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Posts posted by dre1247

  1. It is about time to stop these non senses. It has been 5 years and everyone has moved on and system seems to be in full control.

    I think the government need to deploy full force to insure they can stop any chaos and also like US charge the organizers charge the expense of these deployments. That should stop the organizers from destroying this country a bit at a time


    Could have sworn it was only 3.

    I agree These protests need to stop. ALL of them, not that people don't have a right to protest but's been done and gone. Can we please work on the problems of RIGHT NOW. Or even better the ones were preparing for TOMORROW?

    They will stop when they do not get paid their Baht 500 a day. It's rather lucrative to protest, the alternative is work for less.

  2. I am a firm believer in giving a test to all who want to come to Thailand before they get on the plane, weed out the fools and misfits. This is no place to be without a brain.

    I like you last sentence, your statement is flaunted by a large part of the visitors and population as well. hahaha

  3. 62 million baht invested in 19000 businesses, that is only 3150bt each business. Figures dont sound right to me.

    It's time to make business. only 3150THB to become rich!!! Or perhaps i will wait a promotion: Buy one business, get one free :)

    comes to 31,500Bt/business....still not much, I'm sure an investigation will show these businesses bring money to Thailand not take it out

    You left out Jobs that are created by the companies in addition to the money that they bring in.

    I think the real problem is the white faced snobs who all run in small circles of "look at me" are pissed because now they have all the Dark faced Eissan girls sitting next to them at the diamond stores now buying bigger rings and moving into their villages which is pissing the wealthy white faced women who think that the dark faced women are below them.....I almost believe that the white faced women "You know the ones that like to go to the mall to socialize sitting on the luxury chairs while everyone else sits on the plastic chairs" are worse than the men because those women actually have a tendency act out like 4 year olds when the parent says no to them picking up candy at a store. They really do stomp their feet and walk in circles around and around screaming NO NO NO NO ...it is a site to see if you haven't seen this.

    Wow, some kind of a woman problem that is, I feel sorry for you.

  4. For the people who are saying that it serves foreigners right if they have skirted the law in setting up their company.

    Most times this has been done on the advice of Thai lawyers that were hired to give advice and do the paperwork.

    BS you are responsible what lawyer you hire. A little back road law office maybe low in cost but you pay the price later, when you least need it.

    What crap!

    If you know the law, why would you hire a lawyer?

    Do you judge a lawer by the location of their office?


    Go wash your mouth and don't comment if you don't understand something....

  5. For the people who are saying that it serves foreigners right if they have skirted the law in setting up their company.

    Most times this has been done on the advice of Thai lawyers that were hired to give advice and do the paperwork.

    BS you are responsible what lawyer you hire. A little back road law office maybe low in cost but you pay the price later, when you least need it.

  6. The whole problem here lies in the fact that even if you are married with a Thai it gives you no special status whereas in the US for example you're given a green card.

    ABSOLUTELY not true, wrong information. I received my Thai citizenship because of my married status. Get the facts before writting.

    Eh, no, that is not how it works.

    And gaining a PR and later citizenship can be done without being married.

    Being married doesn't make the process shorter nor does it happen 'automatically' because of it - as is almost the case in many western countries. (Signing a paper = not much work.)

    Unbelievable, Ehh yes that is how it did wort for me. On the basis of being married I received my TC and if you bother to follow the latest changes, if your married for over 5 years you do not need a PR anymore. But be quickly, they will change back soon. And by the way there is a bit more than just signing papers to it.

  7. This is for those of you who need to hear it. They will know who they are :) Not directed at everyone or at this specific topic....but as I say.....

    Enough is enough !!!! Wow don't you guys realise what damage you are doing to not only yourselves but foreigners who live in Thailand ? I am not sure you mean to, or really think about what you do when you write on here, but the result is so negative and damaging; constantly spreading inuendo, gossip and misinformation via this chat forum. I am not sure who of you live or do anything constructive in Thailand, but you really should go back and check your posts. Chat forums are getting a very bad reputation not only with foreigners living and working in Thailand but with Thai people too. That is not good news for us.

