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Posts posted by SoloFlyer

  1. Buy a couple concrete rings 1 meter+ in diameter and stack them. Lawn trimmings, weeds from the flower beds, kitchen scraps. Make sure to bury the kitchen scraps into the existing composting matter to eliminate flies. I am using two sets of rings so I can shift the contents from one to the other for better mixing.

    Fredge, a coupla Q's if I may:

    1. Is your bottom ring closed at the bottom? - what about elevating it with some bricks etc and bottling any liquid run-off as liquid fertiliser?

    2. Do you cover the top? My big concern is the flies. My first attempt in a plastic bin produced a smelly mess of the buggers. We only have about 10m from where I'll be placing the compost bin to the back door, so this is a priority. - I've tried spraying with vinegar to reduce them, which works.

    3. I see your mixing from one set to the other. I'd like a system where you can pull out a tray of the best from the bottom ... wondering how to do that with rings.

    4. Do you use worms?

  2. I read it was a land based monorail, not elevated, doh.

    Money has already been allocated for it and apparently 'approved'. There is a map of the 5 lines floating around somewhere, but you cant zoom in on it to see the details - if anyone has a decent link, please post.

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