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Everything posted by carlyai

  1. Yes using the same value. So now I re-learnt induction motors a bit more twas easy. Also the Intelligent control box wiring diagram is wrong. (I think you may have guessed that Crossy). The link shown is missing the capacitor symbol. Now that works as well. Just gotta hook up the tank float control and pressure sence control and put in auto. Just to show you I used to know something about motors, here is a pic of one of our (everybody) first year Engineering projects, about 60 years ago. ???? Where's your?
  2. Found the problem. The wiring of the Frog control box wasn't as per the circuit. One side of the on/off switch neutral wire was missing. No neutral. All I can think is the bore guy took the wire out and wired the pump straight into the main incoming neutral and not thru the switch. Now if I'd only taken a pic before I started. Usually do. ???? Now back to getting the new pump controller going.
  3. It's the yellow conduit on the left. The pump cable tied to 2 NYY cables inside flexible conduit go to the big hole in the middle. The 2 NYY cables are from the pressure switch and water tap. The conduit on the right is from the contacts from the float in the water tank out the back. So the thought was the pump would stop and start from the pressure switch or tank float switch. Seemed simple at the time. ????
  4. The pump wiring went from the pump thru the fence to my Intelligent pump box. The pump wires ar attached under the water pipe as in pic. I cut the wire and installed the origional FROG controller at the top of the bore, as in pic.
  5. Thanks. When it stops raining I'll go out and have another look. ????
  6. The best site or place to search is in the Sois behind Caddie Shack Soi 17. Called Suksabai Villa. Prices have crept up, but nice houses built there now and eventually the mess that was Eden will become a condo or houses.
  7. Initally what happened is my aquaponics fish filter blew back and I ingested a mouth full of fish poop. Took antibiotics for 2 weeks and Miracid for 2 weeks as stomach burning. So 1 month later and still not settled down.
  8. I watched the guy wiring the control box and he was using a screwdriver way to big for the terminal screws and breaking the insulation round the screws, then when one wire combination didn't work he changed to another until the pump worked. So more fool me for not paying attention to the final setup and taking a pic.
  9. Yes, my wife keeps reminding me. ????
  10. Doesn't it show the supply on 4? Thanks for your patience. I've come up with another drawing. Is this correct?
  11. Wrong. Think this is how it's connected. Motor between 4 and 6. Checking.
  12. Thanks. The guys that drilled the bore connected up the pump box. I didn't really look at the wiring when I removed it to reconnect my new Intelligent pump control box. (Something my wifey reminds me of). So the motor winding should be between 4 and 5 if it's in series with the capacitor? I think the wiring diagram shows L is black and N blue.
  13. peterfranks you still never posted some pictures. ????
  14. Thanks. I am closer to Kuchinari hospital so I'll just go in there tomorrow morning.
  15. Picture of the origional FROG pump controller wiring.
  16. My stomach has been painful for about 1 month. Bloating, irregular bowel movements, wind and general discomfort. I thought I should go and let the Dr have a look in there with a camera. I live in the Kalasin area. Can someone recommend a place to go for the test? Preferably not a private hospital. Thanks.
  17. Pump wiring from Web site.
  18. I couldn't take the photo of the origional FROG pump control box circuit as it's hissing down rain and the pump control box is now right on top of the bore The only circuit I have is on the side of the pump control box. The FROG book that came with the pump does not have a wiring diagram The pump does not work with the origional FROG control box reinstalled. This was the sequence of events. 1. The FROG pump was installed in the 60m bore hole. 2. The FROG controller box connected and pump operated. 3. Changed controller to Intelligent Pump controller and pump didn't work. 4. Reinstalled origional FROG controller and pump didn't work. 5. Thought it was possible I could have broken the pump control cable (pushing and pulling) so I cut out the cable length from the top of the bore to the Intelligent Pump about 6m. Reinstalled the FROG control to the cable at the top of the bore casing, pump still not working.
  19. These pictures are of the Intelligent Pump controller wiring instructions. Sorry I can't get it any clearer. Seems to me the capacitor is across Line and Neutral. The capacitor is between neutral and common, then a link from common to Line.
  20. Ok will take more photos. There's no vibration of the water pipes, so I presume the pump isn"t running.
  21. I didn't actually measure 220v across the windings, was just sayjng that I can't see how I could blow the motor up. Even puttkng 220v across the winding shouldn't blow it up. I think.
  22. I can't see how I could have blown up the motor as 220V anyway is still 220V across the motor winding. How could I have blown up the motor? Or, what combination of wires would blown up the motor? I did try a few combinations when the Intelligent Controller didn't work. ????
  23. Trip reset pressed and nothing tripped.
  24. I did reinstall the origional Fox controller after the Intelligent Controller didn't work, but the pump didn't work. I connected the wiring to the Intelligent Pump as it showed on the circuit diagram. Pump didn't work.
  25. I have a FROG 0.5 HP submersible pump. It had a 3 wire connected control box and all worked OK. Control box wiring picture included. I installed an Intelligent Pump control box with different control wiring diagram. Picture included. I wired the pump as per the Intelligent Pump wiring diagram and the pump doesn't work. Should the pump work in this Intelligent Pump wiring configuration? I reconnected the pump with the old control box, right at the point the cable goes down the bore, and the pump doesn't work. So I've either dislodged the pump power cable or blown up the pump. I've replaced the capacitor. Any ideas? The first picture is the FROG box connection. The second pic. is the Intelligent Pump connection. I'm also not sure of my electrical theory: if the capacitor is wired in parellel with the motor, at start up XC will be very low so overall parallel cct. Z will be low so maximum current to start the motor. If the capacitor is wired in series with the motor I leads E at start up so max. current to motor. Is a start capacitor wired in series or parellel with the motor?
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