    The internet is a great thing and chat forums are good sites but they should not be acting as a truthful news forum telling us constantly bad and negative things. You must be very careful what you write and say. It has a result. Do you think constantly gossiping on here about things many of us know very little about, has a positive effect on foreigners in Thailand ? Do you think it is polite or nice to talk so badly and negatively about a country that many of us live and work in ? Also are you aware now that people are being prosecuted for writing on blogs and forums ? In USA and elsewhere.

    How would you like it if Thai's came to your countries and gossiped and spread rumours all over the internet about your country. I know in the USA and Europe, the reaction from us would be....Kick them out !!! The authorities would also look into it for sure too. Is that what you want ? It is not our country and most of you speak or write no Thai at all. Many do not live here and many do not work or have business here. So how do you know what the Thai's think or say. How do you know what governments are doing ? Ohhhhh you heard from the truth machine; the chat forum news snippet......oh dear please get a life. Then there is a translation issue too.

    The Thai's are very tolerant but I don't blame them for getting upset. If I was Thai and read this forum my reaction would be "YOU are anti Thai and anti Thailand. For God's sake leave them alone and shut up. If it is so bad, then go back home ! Leave us in peace. You are getting really boring and belive me when I say not just me but all the business community and people I know who live and work here are sick to death of these news snippets and constant digs at the Thai's. Leave it alone why don't you. How weird that people who spend every day talking about Thailand need to do so in such a negative and rude away. If it is so bad why are you so obssessed with it. Find a life somewhere else but leave us alone please.

    The Thai's Have every right to look at land deals that are illegal. But there are alot that are not. I have never in all my time here (over ten years) had a problem with anything from visa's to work permits, businesses to having a house built. NEVER ! I am married to a Thai and we have a lovely life here and both of us are very happy. But to hear the mindless trivial and inaccurate information spread around like manure on this site is just so pathetic and upsetting alot of people who live here. You got to stop it lads or you will cause so much damage to foreigners reputation and lives here. Also are your countries any better ? Guess not or you would not be on here all the time.

    What are you talking about witch hunts and so on. What a load of rubbish. And if it ever did happen you lot would be a part of the cause due to your constant negative gossip and unkind comments about a country you seem all addicted to and obssessed with. If you dislike it so much why do you come to a forum and constantly gossip about it. Surely if you dislike it, stop talking about it and move away.Thousands of foreigners are married to Thai's and live in a house here. They are happy. Do you think your comments are pleasing them or giving stability to their situations. They are getting cheesed of with this kind of thing. Why do you do it ? Are you bored ? Don't have lives ? Hate Thailand ? What is it ?

    If you walk across a road and some guys spits at you every time, day in and day out. You don't cross the road. So if you don't like it here and its so awful: There's the airport....fly home and leave us all alone.

    I know alot of people in Thailand and they are all saying how cheesed off they are with chat forums and the people who are really now causing us to be brought into bad light in Thailand. Opinions are one thing but gossip and constant digs at the Thai people and their country is not. Even if there are unproductive things happening or things we do not like, who are we to change it. It is not our country. They have every right to develop in the way they wish to or how it naturally occurs.

    My advice is sound: You got to stop lads as it is getting really boring and upsetting a lot of people. Advertisers soon walk away and you are causing those of us (the majority) who live in Thailand to be looked at badly. Also why don't you go on about your own countries; they are hardly bastions of perfection !!! Are they not all nearly bankrupt, both financially, socially and morally ? Guess there must be a reason why we are here. something good.

    Enough said. I am sure you do not think maybe when you write stuff and we are all guilty of that. But time for a wake up call.

    Or you can ignore this and just write bad comments back. But I think many of you will know I am right in what I say. I don't say this because I want to upset anyone or cause an argument. I am sure you are all good guys and nice people. I am saying it, because someone needs to. This latest land thing and constant over the top panic is crazy and immature, misinformed and causes damage to all us thousands who work here, live here and have chosen Thailand to be our home. So please for all of us and anyone who lives here....stop. Chat about it but don't be so negative, try to be honest and not so unkind to a country that we all love. Opinion is one thing but prejudice is another. Have a great day :D

    Amen Brother. A salute to the one with balls enough to voice the sentiments of the more quiet farang populace in Thailand.

    I second that. Whiners and husslers go home, Thailand is not good enough to you..

