The European parliament are a nazi dictatorship.. tell them to get f***** they have no right to keep interfering in countries outside Europe's business.. concentrate on their own mess of European countries opening their borders to mass invasion of criminals, murderers and child r***sts
Just go to sukhumvit road from soi 13 to Nana, you could round up loads from Nigeria, Ghana. Sierra leone, but who is paying the police? Every time the police do a sweep of the area there is no Africans to be seen. So someone is warning them. Also the growing number of African prostitutes. Puts people off going there
Ive noticed in Thailand, a big number of those teaching English are not from english speaking countries either, i spoke to an italian woman who i struggled to understand, i made out she was teaching english at a school up north 🤔 her english was shocking
Looks like arabic types and Russians, too much money, very little brain cells. Not a good combination mixing these types and alcohol.. not one decent punch thrown , a proper fighter would have mown right through that lot with ease. Proper security could have stopped it but most security guards in phuket just looking for an excuse to hit someone.
Phuket is full of cocaine, from chalong, rawai, patong, kamala, bang tao. Coke heads and dealers everywhere.. just need to ask a Nigerian , the police can always point you in the right direction. 😉
Kamala police known for taking bribes, just ask a swiss guy that used to own a bar down the square. Who is still seen in that area often out of his face. Was arrested with a lot of stuff, got his wealthy parents to pay 1.2 million baht get me out of jail fees.. on the day he was released was seen trying to do another deal at a bar down the beach. He was in business with the police bagman tea money collector.
How about investing some money on proper drainage, flood defences instead of just thinking about the dollars coming in. Serious over building and destroying nature wont help .