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Posts posted by Chillout101

  1. Is it ok to take my son from Bangkok to Mae sot without a valid visa in his passport? He was born here 7 months ago, and before we leave for Europe for good in early april his grandparents would like to see him. They are from Burma so can only go to Mae sot, meaning that we have to fly up there to meet them.

    I have not bothered with a visa for him since we planned all along to leave now in april, so if the least doubt I will not take him there.

    Bus is not an option, we fly up there or we stay home ;)

  2. If ex myanmar citizen can re apply for citizenship after 5 years of permanent residency but if granted will have to renounce other citizenship to become a Myanmar citizen again.

    Who in their right mind would renounce a European/US/Australian passport in order to get back a passport from Myanmar.

    They should instead just admit that they screwed the country for 60 years and let them have dual citizenship. They still practice a xenophobic approach and it will not help them forward.

    Those who said in this thread that it will be better then Thailand need to read the requirments and think again.

    My child has two passports, Norwegian and British like me, but can not get a burmese one even though his mom is burmese, go figure..........

  3. Was at embassy 2 weeks ago with my Myanmar wife to get ED visa for Thailand. We arrived early Monday, around 6.30 am and at 7 am all tokens were gone for Wednesday, same day and next day had gone the week before. We got one for Wednesday wich was fine since we had a week there anyway

    We met up with an agent on Thursday morning around 7 am outside embassy to do some other stuff and they were giving out tokens for the following tuesday. I would say somewhere else would be a better deal as I actually can belive the 10 days have some truth to it.

  4. you need a letter from a Dr saying the reason and the length of time required

    I was given 3 months(90 days) extension by immigration for a heart operation

    which I had renewed 90 days later

    As I said, this is only about leaving on a Monday instead of a Friday, not about getting a new medical visa.

  5. I am in the process of doing this and will let you know in a months time how it went. Only married via a budda munk in her village earlier but now we are doing the real deal.

    I have been talking to a burmese diplomat in Yangon and one of his answers was this:

    "I've confirmed with Director from Supreme Court of the Union that there is no order to prohibit marriage with a foreigner.".

    I have also been told name of judge and wich district court to go to but will not reveal it before I can say if it went good or not. As for the 3-6 months that is not true.

    I will keep you updated.

    • Like 2
  6. I wrote in an earlier thread that my wife did not get an extension due to attending the wrong class at university. She is currently on a 3 months Medical visa that expires 26 september (just had a baby) and now the question I have is the following.

    She will obtain a " temporary" workpassport of the type that is between Myanmar/Thailand, it will be issued in Bangkok with stamp from immigration and all so she actually won't have to leave and re-enter. Will it be possible to somehow stamp the permanent passport so she can end medical visa in time and not get in trouble for overstaying on it, or will she have to exit and re-enter on workpassport. The problem I see is that she will have two different passports with stamps in them, so she will actually need a re-entry stamp for workpassport.

    An option is to go to Yangon end get another ED-visa, but I arrive from offshore on the morning of the 26 and with a 6 week old baby there is no way she will leave without him going with her. I will then have to rush to Myanmar embassy and get same day visa for both him and me so we can leave on evening of 26 september. As you can see it is a timeframe I would want to avoid if possible.

    Hope I did not confuse you to much as this is complicated even to write correctly.

  7. It is unfortunate for your wife's case but there is a logic to only issuing ED visas for courses that require attendance at classes.

    But the problem is that the embassies abroad actually do issue ED visas for these studies, they do NOT tell you it is for 3 months only, so of course you plan for 1 year ahead. Someone is doing it wrong, either the embassy or immigration in Thailand

    • Like 1
  8. We went back to immigration on Friday and spoke to a deputy inspector this time, he gave the same answer, no extention for the ED visa. The crime my wife has commited is that she is attending a thai class instead of an international one. She has straight A's in thai reading, writing and speaks fluent. The international one requires attending classes and of course the thai one does not. As with other schools it is the teacher that looses face if his/her students get bad grades, so no matter how little they care about school the students will somehow get a passed score.

    My wife has gone to Sunday school in Thailand for 3 years in order to get the pre-degree to study in thai university but thay didn't care about that. The inspector said she needed to show 3-4 exam results before they would extend it, only then will they see that she actualy studies. I told him her only option would be to go back on work permit in order to study, but that she would then be on the wrong visa, he was ok with that w00t.gif

    I still think this is something they have made up as they go.

  9. Better contact a NGO that deals a lot with refugees, such as the Burmese Border Consortium. They will now the difference and rules regarding the different passports better.

    I am sure she is not a refugee so why involve them?

    My wife had the same last year, she entered and exited thailand on work passport that is not a real passport, only for Burma/Thailand. You can fly on it but only between the mentioned countries.

    She needs to stamp out of Thailand on work passport and have a re-entry permit for it, if asked at airport she needs to show the big passport that shows she is allowed to fly to whatever country you are travelling to. She should always re-enret Thailand on work passport.

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