  8. This is for those of you who need to hear it. They will know who they are :) Not directed at everyone or at this specific topic....but as I say.....

    Enough is enough !!!! Wow don't you guys realise what damage you are doing to not only yourselves but foreigners who live in Thailand ? I am not sure you mean to, or really think about what you do when you write on here, but the result is so negative and damaging; constantly spreading inuendo, gossip and misinformation via this chat forum. I am not sure who of you live or do anything constructive in Thailand, but you really should go back and check your posts. Chat forums are getting a very bad reputation not only with foreigners living and working in Thailand but with Thai people too. That is not good news for us.

    The internet is a great thing and chat forums are good sites but they should not be acting as a truthful news forum telling us constantly bad and negative things. You must be very careful what you write and say. It has a result. Do you think constantly gossiping on here about things many of us know very little about, has a positive effect on foreigners in Thailand ? Do you think it is polite or nice to talk so badly and negatively about a country that many of us live and work in ? Also are you aware now that people are being prosecuted for writing on blogs and forums ? In USA and elsewhere.

    How would you like it if Thai's came to your countries and gossiped and spread rumours all over the internet about your country. I know in the USA and Europe, the reaction from us would be....Kick them out !!! The authorities would also look into it for sure too. Is that what you want ? It is not our country and most of you speak or write no Thai at all. Many do not live here and many do not work or have business here. So how do you know what the Thai's think or say. How do you know what governments are doing ? Ohhhhh you heard from the truth machine; the chat forum news snippet......oh dear please get a life. Then there is a translation issue too.

    The Thai's are very tolerant but I don't blame them for getting upset. If I was Thai and read this forum my reaction would be "YOU are anti Thai and anti Thailand. For God's sake leave them alone and shut up. If it is so bad, then go back home ! Leave us in peace. You are getting really boring and belive me when I say not just me but all the business community and people I know who live and work here are sick to death of these news snippets and constant digs at the Thai's. Leave it alone why don't you. How weird that people who spend every day talking about Thailand need to do so in such a negative and rude away. If it is so bad why are you so obssessed with it. Find a life somewhere else but leave us alone please.

    The Thai's Have every right to look at land deals that are illegal. But there are alot that are not. I have never in all my time here (over ten years) had a problem with anything from visa's to work permits, businesses to having a house built. NEVER ! I am married to a Thai and we have a lovely life here and both of us are very happy. But to hear the mindless trivial and inaccurate information spread around like manure on this site is just so pathetic and upsetting alot of people who live here. You got to stop it lads or you will cause so much damage to foreigners reputation and lives here. Also are your countries any better ? Guess not or you would not be on here all the time.

    What are you talking about witch hunts and so on. What a load of rubbish. And if it ever did happen you lot would be a part of the cause due to your constant negative gossip and unkind comments about a country you seem all addicted to and obssessed with. If you dislike it so much why do you come to a forum and constantly gossip about it. Surely if you dislike it, stop talking about it and move away.Thousands of foreigners are married to Thai's and live in a house here. They are happy. Do you think your comments are pleasing them or giving stability to their situations. They are getting cheesed of with this kind of thing. Why do you do it ? Are you bored ? Don't have lives ? Hate Thailand ? What is it ?

    If you walk across a road and some guys spits at you every time, day in and day out. You don't cross the road. So if you don't like it here and its so awful: There's the airport....fly home and leave us all alone.

    I know alot of people in Thailand and they are all saying how cheesed off they are with chat forums and the people who are really now causing us to be brought into bad light in Thailand. Opinions are one thing but gossip and constant digs at the Thai people and their country is not. Even if there are unproductive things happening or things we do not like, who are we to change it. It is not our country. They have every right to develop in the way they wish to or how it naturally occurs.

    My advice is sound: You got to stop lads as it is getting really boring and upsetting a lot of people. Advertisers soon walk away and you are causing those of us (the majority) who live in Thailand to be looked at badly. Also why don't you go on about your own countries; they are hardly bastions of perfection !!! Are they not all nearly bankrupt, both financially, socially and morally ? Guess there must be a reason why we are here. something good.

    Enough said. I am sure you do not think maybe when you write stuff and we are all guilty of that. But time for a wake up call.

