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Elmer Gantry

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Posts posted by Elmer Gantry

  1. This is how martial law works. You put the fear into everyone and you report anyone you think is disobeying the Junta. Sick people here.

    Not really,they will grass each other up ( depending on the pecking order ) which they are taught at school.Nothing to do with being a good Buddist and especially if there is a financial reward involved.I worked for 7 years in Thai schools,but I never was a teacher,only a white face which equates to being a money making commodity for the schools.I knew this,so I eventually went with the flow.Read a teacher forum and you will find numerous,similar stories.

  2. With some notable exceptions, Thai police are generally poorly educated and not very bright but their careers start with paying bribes to pass the police entrance exams.

    Youve got to have a degree to get into the police i am led to believe so they are educated to some degree.

    As someone who left school at 15 i find your comment about education patronising as if plagiarising Karl Marx from some degree mill somehow makes one intelligent and decent.

    What is the degree in centigrade of absolute zero.Take that number then subtract whatever number you like,then you will have the I.Q. level of a Thai law enforcement officer,

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  3. The Spanish authorities knee jerk reaction. The dog was at home with the nurses husband who is also under observation. The dog wasn't a soi dog wandering around the streets so it could have been safely observed at home as well.

    Otherwise the logical extension of this is to euthanize the both of them?

    How about euthanizing some TV posters,will there be a petition or outcry.Nominate your poster for euthanasia. (joke post ).Sorry not a dog lover,been bit once,my daughter has had 2 courses of rabies due to having been bitten,She will have the scars for the rest of her life on her face.

  4. .

    She is award winning forensic scientist, she resolved many murder cases in Thailand, should have volunteered to investigate the case to save the Thai's reputation. Probably someone don't want her to be investigating the case ? This raises million questions. Now I would be surprised if they can prove the right culprit ??? or case is now compromised after two guys commit suicide after the Thai police predictions now ?? It is time for Interpol to take this case by asking a report through International Human Rights commission.

    Apart from being an Award winning forensic scientist, she is also another corrupt Thai official!!sad.png

    She made a substancial amount of money by giving the green light for the useless "bombdetectors" bought for the South!!

    She couldn't care less if this case is solved or not, but is lured out of the woodwork for another 15 minutes in the limelight.

    And why come forward after almost 3 weeks??

    Don't forget the price of her hair do's and plastic

  5. What has begun to amaze me is that posters on here are coming together.Before this tragedy we would infight with each other about the daily events in Thailand. ( Too many subjects to list ).Can we all be wrong about this topic?

    ...................and how together we have staved off the unwelcome attentions of JTJ

    Well, give yourselves a pat on the back, if ThaiVisa posters "all" agree on something (which they don't) then they must be right. You should, however, bear in mind with all this self-congratulation that the only people that care about our posts here are us.

    "...and how together we have staved off the unwelcome attentions of JTJ"

    You seem to have something against JTJ, or is it just that his opinion isn't the same as yours so therefore it must be a misguided opinion? His "attentions" as you put it, which we all have not "staved off", are much more welcome than some of the irrational nonsense that appears here frequently.

    Only guessing you might be Swiss from your name,If you are not I apoligize .If you are,well we all know the history of the Swiss bankers.

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  6. Now get them into protective custody, i.e. away from the police.

    Protective custody is usually made by the police to protect against the bad guy.

    I doubt there is a protective custody against the the bad police.....

    Where is Prayuth? If the Burmese are guilty the responsible police must be fired for incompetence.

    If the Burmese aren't guilty the responsible police must go into jail, for protecting the real murder, for torture, for lying, etc etc

    Where is the action?

    The action is in Burma,splitting the profits.AEC next year.

  7. The Prime Minister has gone to Myanmar today - i wonder what deal he will offer to Myanmar top brass in order to remove Myanmar opposition to RTP actions, convict the two and get the case closed

    They are no different from our pricks ( sorry that should read politicians ).great thing about the internet is that you can keep up with the news from your own abode.How bare faced liers they are.

  8. I just can't understand the silence of the British government on not only this but the events over the last couple of weeks.

    Two of their subjects have been murdered and the only thing I have seen is a twitter saying we are watching events closely.

    You are a t pro-thailand poster on here.Take a leaf out of your own book and lobby the british gov. read trash

  9. I hate to break it to the TAT, but tourists concern isn't Ebola, its getting raped and killed by the locals. And you can't fake a cure for that in Siriraj Hospital.

    Reminds me of the SARS cure Thailand found,everything here is repeated.They think we have short memories just like them.Wasn't there a cancer cure from Chiang Mai a couple of years ago.Now EBOLA.The west is still struggling with a cure for the common cold.

  10. Has anyone considered it may be the 'honest' cops who are self-harming due to reputations they're getting from the dishonest cops?

    I realise that the RTP have got an atrocious reputation but they're not all the same.

    During my time in the police (30+ years), there were one or two incidents were the actions of some officers was questioned (this was in a force that had a good reputation). This resulted in every 'cockroach', and in some instances normally law abiding citizens, you had dealings with throwing it in your face, accusing you of being inept, bent, a liar, corrupt etc. All this whilst you're out there, at all hours and in all weathers trying to protect these same people, who most of the time have NO IDEA what you are called on to do and what you have seen (sometime literally minute beforehand).

    If the RTP is anything like most other Police Services, they're only just catching up with the idea of Post Traumatic Stress etc. In the not too distant past you were expected to 'Be a Man', 'Suck it up and get on with it'. Due to this 'macho-bullsh1t' outlook, many coppers didn't even tell their wives and families about some of the sights they'd seen and just 'Sucked it up and got on with the job'.

    I've been to the funerals of too many GOOD coppers who had no-one to turn to.

    Please, don't criticize these officers. You've never been in their boots, otherwise you wouldn't post some of the things you have. WE, and that includes me, have got no clue as to what caused them to do what they did. Whatever it was, they couldn't see any other way. Remember, the vast majority of them would have left behind wives and children................ what did they go through afterwards.

    I'm not trying to make excuses, and I'm not trying to be a 'killjoy', as I know that the general pastime of TVF members is to take the p1ss out of everything that happens in Thailand, apart from (quite rightly) any tragedies. There surely can't be a bigger tragedy than someone, anyone feeling the need to take their own life.

    Have a nice day.

    Cheques in the post

  11. This is building momentum now, the telegraph has written an article now saying that the Burmese guys could ne scapegoats and that the RTP's conduct in the case has been questionable at best.

    Keep it going people the petition was at 36000 last time I checked

    I contacted Tom Phillips from the Telegraph on Sunday and exchanged a few emails with him. I'm so glad they've published an article, and a very well written one at that. This will put questions into a huge audience here in the UK who may not have been following events. Hopefully other news agencies will follow suit.

    Well done,it's a shame more of us don't have such contacts

    He isn't a contact, I just found his email address on his Twitter profile. I contacted a number of other journalists too and suggested on another thread that others might like to do the same.

    Great idea,have never used twitter,every little helps.

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