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Posts posted by Lovekorat

  1. I have to say I know nothing about the collection of DNA, how long after an event that it can be reliably collected etc., but...

    I wonder if the UK authorities did their own test when the bodies of these two young people were brought home?

    And if so and it can be done, is that the information they are holding back and have given to the defense?

    If, and I say if, they have, will that incriminate someone else?

    Perhaps the people or someone related to those who threatened the Sky translator?

    It seems to me that as the only 'real evidence' the prosecution have is a supposed DNA match why would they not present it? It's all they've got shouldn't it be guarded and produced?

    Why would they lose it or not present it?

    Is it not true they had tested them before and found no match?

    Is it because they are aware the Brits have their own and if they present theirs then there will be discrepancy?

    In that situation the court would have to rule abandonment of the proceedings on a technicality because their is no evidence.

    Just a thought

  2. He's a military man ( not that he's ever had to be involved in 'real' military life, just has a cushy little number thank you), so purchasing submarines will always be more important to him than healthcare for the people he claims 'love him' and he is supposed to be representing.

    Has he ever thought to himself I wonder what can I do to make the people like me?

    As vie said before he can't touch the real corruption because that is run by the people that allow him to remain in iffice so that's a no go area.

    But something like a national healthcare scheme?

    Would that do it?

    Mmmm he thinks...submarines, healthcare....submarines, healthcare. Oh let's go for the submarines. The Chinese will love us and I look powerful

    Will he be making the first donation?

    He's got a few bob hasn't he?

    He's not going to learn is he

  3. To me it all seems quite relaxed as if everyone on the inside knows what is going to happen.

    The police have a case they say, but unless they know something they haven't released, then the case seems at best very insecure. The RTP have only themselves to blame.

    Too many .statements', poor crime scene policy, un verified DNA. It all seems on the face if it that there was a panic to collect as much 'evidence' as possible to ensure the real perpetrators got away.

    So, what will happen.

    If they are found guilty then there will be many people that point the finger both here and overseas. Thailand does not want that.

    If they are found innocent then Thai law 'enforcement' ( use that term lightly) is shamed, and the face they have already lost just gets worse, if that is possible.

    So those two solutions appear untenable.

    The only other outcome is that the charges are withdrawn or the court throws the case out on a technicality.

    Boys are free, police don't lose face, everybody's happy.

    Especially the scumbags that did it.

    But the victims parents?

    I don't suppose the Thai authorities give a whatsit about them as long as they can rid of all this.

    It's a shame the old General is too busy arresting students who don't like him to have a look and clean up the corruption he promised....yes, promised, to sort out.

    But let's not make a mistake here.

    He did not instigate the coup. The powerbrokers did. He is just the face if it.

    He can keep the power he craves as long as be doesn't rock the boat too much.

    Is there any other reason why he hasn't started sorting those elements in the police and the army who are, shall we say, not quite clean? I say those meaning not all.

    He can't, or there would be another change at the top.

    That is one reason this has been allowed to drag on and on.

    There are some 'untouchables' involved here, either on the island or further up the gravy train.

    So I don't think guilty or not guilty is the likely outcome.

    Two questions, if they are released, compensation?

    And, will they go after the guilty ones?

    If they are guilty then throw the book at them

    If they are not, someone needs to stir up a s**t storm.

    I have to say that in my own dealings with the police I have found them nothing but courteous and respectful. Maybe I have been lucky. We have a couple on the estate here. Often pop in for a chat to practise their English. The army people do tend to wallow in their own imagined self importance though.

    But if there is a rogue element, go and get them.

    Some people here think Thailand lives in a bubble and can do what it likes when it likes.

    They may find out that is not the case. Too many people are watching.

    It may be about to pop

  4. Closed for 10 days?

    There you are that will teach you you naughty boys.

    Isn't prostitution illegal in Thailand?

    You know, against the law?


    Yes you remember those don't you?

    Oh I see, you've never really had them?

    Oh sorry you have them, they are just not enforced.

    Oh I see!

    Aren't the police tasked with enforcing the law?

    You know, the police.

    Oh, is that what you call them, sorry I misunderstood their job.

    My mistake.

  5. Thai's complaining about bringing shame on Thailand?

    Very funny.

    Absolute hypocrisy

    Have a look in the mirror.

    A large proportion of you bring shame on this lovely country every time you set foot outside the house in the morning.

    Pattaya is not for me but it is what it is.

    This country allowed it to happen and allows it to continue.

    Stop complaining.