    Or you can ignore this and just write bad comments back. But I think many of you will know I am right in what I say. I don't say this because I want to upset anyone or cause an argument. I am sure you are all good guys and nice people. I am saying it, because someone needs to. This latest land thing and constant over the top panic is crazy and immature, misinformed and causes damage to all us thousands who work here, live here and have chosen Thailand to be our home. So please for all of us and anyone who lives here....stop. Chat about it but don't be so negative, try to be honest and not so unkind to a country that we all love. Opinion is one thing but prejudice is another. Have a great day :D

    Dear Newbie,

    Wish you could read your own article within 5 years from now, after the new paint of your new wife has been scratched a bit and the real substance is coming clear... Perhaps then you will understand, not now.

    Dear Advanced,

    What a dumb assumption, do you know his wife?? Or are all Thai women the same?? Your real substance is very clear by just writing about someone else his wife. It is all generated in YOUR mind. Absolutely below par. FYI my wife's substance is very clear after 22 years marriage, she's a diamond. And by the way I know many Thai wifes who are top mothers and wifes. But in general you don't find diamonds in a garbage can, where did you learned your lessons? You are the newby here boy.

  9. Actually myself, like a lot other farangs business becoming very careful in investing or spending more money for our businesses because of these laws and witch hunts, so I can’t see how these will help Thai people or rise new taxes.

    I also have reduced the number of employee I have and again same result.

    Overall is not helping when will these clown release that making things harder reduces the investment and only hurt the economy, but again Elite runs these country and they don’t give a sh,,,,t about common Thais anyway Said Givenall

    Now put on your Red shirt, receive your Baht 500 and be on standby to come to Bangkok. Thailand truly needs minds like you hahaha

  10. "Crackdowns" on "Crackdowns" same <deleted> different month!!!!!!!!!!! Boy they are making it hard for Westerners and easier for the "Ckinks"

    I think I get the message hope everyone else does and there'll be more to come for sure.

    Derogative language shows your class besides that what you write is not true. And yes I trust you get the message, Vietnam perhaps?

  11. Boy, this is getting worse and worse. It is really starting to feel like they want all us farang out of their country.

    Speak for yourself Scoobie. I for one never have that feeling, to the contrary I feel welcome by the majority. But I do follow the rules, I live here 34 years and have a proper business and pay my taxes. It are the huslers who feel uneasy and rightfully so.

  12. Wonder how many of these companies are property owners. Probably a significant amount.

    There have been a number of so-called crackdowns announced over the years, scaring owners and harming the property market. And each time nothing has come of it aside from a period of confusion and slow property sales. If they really want to crack down then they'll change the law and (hopefully) grandfather in all previous arrangements. But of course those involved in related businesses wouldn't be too pleased so I doubt much will change.

    That's right, normally they do the math after the sensational announcement and find that too many (important) local people do stand to lose. And that's the end of it. Expect minor tweaks to keep everybody happy. And someone who is seriously breaking the law should not whine but get his act together. If you want to stay in Thailand you must follow the Thai law, not dream about the Vietnamese or Malaysian law.

  13. Are you referring to this type?


    I don't think there is Mercury in them, they are fluorescent!

    Large overhead factory/warehouse lights contain Mercury. Usually they called Metal Halide lamps.

    BSJ, yes this type, unfortunately there is Mercury in them. How to properly dispose of them is very important. Anybody??

  14. As I understand there is a huge safety issue of disposing these Energy Saving Lights. There is Mercury inside and released will do harm to your health. There is nothing about this written on the box or in a flyer inserted. Anyone know how and where to dispose. I live in Banglamung, Chonburi.

  15. ". I took the effort to master the Thai language .

    Its a shame that the some of the staff don't make the effort to master sales technique.You don't have to be a master of the Thai language to buy a toilet or a fan thats infront of you.

    When will you arrive in Thailand??

  16. If I am not happy with a sales person I ask for the manager, the hua na, that solves all problems if there is any to start with. Try to make an effort to arrive in Thailand and forget to use your home country as a bench mark.

    If you read the OP again then you will notice that I talked with a manager about the toilet issue but that he later denied having talked with me at all.

