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Posts posted by TheRascal

  1. Someone else added this comment which was interesting - any idea if this is correct Ubonjoe?

    Next 27 May there will be a Consultative Meeting with government to discuss the following:

    Visas and work permits

    - WP-10 regulation change

    - Updates on immigration and work permit rules

    e.g. Thai-Foreign employee ratio, required working capital per one work permit

    BOI’s rules on unskilled foreign labor

    BOI promotion for services

    Other issues related to FTAs

    Where is this meeting supposed to be? Who has been invited? Do you know any more details?

    Nothing more at all, just something that an Italian chap had added to the post on Facebook but the thread was deleted before he could elaborate.

  2. Someone else added this comment which was interesting - any idea if this is correct Ubonjoe?

    Next 27 May there will be a Consultative Meeting with government to discuss the following:
    Visas and work permits
    - WP-10 regulation change
    - Updates on immigration and work permit rules
    e.g. Thai-Foreign employee ratio, required working capital per one work permit
    BOI’s rules on unskilled foreign labor
    BOI promotion for services
    Other issues related to FTAs

  3. These type of posts are becoming more pathetic by the day ! Repetative too.

    When are these guys going to stop looking for loopholes and "what ifs". Its not a freakin chess game and the smartest one wins a visa !

    It actually makes little to no difference what you think the law states either. The only thing that matters is the individual who is imposing said law and how he or she intereprets it, nothing more. If you dont speak fluent Thai you will just be a jibbering monkey to the officials.

    You can have all the logical arguments under the sun, but when policemman somchai rolls up he aint gonna give a damn what you got to say, its off to jail and sort it out later. Resist , and you 'll probably face the working end of a 45 or baton. You can think of all your amazing logical arguments and back romm legal points whilst eating you fish head soup and sleeping on a concrete floor.


    How much clearer do you want it ! Touch a keyboard, use the internet to communicate for said work irrespective of its location or payment and you are working!

    DONT ARGUE WITH ME ABOUT IT, wait for the fish head soup, then talk to the judge, if you think he'll listen assuming you speak adequate Thai.

    And yes there are many who do do it, yes there are many who dont get caught, BUT if you get reported by someone you piss of or gets jealous........you know what comes next !

    The above is rant and rave and jiberish. If this were true, then anyone coming into Thailand thru the airport or elsewhere, who are contacting their offices and transacting business on their PCs from within the Kingdom, would all be guilty of Work Permit violations and be put in jail. Nonsense.

    In truth, having checked with many attorneys in Thailand, since I have this same type of business, you can transact any type of business activity in this country "as long as your transaction is non-Thailand located and there is NO money being earned in Thailand". Period.

    People "technically" cannot transact any business, nor have business related discussions, even if they are "non-paid" in Thailand, such as lecturing at a university (which I personally think would be a benefit to this country for someone to be able to so do), and even inclusive of attending Chamber of Commerce and other networking events, including speaking at conferences (which I do frequently for the benefit of the Thai people). So find me guilty of trying to help people, for free, with my knowledge. However, at the events I attend, we usually have an "umbrella" with many Thai officials present who will stop bad things from occuring.

    This is interesting Stan - is this correct, not questioning your knowledge just heard so much to the contrary.

    Shame if it's true as I've turned down some juicy and easy contracts I could have done remotely as I thought it was against the law.

  4. however there's a big difference between being able to afford it and to be able to accept throwing that money away should they choose to change the rules at a moment's notice. My guess is that there would be no refund or recourse should that happen.

    the same thing could be said of marrying a Thai lady she takes all your money and divorces you....

    One suspects the THB 500k TE card is would have been cheaper in most cases and less risk involved...whistling.gif

    True that - but I won't be risking that one either ;)

    • Like 1
  5. as the other thread was closed, I'd like to continue the convo on non-B visa/BOI... So, from what I understood, you pay them some money (I'm guessing some larger investment + a monthly fee for accounting), you get a non-B + your own work permit and that it might be an option for freelancers, is that right? Now, the problem is that as a freelancer, you don't always have a steady income, so that might be a problem? Or it's no big deal unless you can pay the fee? Hope it's not too OT smile.png

    BOI is very expensive, much more than most online digital nomads will pay..

    I suspect people are confusing information I listed, which is that there is a BOI registered company (so isnt limited to how many Thai employees for work permit extensions) that will employ digital nomads and make them legal. They then pay all your taxes social security etc.

