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Everything posted by Fairynuff

  1. Facts but I dare say you’ll be asking for a link rather than finding out for yourself
  2. There’s barely a week goes by that we don’t hear about another anti vax talk show host dying of Covid so before too long they’ll all be gone. Can’t be a bad thing.
  3. Totally wrong. Those of us who choose to vaccinate understand that we can still get Covid. Those antivaxxers generally are very vocal about it and easily avoidable
  4. Right, based on that pearl of wisdom I’m off to get my vaccine removed
  5. Yeah but he might be an old biddy going to Tesco with a pile of vouchers
  6. So you mean the ones who think wearing a mask means under your nose and keeping your chins warm
  7. Because they’ve seen what happens in other countries when you act irresponsibly. Example, UK, slightly lower population more than 150,000 dead people
  8. I think someone’s pockets are bulging just a little bit more today.
  9. And you haven’t even mentioned Bill Gates or 5G yet.
  10. Validation can found if you can be bothered or have the ability. The last word can be yours, I’m done tata.
  11. And yet they’re still highly effective, and definitely more so than the Sinovac
  12. If it wasn’t rubbish we wouldn’t be saying it’s rubbish, oh and it’s not just us.
  13. Where’ve you been that you’ve missed the most basic of information that’s been around for so many months? And then you ask someone else for a link ????. And then just to dig yourself in deeper.... classic deflection. I think you ought to move on before it gets any worse for you.
  14. Oh for goodness sake! This has been reported a million times in a million places and you’re asking for a link????????????
  15. My goodness you’re a sharp one aren’t you.
  16. Actually it’s not. The fact is that vaccinated people are less likely to pass on the virus and less likely suffer severe illness.
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