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About hitext

  • Birthday 11/29/1960

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  1. Such a shame there was a bad apple in the police force. But now that he's been rooted out, we can be confident that all the other officers are honest and incorruptible. There won't be any more of that 'accepting bribes' nonsense anywhere in Thailand. Also, the boys in brown have confirmed that there is no prostitution in Pattaya, so we can all sleep easy.
  2. We're up to 2 positive comments now...yay! This must be the most negative, miserable thread ever on AN, and that's against some tough competition over the years. I congratulate them on being adventurous and wish them all the best. I hope it all works out 🙂
  3. How are the F1 drivers going to react when they see a 1982 Honda Wave coming the wrong way towards them... ...with Dad (no driving license) driving and a toddler standing in front of him, Mom (no helmet) sitting behind carrying a baby, 3 kids clinging on for dear life behind her, and several chickens in a basket out front?
  4. The original source for this is an article on MoneyTransfers.com: https://moneytransfers.com/news/2023/09/06/the-most-and-least-over-touristed-destinations-around-the-world They just divided the number of visitors by the number of residents. This is meaningless, as you could visit Phuket 10 times in a year and count as 10 visitors. The idea of residents being outnumbered 118 to 1 is clearly nonsense.
  5. I had the same issue returning from Dubai a couple of years ago. At BKK, they made a big fuss about a similar small rip along the seam of my worn, 9-year old passport. It had never occurred to me that this would be an issue. I pleaded very nicely and the guy eventually agreed to let me in...as long as I promised to get the passport replaced asap.
  6. Most countries tax your worldwide income. What makes the US different is that citizens have to pay taxes to Uncle Sam, regardless of where they live (I can't comment on Eritrea).
  7. I try not to be pedantic about grammar, but I do think saying "I would of, could of or should of" should result in a long jail sentence.
  8. Why eat delicious Thai food when you can eat eggs with fully-grown chicks in them.? Just in time for Halloween, too!
  9. Do bears 'go' in the woods?
  10. Even better for being 74.
  11. ???????????? - Wow, she's a comedian, too. So much talent makes her a dead cert for PM!
  12. I saw outgoing PM Prayut polishing the gun turret on his tank. The old guard are not out of options yet...
  13. And now he has everyone from regular Thais to old-fart AN readers talking about him, driving traffic to YouTube and notching up a few thousand more subscribers. That should get him from his current 13.3 million subscribers to around 15 million...plus a nice chunk of extra ad revenue. Well done, "my mate," - excellent publicity stunt!
  14. Absolutely...although I think #3 will be the straw that break's the elephant's back. Look what happened to Big Joke when he tried to end corruption. Can't take away all those special brown envelopes...
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