    You work for them, not alone. Doing what you wish.

    I always wondered why why a company like this wasn't setup although I'd guess the digital nomads have to pay into the company which then pays out to them as there's a set amount that BOI companies have to be paying out in wages to be able to keep the status (I believe it's 10 million per year) within 2/3 years

  6. Pity CAPO didn't station that many Police around the Constitutional Court the other day when "Nick" the unbiased German reporter got "assaulted" whilst the Police saw nothing, heard nothing and did nothing . . . might have prevented it from happening . . . but then the red shits wouldn't have had their manufactured controversy and outrage for the day I guess . . . I guess Thai's wearing masks in the presence of the Police isn't so unusual anymore either and they just ignored them . . . som nom na smile.png

    You forgot the speech marks on "unbiased"

    Bad luck that Nick chap, lucky that Khaosod are always willing to listen to his story. giggle.gif

    Som nam na indeed!

  7. Wonder how many times you've referred to women as "whores" in this thread. 


    1. You'll probably never "get" this but the problem is with you not with other people. You got scammed, so what - your fault for not keeping your eyes open and not being smart enough to figure it out. Get over it and stop being such a miserable loser. 


    2. If so many Thai women are whores and looking to scam and get green cards then stop bothering with them and find yourself a nice hot young Canadian women, I'm sure they are queuing up... or are they whores for some reason too?

    • Like 2
  8. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Ok, Thank you for all of your advice. After eight months and about 76,000 baht (not including travel expenses). I have heard of people losing a lot more than that. I still like it here, just maybe need to find new city. How is Chiang Mai? That should be far enough away from the family. Or Hua Hin, somewhere on other side of the country.

    Why leave Bangkok, just move to an apartment in a different part of town and avoid places you know she goes. Her family aren't going to waste time making problems - they already think she's not seeing you so where's the problem. Bangkok is a huge city and the chances of bumping into her are very low. But agreed get out while you can, even if the money was nothing to you why would you want to be involved long term with people like this.

    There is very rarely any love in Thailand, Its "Money No.1" and maybe time for you 'bail out" while you are in front; It will only get much worse for you. I am happily married to a genuinly loving lady, but it took twelve long years and many false stars to find my wife, who is a professinal health practitioner.....

    Another TV cynical expert...

  9.  Not much happening try to get an Aus tourist visa for her, shes got no money in her account though and wants me to put 100,000 to 200,000baht in her account.  She says she'll pay me back but im reluctant to do it.


     Other than that just skyping most nights and email.         I miss Thailand mak though, and wish I was there with her nearly every day.


    She won't get a visa at this stage. You've not known her long enough. If you put that money in her account then if she takes it then there's very little recourse you can take to get it back again. Why is she telling you she needs this? If it's cos "friends" are telling her she needs money in her account to get the visa you should be a little wary as it would suggest she has a lot of farang dating friends which potentially is an indicator of bargirls or at least partgirls looking for an easy ride. 


    Doesn't it make you feel slightly suspicious that there have been so many requests for money in such a short period? I've been with my girl 2 years and she's never once asked me for money, she's educated and has a reasonable job but she's by no means rich. 


    Did she get her own place yet? If not what happened to your 20k?

    • Like 1

    i wish the op gave up some more pictures, i kinda start to like her,  send me her facebook in PM


    i live nearby smile.png




      Sure give me 30k Australian and ill give you her Skype, facebook, apartment address and mobile phone number smile.png



    You're overcharging, the most you can expect is 20k back plus maybe 5k finders fee. 


    Anyway you haven't given an update in a few days... we're invested in this story so it's only fair you keep us updated ;)

  11. Thaibreaker is absolutely right!

    It seems incredible that a country like Thailand which relies so heavily on tourism, makes it so incredibly difficult for people to stay here for any more than the standard 28 days!

    This paranoia even extends to the well-off ! For instance, a private individual cannot own or operate a helicopter in Thailand ! Why not? Apparently because they might go smuggling with it across the various borders!! But you can own a fixed wing aircraft which would be far more convenient and carry more goods! Any development I am involved in, will have a hallmark all-weather Helipad included, as one day someone will see common sense! I am relying

    on it !

    A Tourist mostly is a Person visit a Country for Holidays.. because they work at home, then 4 weeks is far enough. Thailand even give then 2 possible extensions.. if you stay more then 3 month you are not a "Tourist" and thats very simple against the law...

