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Posts posted by Commogwinto

  1. "Pattaya Tourist Police round-up Ladyboy’s on Walking Street"

    There it is again, that image of Tourist Police riding wild horses, cracking whips, six-guns a-blazing, chasing ladyboys down Walking Street towards the Police Station corral, tourists madly jumping out the way of the chaos.......................biggrin.png

    Go well with a clip of Rawhide, with Frankie Laine singin' about it....

  2. I have been using WiFi from my neighbour's set-up (TOT), and recently instead of this, we changed to LAN cabling. Problem is when I open my laptop, the internet starts automatically, or else I have to disconnect the LAN cable. Previously I have used LAN, and this was controlled by desktop application, as was the WiFi. I cannot find any way to restore the LAN to this, can any IT guys there help me please? I have tried to make a new connection but it doesn't work, line is still open. Thanks people....

  3. Come on everyone on TV .. if you want to be sure about this then we need 10,000 sigs to move on it to petition the British Embassy and British government for another independent investigation, all people want is real justice and closure for David and Hannahs families, that means 100% without doubt .... get enough voices and the UK gov will have to open an investigation if they havnt already behind closed doors.

    We can make a difference for once, all it takes are for good people to do something....


    Please Moderators im asking you on behalf of many do the right thing and let this link stay.

    When I attempt to get to change.org site, it comes up in Thai, not sure what the fields are for, I want to sign but not sure how to get the petition bit in English? Can somebody pls tell me, thanks, Commo

  4. Have heard this some time ago from a close friend and his wife. Take a pic of your wife sitting on the bed, then get her to take one of you likewise, take to the voyeurs in Imm, and say you were too shy to employ a photographer to take pics of you together in such intimate surroundings?????

  5. I been to the Vegetarian Festival before in Phuket. Lots of fun.

    So what will be going on in Pattaya?

    How many days?

    No piercing parades here. In other words, tame and boring.

    Diana Dragon in Soi Diana has a veggie stall outside at the moment (45baht) I don't know what it's like myself, but a friend said not very good and whatever he had was tooooo much chili.

  6. If I am reading and understanding this correctly I just don't understand how anybody can even consider going the wrong way on this overpass. It is two tight lanes and absolutely no space for a motorbike coming the wrong way. How did they even get on it and more to the point why? Defies all belief.

    Same here, I don't understand how to even access the ramp from the wrong direction. You would have had to ride the wrong way on the side of the road from Chonburi direction towards Pattaya, then cross two lanes to get to the tight ramp. Total idiocy. I hope Darwin Awards (http://www.darwinawards.com/ and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darwin_Awards ) picks this up for "honorable mentions" (since no one actually died).

    The ramp can be seen on Google Maps Street View. The ramp has the "no motocycles, bicycles and trucks" sign on the northbound entrance, but I guess it should need one also at the opposite end (for idiots) ?

    I am not sure, but if they entered via the railway road on the EXIT ramp, then they would be facing the oncoming traffic so wld be approaching the overpass bend on that side of the road??


    For expansion of 'Feel Look Tilt' to check if note is real go to this link







    @ ThaidDown.  PERFECT!  Thank You!

    Perhaps if just once...the press and even TV published the SOLUTION (as you have) and stopped bitching about the problem ... it would go SO much more easily!

    Well done.  Good on ya' .... much appreciated !!




    Sorry Bkk, didnt see your posting,  I repeated link before reading fully....


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