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Posts posted by Lovekorat

  1. Gotta hand it to the General. Not only can he restore order, clean up the police, tackle corruption, actually have people arrested and bring peace to Thailand but it seems he even managed to delay the rainy season until everyone was ready. The man is a miracle worker.

    I wonder if he'd fancy a month in Brazil in charge of the England team?

  2. Hi All,

    Can anyone give me some help. I arrived from the UK on an 'O' Multiple entry visa which means I have to leave every 90 days

    My first 90 days are up in 2 weeks, I live in Korat and so I am planning to go to either Non Khai and go to Laos or to Cambodia. Laos is favourite I think.

    Do I need a visa to get into Laos?

    How does this work, I am quite confused.

    Do I just go through the border, fill in my Thai export form and then turn around and come straight back in and they stamp another 90 Days? Is that it?

    Is it an all day affair?

    Can I take my g-f with me or does she have to stay in Thai?

    Thanks for any help

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  3. Doesn't anybody recognise that Thailand is a democracy and should be proud of that? Some may not like the government but you change it through the ballot box not with the gun.

    I read so many things here about corruption etc., but is it really any different anywhere else?

    I have arrived from the UK and are the politicians there squeaky clean? I think not judging by how many went to jail and many that should have gone to prison for blatantly fiddling their expenses.

    Please excuse my ignorance in Thai politics but having only been here a couple of months it seems to me that one side cannot win an election legally so they resort to bringing down the government in non-constitutional ways.

    That is not how a democracy works.

    I don't know if Yingluck was good or bad, it depends who you talk too, but she did hold the prime office which should be respected. If Thailand doesn't want her put your cross somewhere else.

    Thailand is a wonderful country full of so many good things it must find a way to solve this crisis legally and within its constitution not with threats and disruption.

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