  6. Whilst I personally do not agree with military intervention and the removal of legally elected governments by the military, it was bloodless and the curbs on freedoms have been quite minor in comparison to what has happened elsewhere in the world in similar circumstances.

    I do think though that before the Americans start to lecture anyone about civil rights and behaviour they should have a good long look in the mirror and make sure they are free of any such actions.

    But of course they live in a 'free' society don't they. If you're the right colour and class you do anyway.

    And foreign policy?

    I wonder where in the Middle East is the next 'minority' group they are going to arm and then go back 10 years later and blow the crap out of? They know exactly what weapons Al Quaeda, ISIS etc have. They just look at the receipts.

    I hardly think they are in a position to lecture anybody

  7. It's very interesting how the freedom to be able to voice opinion and comment is found so offensive by some.

    I made a few points earlier here, as many do, and read others comments some of which, even though they may be different to my own, are well written and eloquent and worth reading and considering.

    Some people seemed to agree with what I wrote, but then I get told by one academic that I should get out more and just shut up!

    It seems there are a few, outside of the unelected government, that also want to control what you say and think and dislike people having opinions that differ to their own.

    It is an ethos that seems popular in some circles.

    Oh by the way my friend....ethos means the distinctive spirit of a culture or an era in case you may be confused

  8. Maybe a moments pause for reflection.

    He said he was staying on and got pilloried.

    He says he might not , pilloried again.

    I think the very first thing he needs to do is be quiet and let his actions speak for themselves and for the people.

    But he needs to keep fishing for support from the people, including his 'trash'.

    That is a classic behavioural problem from someone with a complex.

    So let's pause for a second and consider the achievements of the last year and a bit.

    Well apart from cleaning up a few beaches, arresting some potential political critics, hindering a free press and stopping me blowing my nose in public, not an awful lot really. The big issues have not been dealt with.

    The real problem is he's lost this 'hearts and minds' battle and I think he knows it.

    He will not convince the majority he is the right man. That job was always going to be tough but many of his proclamations have made it even tougher.

    He knows that unless he can find some way of stopping the populist vote he and his cronies have had it.

    They will lose an election and we are back to where we were until the army move in again.

    There was another way of course that would have shown him in a better light in that he could have gone to Yingluck and said publicly, let's work together to stop the violence.

    Like her or not she was the 'elected' representative.

    But his backers chose not to do that and committed what is after all treason.

    So here we are. No government, no one who appears to be able to unite the people and the same old cronies making the same statements( when they are allowed to).

    To win an election he has to:-

    1. Either make sure that some of the population are dis-enfranchised...or

    2. Ensure that the only people who can stand for election are 'his' people.

    A very dangerous course of action.

    Civil wars have started for less.

    What this country needs is a good man or woman, free of corruption and self interest, who is not scared to take on the power brokers in Bangkok, take away the power of the army and say enough is enough. I am giving Thailand back to the people.

    Is there such a person?

    Is Aung San Suu Kyi available for a few years?

    It's not going to happen is it.

    Democracy is not perfect. It often fails. But it's all we've got.

    And until someone comes up with an alternative principle that is better that doesn't include an army, another North Korea or a Putin then that's what we've got.

    There is no democracy here. Never has been and never will be I fear.

    But maybe that's what Thai people want.

    It has been going on so long now it must feel like the norm to them.

    It is their country after all though and we are just guests.

    It shouldn't be that difficult to take such a beautiful place and create some form of sanity should it?

    What a bloody shame.

  9. Keep hearing about this road map?

    Has he put the wrong coordinates into his satnav and got lost?

    Or perhaps he went out on the roads, nearly got wiped out by an uninsured, unlicensed driver and decided the reforms go deeper than he is willing to accept or able to do anything about.

    Or perhaps he has a road map that says " all roads must lead to me and no criticism please"

    Take your pick.

  10. Oh for gods sake grow some balls!

    I am beginning to think he needs a psychiatrist to help him with his complex about criticism.

    Has it ever dawned on him to wonder why he is criticised?

    Hey fella, perhaps it's because a lot of people don't actually like you despite the concocted popularity polls.

    If he's looking for sympathy he ain't gonna get it.

    The whole country knows he's not going to give up 'power' he loves it too much.

    Perhaps he should apply for the job at FIFA. He has all the credentials and ethics required for the job.

  11. I am staggered by the comments that seem to think this kind of behaviour is acceptable, especially when the 'joke' is at the expense of the country who actually contributes to the payment of their over-inflated wages.

    It was a racist remark and if the manager would take HIS head out of the sand and stop behaving like an ostrich he would recognise that.

