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Posts posted by SoloFlyer

  1. Morning. Just been to enquire about the 100k service - apparently needs a big timing system change. Will take a day and a half.

    They're trying to upsell a full feature set, saying that if these things aren't replaced it can have a tendency to overheat. My English motoring technicalities arent that crash hot let alone my Thai ... The package they're trying to hard sell is 30k thb, which seems way over the top.

    Anyway, can someone explain or recommend what needs to be done at the 100k service.? Here's the list of what they're trying to push:


  2. Thanks DTL for that lengthy reply. Its not a huge area but but it certainly takes time to pull said weeds. The frustrating bit is the snapping. Wouldn't mind so much if they just pulled out. I can really only spare an hour or so every coupla weekends (got work and kids).

    We didn't prep the soil, its just what came with the house when building. Thought about adding topsoil at the time, but were tight on expenses. I use a whippa snipper for mowing, so will take note not to cut too short.

    Maybe this shouldn't be in the orgainic section, as I'm open to chemical solutions if safe and easy to use??

  3. Morning,

    I'm new to this gardening thing. Our 1yo malay lawn has some competition. The main one is a long grass that grows much taller and much quicker than the malay. (possibly called elephant grass?? - I'll try to get a pic later today). Most sprouts come direct up off the ground, but a few snake back in amongst the grass and can sometimes be pulled out up to a couple of feet. Most of these sprouts just snap when you pull them, even after some rain. Occasionally you can pull roots out but its hit and miss.

    I spent an hour last weekend having a good go, but by this week I think they're gonna win out over what my hands have the time and willingess to get at.

    I've been told to just let the whipper snipper take care of them, but as said, they grow back quicker than the malay. Is there a better way to keep them in check?

    There's also a finer, hair-like, grass that sprouts in patches. This doesn't bother me - or should it??

    Thanks kindly for any advice.

  4. No help at all other than an endorsement.

    I got a UE Boom on my last trip to Oz. They are nothing short of fantastic, battery charges quickly last ten plus hours no problems, great volume/tone...we use it on picnics, round the house, parties, have app for android/iphone, easy connect to phone/bluetooth and we stream music from all family phones/wifi.... ....only reason I came upon this post is I was looking to get another one in Thailand as they are just so good and now can use two for full stereo.

    Looks like you can order here?


    The UE mini Boom is available in Thailand in few places but having the full size has many advantages

    Mambo, I only just saw your edited reply. Have ordered. Thanks.

  5. Check out NeoFinder. I use it to catalogue music across multiple drives. Cant see a print/export function, .... scratch that, can export to text file ... but end result looks messy - might need to play around a bit.

    Free version lets you catalogue 10 drives.

    Took me ages to find something that could do this.

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