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Everything posted by d2b2

  1. I bet that Thai husband has been on the receiving end of that cold nasty stare of his wife many times. It was likely either attack at his wife’s demand or be set upon by that cold nasty hag of a wife.
  2. Wait…are you implying I can’t lose belly fat while sleeping like Dr. Oz promised?
  3. You make no sense at all. Circular reasoning is what you are employing. I simply asked you for the source of the ranked list you posted, so as to verify its veracity. You keep implying the information is now somehow mine? Are you high? Taken a blow to the head? A bit shy of a full deck?
  4. I no longer believe the current regime. They have repeated this claim for years now, and like every problem in the kingdom, they fail to resolve anything. All talk and no action
  5. Like EVERYTHING else in Thailand, nothing has been fixed in the last 7 years.
  6. Interesting is irrelevant if inaccurate. I asked because the list you provided does not appear accurate when juxtaposed against the other lists provided by the “Googen machine”. But hey you keep posting whatever makes you feel good, accuracies and relevance be damned.
  7. That is what happens when the company and crew consider themselves more HISO than the paying customers
  8. Again… he was the first to support the junta (that you are criticizing) when they overthrew the government.
  9. So this event was announced and promoted prior to obtaining an agreement or contract? If that isn’t an obvious sign of incompetence then I can only imagine what the government’s next idea will be. Sky is the limit when none of it has to actually materialize. “replacing Lisa for Thailand New Year’s Eve will be Elvis”
  10. He was the first to publicly support those clowns when the coup occurred. He isn’t being sensible, he is being self centered. He will do or say whatever will bring him $$$$. His pays his employees the minimum and he is selfish with benefits. Do t think for a minute he cares about Thailand’s bottom line. He cares only about his own (the one his daddy left him).
  11. James O’Keefe and his Project Veritas are proven fraudsters. He is a provocateur to whom no act is stopping too low to promote himself and his false narrative. He has zero credibility. Basing one’s health choices on his pronouncements is more dangerous than Russian roulette.
  12. Hua Hin hasn’t seen this much exciting tourism news since the much hyped opening of Blueport resort mall. That fizzled out pretty quickly. So they plan to redevelop and utilize the airport as an event space? We have several desolate event spaces already , all we lack are events
  13. One wonders will it be the same type of “ decisive action” we saw in the high profile/ high public interest case of the Red Bull heir?
  14. Thai courts are disgraceful. The kingdom is failing it’s people by failing to implement judicial reform. Thailand will remain a 3rd world country until it reforms it’s judiciary, government and police, but that is just how those organizations want it to remain.
  15. Where I am from we consider treason to be things like overthrowing the popularly elected government
  16. But the government is going out of their way and falling over themselves to establish new visas to attract them?
  17. Dual pricing, especially when condoned in the public sector, is blatantly discriminatory. It has far reaching consequences beyond economic. The government, any government, has no moral or ethical leg to stand on when participating in such a disgraceful and shameful practice. It simply must stop.
  18. Race bating and scapegoating seems to be the go to whenever there is a failure in Thai government
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