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Posts posted by longball53098

  1. My 2 cents worth here is these things happen as a matter of life with a world full of alcohol and guns.

    The lack of coverage? You begin to realize that Banchang as you say is a small, provincial town among many and no more special than any other. I think it would take a lot more than a drunk neighbor shooting his wife to capture the attention of the big papers in BKK or in Pattaya for that matter. If it involved a farang maybe.

    Why would some farang paper cover, a sorry to say, an every day type of thing like this in a small place like Banchang?

    It is a sad thing that people act this way in any country but as we say, "sh#$ happens".

    Is Banchang any more or less dangerous than any other small town in LOS? I don't think so.

    We just have to be careful and watch our own butts and never, never get personally involved in a domestic dispute of someone else.

  2. If you speak to AA insurance who is the Agent for this group plan that he markets to both Expat clubs you will find out that it is the same identical "group"plan offered. The coverages are the same as I believe that the insurance company in the end makes the rates possible by grouping all of these folks into one big group.

    The offer is made to sound special for each club but if you check them out they are both the same plan as far as I can see.

    This is a good plan for the person under 65. I enrolled for 2 years and now have other insurance but I continue to use AA for other insurance needs

  3. I have a Canon MX 700 . It does everything I need and the ink cans I have been refilling at the local print shop.

    The scanner works well for me and the copy function is good also. It has an Ethernet connection that I run to my wireless router and I print and scan from this to 2 PCs.

    No jamming or any other issues to date although I do not use it heavily. Maybe 100 pages a month average

  4. Hi

    I have UBC gold with the extra Disc turbo, good channel, i like UBC, i must be the only one, i think cable TV sucks. ( i have both)

    HD you're not the only one. There are a few of us that can't live without our "Truevisions" formerly UBC. I also have the Gold pack with the 3 extra movie channels. I pay annually and get the extra month free. I am a TV series addict and although they do play some god awful movies and replay them I just ignore this. I am not a person that hangs in the bars or clubs. I don't have the so called high speed to get an internet TV. We don't go out at night so the money goes to Truevisions and maybe its not perfect the way many of these whingners want but it fills the need and satisfies the fix.

    Some complain about the sound and signal quality? I find the picture to be just fine and I am picky about that. The sound is fine but the volume levels are a bit distracting from channel to channel and commercial to program volume.

    But overall^^^^^^^^^^^ True works for me and keeps me happy. Do I wish they would add more? Yes and maybe in time they will.

    We all have choices in life to make and for the OP subscribe to at least the Gold pack and judge for yourself. Don't let all the nay sayers here sway you into not trying it.

  5. Crossy may be on to something and I would say that one of those control relays may have burned contacts from arcing voltage. Are those relays mounted in a plug in base? Could try removing them and cleaning the contacts if not the covers look like they may pop off. I'm betting the relays are switching the 230 volts for the open and closing direction of the motor and there is some arcing burning the contacts.

    Disconnect power if you plan to fool around in there

    Don't ya love wild guesses?

    I have to admit that I opened this thread with the absolute wrong attitude which was 'F' the Juno and find another brand. Crossy and Longball, thanks to your replies I actually engaged my brain today and dug into trying to find out wht was wrong with the thing.

    So, first the ground question. The installer pick up the 220V right at the meter which isn't far away from the gate (photo attached for your pleasure!). It's just a line and neutral, no ground. I also notice that there is a ground terminal to the right of the 24 VAC connections on the main board. What should be grounded, to what, and how?

    When the motor is disengaged the gate moves easily with one hand so I don't think it is a "stiff gate" issue.

    The top relay in the photo would close and stay closed regardless of what was going on. Unfortunately the relays are soldered in place. I unsoledered that top one and popped open the cover and looked at the contacts under a microscope and they looked like new. No burn marks or pitting what so ever. Replaced the relay and reinstalled the board.

