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Everything posted by bananafish

  1. And my brother, who got the vax, developed heart problems, and was forced to retire at 50, now whines about how he shouldn't have got the vax.
  2. "Make sure your costume isn't culturally appropriating a culture that isn't your own, while we all celebrate an ancient Celtic cultural tradition while not being descendants of the Celts.".
  3. No one has looked at me funny or asked me to put a mask on in the cinema or on public transport.
  4. The ones wearing masks while exercising in the gym are the best.
  5. I know the new 45-day entry stamp begins then, but are there any changes with covid requirements? Will a negative test still be required after October 1st? It seems now that covid extensions have ended, covid restrictions should too.
  6. Another utterly pointless post, proving you have absolutely nothing of value to say. Double-digit IQ keyword warrior.
  7. You talk more garbage than was onboard the truck. From the video I watched, it looks like the bike came from behind the truck, and tried to overtake it on the right, as it was turning right. So I would hardly say the rider is blameless, his driving seems wreckless, and my guess is that was because he was drinking.
  8. 2 men on a motorbike at 1am carrying beers. I'd place my bets that they were drinking.
  9. That's one of the most horrendous things I've ever seen, those poor people. I don't know why more weren't trying to help them, they were in shock and needed help.
  10. Very few are wearing them in Vietnam, almost nobody. I'm back in Thailand in a few weeks, I will join the ranks of the non-maskers.
  11. Make everything more expensive, of course, what a fantastic idea to attract tourists.
  12. If only he had taken his 7th vaccine, he'd have been fine.
  13. Gangsters run just about every nation. Some are just more sophisticated than others in their gangsterism.
  14. Not in a million years do I buy that would happen. There are phone repair shops in Prasat, and in my experience even in more touristic locations, phone repair shops are the type of places that don't have very good English, you're better speaking Thai or going with someone who does. I don't believe any person would be comfortable to hand their phone over to someone traveling hundreds of miles away, for them to then travel those hundreds of miles alone and phoneless. Having a phone is one of the main things you need these days when traveling. It's how people book flights, check tickets/times, navigate etc. It's like, you know if you lose everything else, but still have your phone, you'll be okay. With a phone, you're never adrift, without it, you are. For me, him having her phone skews guilt heavily towards him.
  15. The monk / dog / mother entanglement is definitely a twisty tidbit. But this guy had the ladyboys phone? "He was going to repair it". Yea right, that has 0% plausibility.
  16. They say "transgender man", which technically, is a biological woman who lives as a man.
  17. From what I've read, the 0.2% limit only applies to cannabis oil. There is no THC limit placed on weed that people will use recreationally. Still an odd law, I don't know the logic of it, but it won't affect 99% of those interested in recreational weed.
  18. According to every UK government vaccine surveillance report, going back a year or more, that's over 52 different official government reports, vaccinated people in my age group are 300-400% more prone to get covid than non-vaccinated people in my age group. I am reading the numbers directly off the tables presented in official government reports. Most governments have not published such data, but those that have include Denmark, Australia Canada, and the UK. And they all show that vaccinated are more prone to covid than non-vaccinated. Tell me specifically why what I said is misleading. Go look at the official reports I linked to, and tell me why my 400% number is "extremely flawed and highly misleading". You will see that my number is correct, so now tell me why me pointing it out is flawed and misleading.
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