    A triple entry visa actually allows for 9 months in total - not at all against the law.

    1. in once, 60 days

    2. extend: 30 days

    3. take a trip out and 60 days on return

    4. extend 30 days

    5. take a trip out and get 60 days on return

    6. extend 30 days.

    Completely legal.

  12. I agree with your comment mickeymouse22. For myself, I'm making an effort to hold a proper visa. In my case a tourist visa. I don't get the point why some people do not want even a tourist visa which is actually easy to apply. But also I don't get the point why some others condemn/criticism visa runners like me. It is a way which works so far.

    So, you see who i addressed in my comment before.

    I agree with you dude that there's a lot of jealousy here. Posters claim that people like you or I who are here for 9 months at a time are abusing the tourist visa but I don't see how.

    1. I get a triple entry tourist visa in my own country

    2. I abide by the rules, don't work, extend when I can and fly out for a nice weekend trip at the end of 90 days.

    3. I spend my time by the pool, visiting sites of interest, taking photographs and going to various cities and islands across Thailand.

    Not sure where I don't fit into the tourist mould - just because my holiday is longer than a traditional one doesn't mean I'm not a tourist - the triple entry tourist visa allows this and I'm completely within the right to live this way.

  13. Sure I read your first line 'an online service I setup that requires no work and generates a nice income with no outside intervention'. It may all be automated, but it is your service, so (presuming in Thailand) you're required to set up a company etc., and it would be deemed work.

    If I'm wrong, no worries, just move because you don't meet the visa requirements, and have not met them in the past.

    I think you just made this up. I don't work within the country and my money comes to me with no intervention , the same as dividends to a shareholder or money from savings. I consulted a lawyer here to be sure - my guess is that he probably knows better than you.

    Who says I don't meet the visa requirements? I got tourist visa and I'm a tourist. I spend time relaxing in Bangkok and travelling to other parts of the country. I've got the money to support myself without working and I leave the country when required and extend when I can - I don't see how I don't fit the requirements.

    If I choose to get an ED visa I will need to prove I have income to support myself - again no problem, I will need to go to classes - no problem, I already pay to study independently and additional classes will be a bonus.

  14. I had a company I sold and an online service I setup that requires no work and generates a nice income with no outside intervention.

    I spend per month:

    25k rent

    2.5k electric

    1.5k internet

    2k gym

    1k bts card

    1k laundry service

    40k (approx) on food, eating out and going to clubs, cinema etc

    8k a month on 1-1 Thai lessons

    1k haircuts

    So around 80k per month in total. Every other month I'll take a trip away which will run 15-20k. Over a 2 year period I've spent at least an additional 250k or so on Camera, lenses, TV, games console, games, home cinema, movies, clothes and more. I put a decent amount of money into the Thai economy and know many others in the same boat. I'm 30 and have no interest in marrying yet so the visa situation isn't easy.

    I'm on a tourist visa (triple entry) and will likely move to an ED visa (and I will attend school), however it would be much easier if there was an option for long term tourists who have no requirement or desire to work.

    Sounds like you're working here.

    Did you read the first line? Not sure how that "sounds" like I'm working here.

    I started my first company at 20 years old, built it up until I had a good client base and a good team for 8 years and then sold it to a competitor. In the last few years of the company in my free time I developed some software addressing a need in a niche but popular market. I setup partners to sell it, sourced a company to support it if there are any issues and all invoicing and payment is automated so I don't have to do a thing.

    So I apologise for how it "sounds" to you but some people are fortunate enough to put themselves in a position where they don't need to work.

    • Like 1
  15. I had a company I sold and an online service I setup that requires no work and generates a nice income with no outside intervention.

    I spend per month:

    25k rent

    2.5k electric

    1.5k internet

    2k gym

    1k bts card

    1k laundry service

    40k (approx) on food, eating out and going to clubs, cinema etc

    8k a month on 1-1 Thai lessons

    1k haircuts

    So around 80k per month in total. Every other month I'll take a trip away which will run 15-20k. Over a 2 year period I've spent at least an additional 250k or so on Camera, lenses, TV, games console, games, home cinema, movies, clothes and more. I put a decent amount of money into the Thai economy and know many others in the same boat. I'm 30 and have no interest in marrying yet so the visa situation isn't easy.

    I'm on a tourist visa (triple entry) and will likely move to an ED visa (and I will attend school), however it would be much easier if there was an option for long term tourists who have no requirement or desire to work.

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