    Ahh, the LED's. What do they do? The top green one (L1G) comes on when the gate is opening and turns off when the gate reaches the limit at which time the bottom left green limit LED (L3G) comes on. The top red one (L5R) comes on when the gate is closing and goes off when the close limit is reached at which time the bottom left red limit one (L6R) comes on. OK, while checking this I noticed that the bottom left green 'limit' LED never turned off so I removed the limit switch cover plate to have a look. The limit switches are magnetic reed switches and the one in question was covered in ant dung and corroded. With an ohm meter and magnet the switch would close but only sometimes open when the magnet was removed. Wemt off to town to get a new reed switch with little hopes of finding one out here in the boonies but sure enough the electronics shop had one at B20.

    Checked the orientation of the switch, soldered it in and replaced the switch board. Wholla, everything worked as it was supposed to.

    Now, what about those grounds and I also noticed a "light" terminal next to the mains connections. I'll have to try and hook up the front lights to that and see how it works.

    So, thank you very much Crossy and Longball. I appreciate your time in replying and getting me to actually check it out. You saved me B5,480!! I owe you guys one.


    "I love it when a plan comes together"!!

    Great effort on the fix and it sounds like Crossy pegged it!

    I am worried about that source of AC to power this thing. No fused supply? Direct from the meter cables? Wow! These installers were really lazy that day. The least they could do was install one of those small circuit breaker switches you see commonly on aircons and such. There is a board mounted fuse but thats to protect the board not the incoming circuit. If the circuit from the meter gets shorted or short to ground you will have a big deal. Really poor workmanship and needs to be fixed.

    First things I would be looking to change is to find a circuit from the panel in the house that is fused/breakered or install the type of breaker I mention above. If you can find an outdoor outlet circuit you can tap off that and run some proper outdoor cable to it. With a proper ground would be nice.

    As for the circuit boards, the main controller and the one with the reed switch. Not very weatherproof or bug proof. Maybe a light coating of silicone sealant over the reed switch will help protect it from the environment in lieu of factory coatings. A quick look on the net finds this product. Waterproofing

    Don't know where you live but the local Amorn shop may have something also.

    Good luck and happy gate openings

  6. No I do not,

    But I have been using a service in BKK on and off for over 3 years. Very professional and they do exactly what I need in a timely manner and I never go there just use email and direct deposits to pay them.

    I have translated plain documents, letters and rental contracts without a glitch.

    Translation here

  7. Saw a new sign today that was clear and written in very good english.

    Caught enough to see advert of a new house. I will be by that way tomorrow so I can take a pic of the details

    The sign was on a post on the intersection for the kindergarden school half way down Payoon Beach rd almost to Payoon Greenville. it was nailed to the stop sign post i think.

    Well I bad! I thought the ad was for a house but now today I had time to take a pic of the sign and it is for a Condo.

    Here's the pic anyway in case anyone is interested.


  8. Saw a new sign today that was clear and written in very good english.

    Caught enough to see advert of a new house. I will be by that way tomorrow so I can take a pic of the details

    The sign was on a post on the intersection for the kindergarden school half way down Payoon Beach rd almost to Payoon Greenville. it was nailed to the stop sign post i think.

  9. Crossy may be on to something and I would say that one of those control relays may have burned contacts from arcing voltage. Are those relays mounted in a plug in base? Could try removing them and cleaning the contacts if not the covers look like they may pop off. I'm betting the relays are switching the 230 volts for the open and closing direction of the motor and there is some arcing burning the contacts.

    Disconnect power if you plan to fool around in there

    Don't ya love wild guesses?

  10. If it is a poll and you vote you have in effect posted even if you didn't add a reply. As such, the time stamp updates to the latest poll vote or reply date/time, whichever was last.

    Ok thanks but what has voting got to do with my problem of not being able to see all of the most recent postings. The first post in a poll is set to accept your voting and then you can only view and reply to that thread. I have voted in the poll once and was happily viewing and posting until the 11th and now even adding a reply will not allow viewing of the most recent posts.

    It seems I am not the only one having this issue

    Reason for edit?

