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Posts posted by SoiBiker

  1. .We are all here in Thailand and by virtue of that fact we share,

    whether we want to admit it or not.

    some personality traits. many of them positive but some of them...

    well not so muchlaugh.png

    No. No we don't. Those of you who were led here by the dick might share a similar view of the world, but don't tar the rest of us with that brush, thanks.

  2. Welcome to thaivisa matey ,report back in a year and lets see if you attitude changes for the worse lol .

    Thai Visa cliche #7 - anyone who isn't a miserable git just hasn't been here long enough yet.

  3. But why the assumption they are lying? Perhaps they are entirely truthful....you don't know unless you've met them. I'm not referring to personal wealth necessarily. If someone talks about a new Mercedes they bought and the topic was new cars, so therefore entirely relevant to the topic, why so many posters on TV would be negative towards him?

    Or if, say, he had three Mercedes, and just wanted to tell us all about them, but then everyone made fun of him and the thread got locked?

    As I said, my point was T.I.T!

    As I have the 3 cars with the same broker,( notice this time I don't mention the model, less I upset others!!?) the same insurance company and get No claims bonuses on only 2 of the cars with no explanation even offered, why not on the 3rd.

    The point made by the replys was I was ''posing'' about having 3 cars and or making it up.( I have 4 cars actually!)

    Most choose to ignore my point, which was they refused No claims bonuses on the 3rd car, but with no explanation of why.

    My guess is the ''sour'' replys are probably from guys walking across the border every 2-4 weeks!

    Who now have a serious visa problem to over come!

    I wasn't referring to you...

  4. But why the assumption they are lying? Perhaps they are entirely truthful....you don't know unless you've met them. I'm not referring to personal wealth necessarily. If someone talks about a new Mercedes they bought and the topic was new cars, so therefore entirely relevant to the topic, why so many posters on TV would be negative towards him?

    Or if, say, he had three Mercedes, and just wanted to tell us all about them, but then everyone made fun of him and the thread got locked?

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  5. Interesting to note that Patpong, Cowboy and Nana take up a miniscule area considering the size of Bangkok.Plenty of other things to do in Bangkok if you want a change from or want to avoid the girlie bars.

    Indeed. Although after reading this forum you'd be forgiven for concluding that no visitor had ever set foot in another part of the city.

  6. Oh, this one I'm not making up...smile.png Care to meet at Nana Saturday night for proof?

    I can't think of a single reason why I'd want to waste my saturday night in a depressing dump like that. Sorry.

    So, what turns you on than? just curious for my next Bangkok visit from quiet Isaan.icon_hehe.gif

    Why on earth would I want to discuss that in public?

    What you like to do, if you going out. Was that not clear? tongue.png

    What business is that of yours?

    Are you lonely or something? Go look for a friend elsewhere.

  7. Meanwhile, back in the real world...

    Oh, this one I'm not making up...smile.png Care to meet at Nana Saturday night for proof?

    I can't think of a single reason why I'd want to waste my saturday night in a depressing dump like that. Sorry.

    So, what turns you on than? just curious for my next Bangkok visit from quiet Isaan.icon_hehe.gif

    Why on earth would I want to discuss that in public?

    Sent from my GT-N7105 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  8. You are a 46 year old male, and you can find an attractive 40 year old female.

    I can understand your PoV.

    But not really relevant to my post about 50+ and 60+ year olds seeking attractive partners.

    I bet you don't find many 50yos and 60yos to be attractive.

    You're supposed to find them attractive because you love them and have shared the last decade or more of your life with them.

    If you've had forty years to form a meaningful relationship and failed to do so, then sorry to be harsh, but you've pretty much <deleted> up the whole partner thing.

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