    You will also notice from the OP that the discussion regarding the kitchen all happened with an almost complete management team and that they even kept lying to me constantly even after I notified them that I could understand what they were discussing in thai between each other and with the staff.

    Sorry Bas, If you put pressure on local people regardless of their station they will try to get out of that confrontation any way they can. Again, don't bring your Farang attitude along, do it their way, a little joke and stay light. I don't say accept BS but know how to get the end result which you want. You never get this by confronting or saying that they lie, just say Poot len which means tell a joke. They will then realise that they don't have to freeze up for the serious Farang. Flow with the water, don't swim against it you will be tired and don't get anywery.

  17. Never had a problem with Homepro ,Pattaya Klang .I bought loads of things there in doing up my Condo .Anything ordered was delivered on time and in good order .In the store people do not follow you around .A very professional operation .Home Mart by big C on Sukhumvit by Pattaya Thai are also excellent .

    Many Farang are just professional moaners ,and are never happy . :D

    Well you must be the only person in here then who gets that spotless service and don't get followed around.There are numerous posts everywhere on this forum regarding this practice in general.

    However the last line of your reply intrigues me the most.Does it point to your numerous negative comments in the topic about the park in trouble? :)

    Sorry Bas, you are wrong, I also am a happy customer from Home Pro. And I do not get disturbed by the sales person staying near me, when I have any question they can answer me and if they don't know they ask a colleague who usually has the answer. Try to be a bit "lighter" when you interact with the sales staff, they will respond like wise.

  18. Posts have been removed for making broad generalisations about Thai people.

    If the "Thai Bashing" continues, I will have to close this topic.

    I feel you can close most responses here for this reason. I am appalled by the disdain for Thais, born out of ignorance, expressed here. Some of the writers are here more than a couple of years and still don't master the way to inter react with Thai people. The arrogance is truly pathetic, learn some Thai and keep your posture, don't give them the accepted western superior act. Be friendly but firm in your requirement and above all keep it light, confrontations, so loved in the West, are abhorred here, if you like it or not that is irrelevant. Thais are a bit like children, they are unconfortable with serious "Farangs". I took the effort to master the Thai language and I do not try to trip them by pretending I don't know, I start straight away in Thai and am precise in explaining what I want and ask if there is a problem or not. Don't forget that it is impolite to say no, there is not even a Thai word for no, the use mai chai which means not yes. If I am not happy with a sales person I ask for the manager, the hua na, that solves all problems if there is any to start with. Try to make an effort to arrive in Thailand and forget to use your home country as a bench mark.

  19. I used Mr.Andre at Master Safety and not impressed for the fee that we paid. The initial instalation was fine and they said that they would return "soon" to complete some add ons ...call mobile etc when alarm goes off. With several reminder calls it took 2 (yes two) years later and this guy turns up does not have a clue what he is doing and i had to send him away after 5 hours of dickin about. The guys who installed my system were from BKK and not local and if this is still the case then it's not very handy for any maintenance that may be required. We bought the required sensors etc from Tukom to alarm our roof, windows and doors when the extension was built and installed ourself.

    Just my experience.

    I feel Mr. Scot is not telling a full story. Master Safety Enterprises Ltd. will reply to any PTY based request within 24 hrs, Chonburi province within 48 hrs. and country wide within 7 days. 2 years waiting is either a writing mistake or else an outright lie. Master Safety Enterprises Ltd. is 22 years in business, they must do something good.

  20. If Overbrook was true to its motto - God is love - why do they overcharge and overprescribe medicine for poor patients then threaten them when they can't pay the bill?

    :D Mymechew

    Oh guys, this aint nothing yet, if you really want to feel fixed go to the Pattaya Bankok hospital in Chonburi. After this experiene you love them all at the Overbrook. :o

    By the way, what has the true statement that God is love to do with overcharging? God doesnt charge anything, he IS love. That the burocrats in the hospital are having their own motivation is nothing new isnt it?

  21. Did they buy Bumrungrad too?

    I was in there yesterday and it seems the Arabs make up more than 50% of the customers these days.

    Yes, one would think so. :o

    I wish they would send all the arabs to Pattaya.

    The girls there don't seem too fussy about the clientele they get :D

    Your wish is NOT granted, find another solution.


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