    I just reread what Crossy said and Tywais. Maybe Im the dunce here. So if someone views the poll and votes and does not make any reply or actual posts the time date stamp is incremented as if a new reply came in and the notification icon show new posts but in reality there are none. Thats why my post showed up as number 74?

    Strange if that's how it works as I would expect the two are not related but then I didn't write the software or configure the options of how it operates.

    :o:D :D

  11. I have the same issues with another thread about electricity costs. Says there is a new post on the 18th but I can only see up to the 10th of November.

    The poll only lets you post one time and now I can see it says I already voted. When I made this post to say the info is great stuff I hoped it would kick start the thread to allow me to see newer posts but now it added my post as number 74 and I still cannot see newer posts.

    Whats up?

  12. I would suggest that on your next trip back to your home take a course to learn. I doubt you will find what you're looking for here. There is no "international standard" in driving here as there is no Thai standard either. Bikers here do what they want when they want and only adhere to whatever traffic laws are in place when they know a BIB may be around the corner

  13. Hello Support,

    I usually have no big issues with TV. First time to report this.

    I view the DIY section frequently. Their is one post that has been running for quite a while. Now just in the last several days I see the Icon that says there are new posts on the Topic title but when I click to view these I can only see up to 12-11 not 12-15 as shown.

    I had this happen on another Topic but it seemed to resolve itself as I don't recall what topic it was

    I attach screen shots of the topic and what I see when I click to view the topic

    Any answers? I have cleared cookies and temp files twice with no luck. Use Firefox as a browser.


  14. If the land is paid for you can start figuring at 12,000 baht per square meter to get to a very rough estimate.

    Average rooms are 4x4 or 4x5 meters. If you want all the whistles and bells and a "turn-key" build it will cost more than a do-it-yourself project.

    This house sounds like about 200 + square meters or more. So this is 2.4 mil bottom line for a basic house. If you live like the rich and famous then start by doubling this number.

  15. I have used Dr Pack in the Nova Lodge complex on several occasions over the last 3 years. Not in the last several months though.

    I agree with the comments on his abrupt manner with some patients. He does come across hard. If your in there for a psychological adjustment along with your back find another doc. If your feelings and feathers ruffle easily maybe he's not your doc.

    Anyone using a chiro knows it's like finding the great fitting pair of shoes. You may need to try on several dozen pairs of shoes at several stores before the fit is right for you. Unfortunately here in LOS you do not have the luxury of choice like in your home land.

    He has helped me and we have had some nice discussions about different things when time is available.

  16. The Avenue Management have been at it again. This time a 100 Baht surcharge for parking after midnight on top of normal parking fees.


    With all of the Avenue's faults related to the design and such I really don't see charging the party makers some baht to use they facility as a easy and safe way to park while they go off and spend god only knows how much on wine, women and song.

    As for the extra charge to park after midnight? It's a business and they are in it to make money. If you choose to use their facility for the safety and convenience then you should pay. A few extra baht for a decent place to park? Why not?

  17. I agree with both of you about "Kitch" store next to Best.

    Went there yesterday as I was in the area and just wanted to look. Ended up supporting the store by spending over 1300 baht. They do have a rather good but odd selection of western stuff. I found a can of Corned Beef I have not seen in quite a while. The wife talked with the cashier for a bit and found out the owner of De Best also owns the store and she asked about meat like steak and stuff. The lady says the owner would be happy to take orders and bring it in "special order" to keep folks happy. Not sure of pricing I'm thinking. But, try that at Tesco! Ha.I don't think so!

    Anyway the place is on our list for shopping.

    I still think a frequent request at Lotus might help. Hasn't changed my mind about that. I think there's room for both.

  18. I think about the same way on this.

    I know that the store cannot order specific items but if suggested that another Tesco carries something maybe the manager will consider that something for his store. He has limited shelf space compared to the bigger box places so he isn't going to take up space with products that don't move well.

    I certainly will look for the small store near Best DE

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