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About thomago

  • Birthday June 12

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    Patong, Phuket

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    Patong, Phuket, Thailand

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  1. Do the 100 million THB of tax-exempt allowance apply only once to the entire estate or to each individual inheritor? Example: Total estate value is 300 million THB distributed via legal testament in Thailand as follow: - Legal Thai wife: 100 million THB - Legal Thai son: 100 million THB - Legal Thai daughter: 100 million THB The legal Thai wife would be exempt from Thai inheritance tax. The remaining estate value would be 200 million THB for the legal son and daughter. What about the legal Thai son and daughter? Would they each have a personal tax-exempt allowance of 100 million THB, or would they need to pay 5% on the remaining estate value exceeding 100 million THB? I have received conflicting legal information on that subject and would appreciate your opinion.
  2. "The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts." - Marcus Aurelius "Our greatest freedom is the freedom to choose our attitude." - Viktor Frankl I love the above quotes because there is a lot of truth in them. About four decades ago, I concluded: “The way you think is the way you feel, and the way you feel is the way you act”. Put simply: If I have negative thoughts then I tend to feel negatively and act accordingly. If I have positive thoughts, then I tend to feel positive and act accordingly. Influencing my thought process and emotions through positive thinking has had a major positive impact on my life (and others). I also was brought up with the "Golden Rule" which my mom explained to me as follows: “Treat people the way you want to be treated – friendly, politely, respectfully, generously, with empathy and compassion”. Since this makes a lot of sense to me, I’m still trying to live accordingly. Again, this has had a major positive impact on my life (and others). Not being a religious person, I still love the wisdom of the Serenity Prayer: “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference”. The above examples have helped me living a life characterized by happiness, contentment, and gratitude. In addition, having financial freedom most certainly has been helpful. Coming back to the topic of this thread: “Are you really in control?”. The honest answer to that would have to be “No” because I am not fully in control. There could be health issues, accidents, deaths, and other incidents I have absolutely no control over. However, I do feel much more in control over the things I can actively and positively influence – starting with myself and the quality of my thoughts.
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