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  1. Trump and deranged sounds about right.
  2. Ah ok, so there isn’t a problem after all. Good to know.
  3. Any idea when that might be please?
  4. Stop disrespecting the president
  5. What a sad existence.
  6. Do you have the name of the seller by any chance? Or a link to it?
  7. I didn’t, the mods did. I bet you’ve never once missed a typo , you’re obviously way too savvy for that.
  8. What a lovely guy you are, I’m struggling to work out what makes idiotic comments necessary
  9. I’m not quibbling but if I paid 1800 last year I’m going to make sure if it’s still available at that price before I pay more. That might not make sense to you, but it does to me.
  10. I use it for streaming tv so data needs to be unlimited and spread a minimum of 8-10 I think
  11. I’ve been using 2 SIMs for about 7 years now. Regular post paid True for calling no data and a separate annual True data only unlimited 15mbps at cost of give or take 1800 baht. I’m up for renewal and can’t find the same one under 2600.AIS are similarly priced. If you’ve bought this kind of SIM recently, where did you buy, what price, which network? my other option is to buy a package on my post paid SIM, but cost is slightly higher.
  12. What’s to investigate? Should we investigate how bought a LV bag for 200 baht? Of course not…everyone knows a fake whether it’s a handbag or an illness.
  13. I lived there for 10 years and still maintain a home there which I visit at least once a month. I think I might just have a fairly good idea as to how things are there.
  14. To Pattaya and Phuket? I really don’t, and yes it is, comparatively and that’s bad enough.
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