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Brian Robson

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Posts posted by Brian Robson

  1. Get pepper spray as the authorities won't do anything. Just don't hit yourself;-)

    Or tear gas spray, but you should have your gasmask ready.

    I had a problem with dogs in East Pattaya on a back road, who would go for the different sounding Honda Phantom bike.

    Made up a chilli spray with vinegar and other solvents filtered through a coffee filter to remove debris and put it into a plant sprayer bottle.

    One dog was actually floored by the spray and temporarily blinded when he went for my bike and was targeted by the girlfriend!

    I have not had any trouble now for over a year, even though the dogs are still there. They know better! thumbsup.gif

  2. Hmmm, let's see if I can remember them all...

    First spill on Phayathai turning into Rama 4 - cement trucks exiting a worksite not hosed down at night. Front end departed at pace, lifted my girlfriends leg up and we hit the mud and slid some distance along with the bike (Yamaha Special 650) Bent bars and muddy clothes. Two other bikes had gone down just before us and were trying to wave us off - failed to understand their gestures... Told us after we were lucky it was muddy or we'd be cut up on the road... not sure they saw the irony in that.. anyhow smile.png Went home, changed clothes, came back out a different route, bent bars and all...

    Had the front wheel of the Yamaha knocked out from under me by a scooter rider in traffic - he cut me up near Makasan in light rain. Greasy road and being on the paint at the time contributed to my failure to correct it. Ruined a pair of $400 Frattelli Rossetti shoes and was late for a seminar. Gear peg too bent to repair there and then, so had to leave it and get a bike taxi...

    Rolled off at low speed a few times on my first off-road adventure on my mini-GS. Missed a turn and went down an embankment on the same trip, had to cut the undergrowth away with a pocket knife which took a while. Now I carry a kukri I've sharpened well enough to shave with...

    Last, but by no means least, I was riding off road in Ratchaburi on a course taught by Simon Pavey when I did exactly what he said not to do and drove straight into a hole at the side of the track, stopped instantly from 40, rolled into the track and was almost run over by the support vehicle (I was tail end charley because Pavey said "You seem sensible, why don't you mop up stragglers." Broke my wrist and nose and was driven to Suan Phueng 'anamai'

    On a serious note, the x-ray at Suan Phueng showed a single clean break at the wrist. Pavey told me he road Dakar with an almost identical break in an open cast... The day after I took my x-ray, myself and my open cast to BNH to get a second opinion. 13 fractures, 7 weeks in a full cast and a rather painful resetting procedure that made me dig deep for suitable vocabulary... Don't trust up country medical equipment unless you can tell it is modern. I can't blame the Dr. in Suan Phueng, the Dr. in BNH agreed with the interpretation of the original film, just the machine was ancient...

    Happy riding gents.

    Oh, ahh - I think the x-ray machine was substandard, too. Feels like a broken foot. The swelling won't go away...

    Bought the same brand shoes - crocodile leather. But wore sandals when I was hit by a speeding taxi van which was over taking, driving in the wrong lane.

    Previously, a bastard without insurance caused an accident. Had a broken finger. The cops ignored the lack of insurance - and this time, the van left the scene of the accident. The bike was totalled and I'm hopping mad.attachicon.gifaccident2.jpgattachicon.gifaccident.jpg

    Hop you get well soon! wink.png

  3. ​Started using the bum gun for the first time ever last year after reading another post. Before that it me took forever to get spotless with tissue alone. The BG makes the clean up much faster. I still use tissue to finish up -- I'm not brave enough to use bare fingers down there.

    This might benefit newbies out there. When I first started using the BG, I was getting inconsistent results. I tried spreading my legs, propping one leg up on the tub, etc, to no avail. Then it dawned on me to relax my anus. I guess the natural reaction with something shooting ​at ​your hole is to constrict it. You have to make an effort to open her up.

    It does take a bit of concentration to really relax it. The best way I find is to act like you're trying to push out a massive log. Like, you know, what Donn​ie ​B ​is doing in his avatar tongue.png Well, maybe not that extreme but you get my point.

    After being a die hard wiper most of my life, I'm very pleased with the spray-wipe routine. I encourage skeptics to at least give it a try.

    Bit too much information, but good!

    After an op to remove an anal abcess many years ago it took four or five paper wipes before I got to the zero skid mark stage!

    Now with the BG, the drying wipe shows no skid marks, so I'm happy as a pig in no shit, until I have to visit UK.

  4. Oh they dont die quick when you use it. Its actually pretty sickening and they take a long time to die. Not for the faint of hearts

    We put one down and the lone mouse was caught within 20 minutes.

    My Thai girlfriend took it out to bin the varmint, and I assumed she'd killed it.

    Two days later I looked in the bin, it was still alive! I dispatched it right away.

    Check glue boards daily and mercy kill them right away. No need for a slow cruel death.

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