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Posts posted by Lovekorat

  1. So martial law cannot be lifted because "it is a tool for the PM to maintain order" like he couldn't lift it with a proviso that it could be re-instated if necessary? Would that have shown goodwill to the people?

    So the PM doesn't trust the people he is supposed to be representing?

    We rich people know what we are doing you poor people do what you are told! (Or else)

    How very sad.

    And now the Human Rights Watch page has been blocked in Thailand because they happened to make disparaging remarks about the way things are going?

    Elections delayed.

    We wonder what is next.

    And so it begins............

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  2. To be honest I don't know whether Yingluck was good or bad, or her brother. I see hostile comments from people here, talk to people in Korat some say ok some say not. I know people in Nong Khai who think she was wonderful but whatever the case, good or bad, surely there are certain rules.

    This country is supposed to be a democracy and therefore you cannot ban foreign travel for individuals except in cases of serious threat to this or another country. I understand the reasons for the coup and it has quietened things down but Does the general now consider himself above the law that he can make that decision? Is he just going to make his own laws based on whatever personal fears he may have, because he is clearly terrified of her influence.?

    If he does then Thailand is on it's way towards a total military dictatorship similar to that they spent so many years criticising in Burma.

    It is not the way to deal with it.

    What with the coup, Koh Tao and other unexplained deaths, the cases of corrupt police, Thailand is taking a hammering at the moment. This just adds fuel to the fire for those of a mind to create problems.

    The general is an army man not a politician and maybe he needs some individual non-affiliated advice to help him make a success of this transition we are in but he won't do it by bullying he will just further deepen rifts that are already a chasm in some places.

    As I have said here before this is a wonderful country to live, with in the main lovely people, but it needs to be sorted out but not by threats by diplomacy, reason and common sense, giving consideration to all sides of the argument.

    If he is worried that the Shinawatra clan will win any new election, which he clearly is, then he must win the minds and therefore the support of those likely to vote for them.

    He will only do that with consideration and concern for the people

    I wish him luck. He has a big job on his hands.

  3. Way way past his sell by date but still too good for SwatCat. I wonder if he has been told he won't be in Bangkok. This might be an attempt by the club to reduce the 'we feel stupid' factor when they announced they were going to sign Thierry Henry. Yeah course you are!

    Known troublemaker, he likes to rock a wobbly boat and my god he's got the chance here.

    Probably after the coach's job which won't be difficult judging by his coaching ability. Yes they won the league last year but beating what? Some of them weren't much better than pub teams. My dog could probably have picked a team to do that.

    Was a great player but just milking a bit of money now I think.

    His deliberately provocative hand signals will go down well here...Not!

    Hope he hasn't seen Hunger games

    • Like 1
  4. Guilty or innocent we may never know but it looks increasingly like the latter and people are trying to find a way out of all this mess. But let's not forget, please, that if they are innocent then there are at least two murderers running around free, possibly at least one of whom is still on the island. That is a sobering and scary thought for anyone unfortunate enough to live on or visit the island. What do they plan to do about that?

    • Like 2
  5. Sympathies extended to the victims and families of course but how about this.

    Rather than make big announcements about remembrance days in an effort to intimate they care why don't they show they really care...

    1. Introduce a meaningful driving test

    2. Ban drivers with no licence or insurance

    3. Instill a few rules on the road and have the police arrest those who break them

    4. Ban repeat offenders from 3.

    5. Have an MOT test to get rid of some of the wrecks being driven around.

    6. Have a real test for bus and coach drivers.

    7. Enforce speed limits.

    8 stop people driving down the wrong side of a carriageway.

    9 make it an offence to have no lights

    Oh I could go on.........

    I travel a lot here. I have never seen anything like what goes on and to add to it the police just seem to watch and do nothing.

    If you want to reduce deaths have laws and enforce them. It's not rocket science

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  6. Bicycle lanes?????

    I've got a good idea..

    1.lets have a meaningful driving test

    2. Let's have rules on the roads

    3. Let's have the police enforcing those rules

    4. Let's have driving bans for those that break them

    5. Lets stop people driving the wrong way on the hard shoulder of dual carriageways especially without lights

    6. Let's have an MOT test to get rid of dangerous vehicles

    Oh dear......must have been a dream I've just woken up

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  7. Interesting subject. As one here commented it's been common knowledge for a long time. As part of my degree I studied Smith's life. An interesting study to say the least and perhaps polygamy was one of his lesser controversies. However it should be noted that Mormons believe that a woman cannot enter their 'highest' heavenly state without first having been sealed ( married ) in a temple. At this time many of the men were being slaughtered by anti-Mormon mobs and leaving widows who may not have undergone this ritual and also a shortage of men for women to marry. It is possible that 'perhaps' Smith took the wives as 'temple wives' only to satisfy their beliefs and when he realised there were going to be far too many to accommodate instructed other church 'officials- ( namely his closest friends) to do the same. This would certainly in their eyes ( if not ours) to be a just reason, and later when there was an abundance of men the practise was discarded. This of course does not explain why he married a 14 year old as she was in no need at that time for such a ritual to be undertaken being too young. Or it could be they were just a bunch of dirty old men. ?

