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Everything posted by d2b2

  1. If they put daddy in jail , would the son let him go? I wouldn’t put out much hope a vermin like Boss would step up to take responsibility for his actions even if failing to do so puts his family in peril. Those making his flight from Justice possible should be held accountable.
  2. If they are aiding and abetting a known fugitive, then Yes
  3. Follow the money! Any of the fugitive’s family members or lawyers found to be aiding and abetting this fugitive flight from Justice should also be indicted made to face a trial.
  4. Where is the eye-roll emoticon, for those who are completely helpless to make everything about American politics and their orange hued cult leader?
  5. It is doubtful he (or anyone else) has seen his in ages. Perhaps that is the wellspring of his anger
  6. It was all a misunderstanding. Perhaps Mr. Toad was simply trying to borrow her watch.
  7. Party monkey? Poor manager? Patsy mistake? Plain moron?…
  8. I saw a video of a foreigner kicking a Thai doctor in her back and all hell broke loose with the Thai netizens. Wonder what their level of outrage is here?
  9. It matters. The racist and bigoted comments become normalized and acceptable to others. If some people must foster bigoted comments to make themselves feel superior and to bolster against their own sense of inferiority, they should keep it to themselves, lest everyone see they are in fact inferior
  10. These types of racist and nation basing comments make reading the comments on this site useless and offensive. Do these commenters ever consider “Is my comment necessary” “Is my comment helpful” “Is my comment true” It seems doubtful they consider anything at all before spewing their hateful and hurtful vitriol
  11. this breaking news story is enlightening band surely to be picked up by the world wire services
  12. But sadly, the extremist animal rescue groups here in Thailand place k9 life over humans and fight any attempt to euthanize dangerous vicious dogs. They really are a bit wracked.
  13. The biggest emerging threat seems to be not enough toys for all the Thai military generals to play with
  14. Well Aseannow has free stock photos to accompany your comments, is that any less troubling?
  15. It has never been about pornographic books. Nobody is suggesting pornography in the classroom. it is the banning of books and ideas that gave the mention of gay, lesbian or bisexuality in all grades ( including high school) . Desantis recently had to backpedal when the American psychiatric Association was disallowing the teaching of advanced placement psychology because the textbooks and classroom content could not discuss sexuality. To think people want to put pornography into classrooms is scaremongering and hyperbole to rile up the uneducated base
  16. Well he sure didn't have a problem.forgetting what he said. The only politicians in Thailand that have kept their word and their moral compass has been Move Forward
  17. Posh sedan? Posh sedan,said no one, anywhere, ever about a Ford Mustand
  18. Pheu Thai has tossed their voters and the citizens of Thailand under the bus and eschewed all moral consideration to satisfy one man's self-centered needs. It is shameful.
  19. It doesn't bode well for true democracy that he is making buddy buddy with a ruthless dictator. Myanmar's junta must be pleased as well
  20. The disregard for their commitments and for the citizenry is vile and disgusting. Immoral and unethical Thai men cheating and lying to continue to gorge themselves at the public finance trough.
  21. They are teaming up (despite repeated promises not to work with the coup leaders) with coup crew to capture the needed votes for PM. They share the same lack of morals and ethics The Thai’s aren’t getting THEIR choice and the generals are able to override that choice by teaming up with the Sinawatras. the voters are sacrificed for the wants of Thaksin and the current “leaders”. it is disgraceful
  22. For the last 8+ years the government hasn’t been able to get much of anything accomplished, but now… now that there is no actual government they pass an outrageous increase in foreign tourists fees? This they get done while there is no sitting government? What a farce
  23. His smiling daughter is happy, she threw the Thai voters under the bus to get Daddy back in Thailand. pretty sure that is he will do anything t daddy tells her to do, regardless of the moral or ethical implications
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