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Captain Flack

Global Moderator
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Everything posted by Captain Flack

  1. View this quiz 31 July - Album Covers 5 Album cover pictures, but do you know which album it is? Submitter Captain Flack Type One Right Answer Time 5 minutes Total Questions 5 Category General Knowledge Submitted 07/31/2024  
    • One Right Answer
    • 5 minutes
    • 5 Questions
    • 53 Players
    5 Album cover pictures, but do you know which album it is?
  2. View this quiz 31 July History of Bangkok All longer quiz of 10 questions on some of the history of Bangkok. We need your feedback on which you prefer, the 5 or 10 questions format or a combination of both. Thanks Submitter Captain Flack Type One Right Answer Time 7 minutes Total Questions 10 Category Thailand Submitted 07/31/2024  
    • One Right Answer
    • 7 minutes
    • 10 Questions
    • 21 Players
    All longer quiz of 10 questions on some of the history of Bangkok. We need your feedback on which you prefer, the 5 or 10 questions format or a combination of both. Thanks
  3. At the request of the OP this topic is closed, as the poster now has the answer.
  4. Some reported bickering posts removed, please let’s discuss the topic not each other.
  5. I have removed a number of reported posts and replies that are off topic and trying to hijack the thread with a deflection into another discussion of US politics. This discussion is about “Thoughts on the opening ceremony at the Paris Olympics”, please try to stay on that topic.
  6. A reported trolling flame post and all replies that followed it has been removed.
  7. I have removed a post, against forum rules, which uses an acronym for something that is not a recognised medical condition but rather an urban phrase. Such usage is inherently derogatory and contributes to a toxic conversational environment.
  8. I have removed a number of reported trolling flame posts, which break the forum rules. I am not here to censor opinions, but just falsely calling another poster a “Russian” is not constructive discussion. Rule 10. You will not post troll messages. Trolling is the act of purposefully antagonising forum members by posting controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking other members into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion. Rule 31. You will not publicly discuss other members or post any member's personal information including but not limited to emails, social media messages, private messages, photos or website details.
  9. I have removed a few flame, bickering and name calling posts. I have no desire to censor opinions, but please just discuss the topic without the personal attacks.
  10. I have again removed a post, attempting to bypass forum cintrols on posting about an imaginary disease.
  11. I have removed a reported off topic post, this discussion is about “President Kamala Harris”
  12. I have removed a couple of reported bickering posts. Please lets discuss the topic and not each other.
  13. At the requested of OP I have closed the topic, as that poster has solved the problem.
    • One Right Answer
    • 5 minutes
    • 5 Questions
    • 36 Players
    Short history of Pattaya Quiz.
    • One Right Answer
    • 5 minutes
    • 5 Questions
    • 28 Players
    Short quiz based on Paris Olympics
  14. I have removed a number of baiting, trolling and name calling off topic posts. @susanlea and @RSD1 take this a your final warning, stop hijacking topics with you adolescent bickering or accept some time off.
  15. I have removed a number of bickering, baiting troll posts, if you choose to continue with these personal attacks then you will start enjoying a posting holiday.
  16. I have removed a post which only highlighted a minor spelling error.
  17. I have removed some reported bickering, name calling posts, please lets discuss the topic not each other.
  18. More adolescent bickering posts removed. Final warning, any more and the topic gets CLOSED
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