners of other similar property holding companies could those companies and/or properties also be subject to seizure?

    In some countries "personal primary residences" are afforded special protection, e.g. in bankruptcy cases. What about Thailand? And can property owned by a company be considered a "personal primary residence"?


  16. If you want some land in the UK you can easily triple that amount...  :o

    Now this is something I've never understood: if UK land is at such a premium how is it feasible to keep 5+ million cattle lounging about? And after the mass incinerations of a few years back what happened to all that newly freed-up land?

  17. You could have a child with a Thai. Then maybe you can then get a visa extension to stay to support the child? And maybe you can purchase land in the child's name?

    OMG - I hope you are not serious... :D

    totster :D

    Well, it's certainly cheaper and easier (and a whole lot more fun) than setting up a company, but does require a bit more advance planning :D

    I'm not too sure about putting the land in the kids name though. Can a baby own land? And assuming neither the wife or the kid is made aware of it then it should be relatively safe, yes? What would my parental rights be anyway? Do farang fathers have any? Being male is a plus, I'm guessing, but I'm also farang, which is probably a minus, so maybe they just cancel each other out? Anyone know the laws on this?

    As a bonus, assuming Thailand's infatuation with half-breeds continues, when the kid is older they might become a singer or movie star. Then when you sell them out to Breeze or Ovaltine or M-150 you could make a mint! :o

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