    It's no wonder that many Brits ( and I am British) have such a delightful reputation in this country.

    Reading some of the comments that reputation is justified.

    Oh you will wax lyrical about it goes on all the time, etc., but this is appalling behaviour straight out of the human gutter. I hardly think that being charged extra for going to a Thai park is quite in the same racially discriminatory league is it?

  12. Oh you're sorry?

    Oh that's ok then.

    Sack all three of them......then when one of the players fathers dad calls someone else an ostrich sack him too!

    Ban them from Thailand and pull the King Power sponsorship.

    Say hello to Division 2 Leicester shitty.

    That would send a message out to the rest of them that maybe they should show a little respect to the country that pays for their lavish lifestyles.

    They're not the first footballers to behave in a similar way and won't be the last

    I suppose they've taken their 'training' from the 'pro's' Terry, Rooney et al.

    Sad indictment on a certain sort of individual.....sorry....morons

    It's no wonder some Thai's view farangs as just what these morons actually are. Scum

  13. I find the inferences in the article a little ambiguous.

    It appears to refer to an 'outsider' being elected PM.

    I can only assume that the following then will apply.

    1. That Prayuth wallowing in his self appointed importance fancies the job and all the trappings that go with it.

    2. He doesn't intend to 'stand' for election just in case he were to lose

    3. That he can then be appointed as an 'outsider' who is unelected by his friends on the gravy train.

    It doesn't really matter.

    Where there is any form of constitution that allows the army to take over on a whim that is not democracy. Thailand has never had it and probably never will.

    I think one must not forget that the overthrow of a legally elected government by the military is treason against the state. You can sugar coat it with rhetoric with statements about saving his people, but most people now know that was never the case here. The acquisition of power and control was what it was about.

    Treason it is and treason as an act it remains.

    Except that an amnesty has been arranged for those involved to prevent prosecution.

    Ah....amnesty....yes I remember that!

    There is no solution to this.

    They know they would lose in a free election because they don't represent the majority.

    So two courses of action are open.

    One create a constitution that will discount the opinions and votes of the majority of the people, or two, find a way to consistently avoid the need for an election thus keeping power and one day announcing that it's all working fine we don't need democracy.

    After all it is working well....the beaches at Phuket are so clean now aren't they....clean enough to find another dead body this week!

    If somehow the people forced an election and found a candidate to win then they would simply have another coup and take power back again.

    And so it will go on.

    There is too much personal wealth and potential gain at work here.

  14. I do not teach in Thailand but I am not surprised at all with many of the comments of those who do. I live near an English guy who teaches at a local private school. He often comes over in despair at 1) the attitude, laziness and arrogance of the kids and 2) the attitude of the school, directors who are only interested in not upsetting parents who pay the money and not with kids learning.

    But I am not so sure that laziness and arrogance is just a Thai thing. I knew many students in the UK who were no different, didn't want to learn languages, just wanted Facebook all day. I don't for one minute think this applies to all British kids but I suspect quite a few. When you have an education system at universities that run courses in bloody Madonna then you know you have had it. Or of course ' media studies'!! What a bloody waste of time.

    I interviewed a law undergraduate for a part time secretarial job at my sports club. Couldn't spell! How does that work in terms of entry to a law degree?

    I went to Manchester where if I failed a module I got one chance in the three years to pass it again. No excuses fail and you're out! We tended to pay attention and work.

    A few years ago I was working in Holland, teaching (tennis) an 8 year old boy for the first time. Not a rich kid just an ordinary boy. I was still learning to speak Dutch and so in a mixture of broken Dutch and pigeon English I was explaining to him what I wanted him to do. He stopped and walked over to me and said " it's ok , I can speak English". And he could.

    I congratulated his parents after and they said " oh, he speaks French as well, and of course German. He starts Spanish next year"!

    Perhaps it's just a cultural thing. If parents don't give a crap then neither will the kids.

    But it's also the attitudes here.

    Near here is another private school. They have a non-English European teaching English. That's ok, he speaks it perfectly but he is also an ex-international head swimming coach who worked at 3 consecutive Olympic Games ( and where they won medals)

    Is he allowed to run the swimming at the school?

    Course he's not.

    The reason... " oh we have a Thai man who does it and he is better"

    Yes of course he is.

    No one can do it better than a Thai can they.

    After all they sweep the board in every major sport don't they ....the coaches must be that good!...NOT!

    So it's no different in the classroom. Let's get a Thai to teach English even though they can't speak it themselves!

    7 out of 100 ....might be generous.

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