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Brian Robson

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Posts posted by Brian Robson

  1. Can't find a "Lost and Found" section so I'll just post this here.

    If you know of anyone who has lost one of these in the past few days, please send me a private message.

    More information will be requested to authenticate claimants!

  2. I have taken out accident insurance with KasiKorn Bank, but the THB 2 million for death or dismemberment is reduced to THB 300,000 if it's a motorcycle accident (small print).

    In April, I ended up in Pattaya Memorial hospital needing 6 units o blood for a Helicobacter Pylori infection. Unknown to me, my brother had taken out additional insurance as he thought I might have a bike accident, but it also covered hospital admission and saved me THB 152,000 medical bill!

    Don't get caught short in Thailand! Insure yourself properly!

  3. Mention has not been made about TATP (Triacetone Triperoxide) a.k.a Mother of Satan as a possibility.

    No need to raid military depots or other risky operations. This stuff can be made in a tub from nail varnish remover and Hydrogen peroxide! Readily available in Thailand.

    Very powerful, but dangerous to work with, this was used in the 7/7 London bombings.

    But chemical analysis should have been completed by now!

  4. The solution is simple. If you get scammed. Pay the money and let the dust settle. We all look the same remember!! A week later with a pair of sun gasses and a bit of a disguise rent out the jet ski and bomb it down to the quiet part of the beach where you earlier stashed your canister of petrol. Burn the bitch to the ground, off with your bar wig and moushache and flee on your already parked motor bike near by. that would just about equal things up a bit.

    I was discussing this exact plan yesterday while watching some Indians getting scammed. clap2.gif

  5. Keep the water; it is able to absorb heat much better than air (the water has a higher specific heat capacity) , thus keeping the remaining ice cubes frozen longer.

    However, if you are so concerned about your ice expenditures, I would suggest that you avoid ordering any drinks at a restaurant. Save your thirst until you get home. Seriously, if you cannot afford 20-100 baht on ice, do you really think you should be going out to a restaurant?

    Air is a better insulator than water, and some heat leaks in from the walls of the container. This makes it better to have cold air in contact with ice than cold water.

    Chuck excess water out as you go!

  6. It would seem unlikely, as the rubber tires would not provide a path to earth.

    Crashed after a lightning strike nearby maybe?

    Yeah! I was thinking the same thing. The Lightning probably had a different target and she got in the way of the line of site in that split second.

    Just recently I too was almost hit by lightning sitting in my house. I must say this was a very shocking experience.

    But I wasn't the target. Turns out that a wall plug-in about 4 meters away was, and it then came out of another one, that was only 1 meter away from my face. A Bright as White Light you can only imagine if you haven't been there before..

    As already explained the discharge does not pass through the tyres but jumps from the metal wheel rim to earth.

    You can see this in this picture, and yes I've 'been there' and was the target!crazy.gif


  7. I have in fact blown up a 19Kg LPG cylinder back in the 70's with a mere 2Kgs of weedkiller and sugar. The effect was devastating, blowing a two meter deep and three meter wide crater in a beach. 100 yards away I could feel a powerful ground shock and the blast was heard 8 Kms away!

    Just heating a gas cylinder is not that effective, but would produce a nasty fireball if it ruptures. Explosives inside a metal cylinder cause much more damage, creating shrapnel and causing a shock wave. Composite cylinders do not fragment as they are of a woven design and remain in one piece. LPG cylinders are deigned for working pressures around 10 Bar (Atmospheres) with a test pressure of 20 Bar. However industrial gas cylinders Oxygen/Argon etc. operate up to 200 Bar, so the restrictions will be ineffective if not making things worse!

  8. I have been hit twice, once in Kenya and once in South Africa.

    In Kenya the lightning hit the powerline, and on it's way to earth, I was handling an electric switch for my tape deck. A 10 cm bolt hit my hand and muscle contractions threw me across the room. Air has a breakdown voltage of 50,000V/cm, so I took and estimated half a million volts. What saved me was I was covered in a sea spray driven under the roof and the resultant 'flashover' luckily earthed the main charge!

    In South Africa I was closing a metal framed window in a storm when lightning hit the house. The thatched roof is equipped with foil to stop fires starting, but anything metal becomes live under such conditions! Thrown down again!

    As for the unfortunate lady on the bike, even with the insulating effect of rubber, the flash can jump this barrier if the voltage is high enough. Cars with much thicker tyres can be hit, but as someone said, the Farraday Cage effect protects you, unless you are cooling your hand on the roof! (PS. A good idea to do this to prevent static igniting gasoline vapours before you fill up)


  9. Get these so called geniuses to visit Fukushima and see how thats going 4 years and still not under control .

    Fukishima had old design BWR (Boiling Water Reactors) which nobody builds any more. Nuclear generation has come a long way since Chernobyl, Three Mile Island and Fukushima.

    Newer reactors like the Westinghouse AP1000® PWR are very safe to run. Compared to the death rate in coal mining, never mind CO2 production, nuclear is going to be a mainstay in the 'mix' of power generation for some time.

    People need to educate themselves about it, instead of the knee jerk reactions I see on this forum.


  10. Just bumping this as I have received an e-mail from Thai Visa Elite.



    You can now get a 5-year multiple entry visa for Thailand!
    Perfect if you are under 50 years old, or not married to a Thai citizen or not working.

    • Visa type: PE
    • Visa validity: 5 years
    • Length of stay: 1 year per entry
    • Extendable: Every entry gives you a full year stay, or you can extend every year at your local Immigration office.
    • Included: Immigration Airport Fast Track and Free Airport Limousine

    Seems the scamming is still going on! http://www.samuitimes.com/controversial-thailand-elite-card-set-make-reappearance-next-year/

  11. potassium chlorate - nasty stuff and doesn't take a lot to set it off. When I was young I used to experiment with the stuff. Add some sugar, a drop of nitric acid or a fuse and it was off.

    We did a lot of similar "experimentation" when young, lots of formulas to try. Potassium nitrate and sugar made a great rocket fuel when melted and poured into an empty co2 cartridge (from our BB guns of course). The melting process was a bit touchy though and often ended badly.

    I feel sorry for the kids today, get caught doing that now and they might wind up in Guantanamo.

    The good old days!

    Biggest IED I made involved about 2Kgs sugar + NaCLO3 in a 19 Kg LPG gas cylinder on a remote beach in Kenya. I felt the beach physically lift, blowing a crater 3 meters wide and two meters deep. The blast was heard 8 Kms away! Only amateurs around these days! whistling.gif

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