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Brian Robson

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Posts posted by Brian Robson

  1. I have seen pepper sprays and Tazers for sale could be used against dog or owner if he gets aggressive or make your own with chilli water in a water pistol, use this and the dog will not come near you again, can also be used on the owner in an emergency. I personally would not let any dog or owner dictate to me where I could or could not walk on a public street

    I agree with the above poster about the bullcrap of Thais having friends we also have friends or enough money to buy a few for the night

    I had a problem on a back road where dogs would go for my Honda Phantom as it makes a different sound to the run of the mill 125s.

    I made up a chilli solution with vinegar then filtered it using a coffee filter and put into a plant spray bottle.

    The girlfriend would then use this on any dog that ran out at us. In one case the dog went down incapacitated!

    After a few runs the problem was solved and the dogs knew NOT to come out and chase this bike!

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  2. Chlorine is nothing to be near. It is one one the most deadly chemicals that has most common usage as well. I would not recommend the football pitch. You want to be clear of the area entirely. Go to relatives or spring for a hotel until all clear is given.

    Don't let a few baht stand between you and/or your familiy's health.

    The odour description seem more like the more toxic Chlorine compound Phosgene, a World War 1 gas!

    • Phosgene is a major industrial chemical used to make plastics and pesticides.


    Either way, there have been far too many incidents at this site and it requires far more regulation!

  3. One more thing, I do usually keep the thermostat set to as low as it can get (19C). Does that make the AC go into overdrive mode and use more power?

    This is one of the most annoying habits of my visitors, trying to drive the AC down to 16 Deg C. It ain't going to happen, and the AC loses efficiency if the compressor is always engaged. The AC fans don't draw much power, it's the compressor which is power hungry. A comfortable temperature should be aimed for around 24 Deg C, and the compressor will cut in and out to maintain that. The newer ACs use inverter technology which maintains temperatures more smoothly, and as someone mentioned on another thread, halved his electric bill!

    Finally, have an annual service to clean out the filters and re-gas if necessary. This typically costs THB 400 per unit, and is worthwhile.

  4. The water is supposedly of drinkable quality when it leaves the treatment plant, but can get contaminated along the way.

    Irrespective of this water quality reaching the water dispensers, the issue is if the reverse osmosis filters are changed as prescribed, and as already mentioned, the UV lamp is operational. Both iffy in Thailand!

    Personally I boil all my own water from the tap.

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  5. I lived in Africa most of my life so the AC comes on at 30 Deg C and is set for a balmy 27 Deg. I use a fan up to that point, but AC is the biggest consumer of electricity in my place.

    You will have significantly increased costs in a room facing the sun, so awnings or external shutters, together with reflective film would be a good investment.

    For more long term savings, double glazing should be considered.

  6. Coming from a microbiologist, avoid all standing bowls of soups/noodles etc. You don't know if they were made an hour ago or three days ago.

    Cooking may kill bacteria, but does not always destroy toxins already produced by bacterial growth in warm conditions.

    Seafoods, especially clams, oysters and raw prawns are especially risky and can carry nasty liver parasites!

    If the food is BBQd in front of you it's probably OK.

    A friend's Thai wife is currently in Bangkok hospital after eating clams, and every time the girlfriend goes to BKK she gets sick from street food!

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