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  8. What happened to the 'perfect' case?

    Oh dear me.

    I hear all the time that Thai's do not like to lose face.

    Do they know that people overseas are watching this? Half of them are laughing at you and the other half disgusted, how much more face is there left to lose.

    Come on guys time for cards on the table now. I don't know if the Burmese boys are innocent or guilty, though their guilt is beginning to look suspect now. Face is lost I am afraid but you might save next years tourist trade by sorting this out.

  9. Mmmm., well I had 12 people coming to visit me on the anniversary of my arrival here next February and they have ALL said they are not coming. They don't feel it is safe to come. Enviro sell? Who are they?

    I have had no problems here or at any if the places I have visited but this Koh Tao situation indicates there is an under-current here I have not seen.

    Maybe the percentage that are still coming can't get refunds

  10. Knowing just a little of how governments and diplomacy is ''supposed' to work in the UK they have brought in a 'junior' minister to deliver the first shot across the bows. The 'big' boys will be waiting in the wings to get involved if the actions taken by the Thai officials are deemed unacceptable. You always need somewhere else to go if the initial phase fails.

    To be honest I am not holding my breath. The UK have no legal right to interfere unless formally asked and we all know that will not happen. Further the crime scene and subsequent investigations have been so disturbed it is unlikely a provable alternative scenario is possible. I wonder if any 'original' DNA was acquired from the bodies in the UK? If so they have a chance but if not no chance.

    As for the comments about the UK PM I am no lover of 'call me Dave' either but can anyone show me a viable alternative? The Labour Party have lost the plot completely due to Liar Blair taking us to a war to satisfy Bush and Bumbling Brown the Banker cocking everything up, Miliband...hopeless, LibDems...yeah right....that only leaves Boris, god help us, or Nigel Farage. Oh dear!

    The investigation into the murders of these poor unfortunate people has been a mess and continues to be so, and until DNA is taken from ALL possible suspects this whole episode will continue to be shrouded in threads of conspiracy. I just hope that someone somewhere has the courage to come forward and say.....'well actually I know something' , because someone somewhere does.

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  11. Have you ever seen such total incompetence in all your life? First it's one then the other then someone else, then it's the bar owners son, or a cousin or we are nearly ready to make arrests, (nearly???), and then we are 85% there and now a 'foreigner' meaning I presume not Thai ( because Thai's couldn't possibly could they) . Do these people know the whole world is watching them act like complete fools? Can you imagine what the victims families are thinking and how they are suffering? Someone somewhere is going to get away with this. Do they really think the guilty are still on the island waiting to be arrested?

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  12. In the midst of this horrendous situation I wonder if the Army and those that run the country now have any idea of how they are viewed in some parts of the world. I come from the UK and people I know there are just horrified and disgusted. Friends in Holland feel the same. I don't know of any facts but I read about police corruption etc., and I don't want to believe it but the way this has been handled has brought shame on what in the main is a beautiful country. People writing in saying'everyone on Koh Tao knows who did it'. well if that's the case then why are we in this situation? And if the army are 'in control' why are they not down there kicking some backsides about to get to the truth? And what is a 'headman'? Is Thailand still living in a feudal system?

    The damage that has been done to potential tourism not only to Koh Tao but Thailand in General may never be repaired in the eyes of those of us who are watching on in disbelief. Can we quote Keith Emerson but just change the name of the country and say ' Thailand is pregnant with promise and anticipation, but is murdered by the hand of the inevitable'. I was here when the coup took place. I am not personally in favour of military intervention in any democracy but something did have to be done. Since then they have quietened it all down and that us good and they seem to be doing ok, but please Mr Prayuth, get this one sorted before Thailands credibility has gone for good.

  13. I know this is on a slightly different angle but I am developing a bit if a problem and I need a little help. I have only been here for 5 months. I like Thailand, except of the bloody buses and the roads....and have respect for Buddhism and it's practises but just lately I have been noticing things that worry me a little.

    Firstly, are monks supposed to help,the very poor, is that one of their functions? Because I don't see if happening and second, I was under the impression before I came here that monks own nothing and have no worldly interests at all yet I see them with mobile phones and not cheap ones I might add and other electrical devices. who pays for them. Is that ok in this high tech world. I hope I am not being picky here, just want some wise words from some of you guys who know a lot more than I do.

  14. Well being English but an ardent Dutch fan I've seen all this before. They should have won in 1974 but for the silly buggers trying to humiliate the Germans in front of their own fans, would have won in 1978 but for the ball hitting the inside of the post and rolling along the line in the 92nd minute, again in 1994 and 1998, but for in-fighting and on 2010 against Spain they threw off their total football for kick boxing! So...it's about time but this team looks awfully young and a bit frail at times. So 3 finals, no wins. Many Dutch people are resigned to the fact that people see them as the best team even though they don't win and that is ok. Tonight will be a test. Get through this and it could be another Holland Germany final. Tasty!

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