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Posts posted by lcp0761

  1. Um perhaps the proper training and salary might work better than forcing people into the police force. Just saying.....

    Throwing money at a problem isn't the right answer.

    Thailand should invite an international body of "law enforcement" professionals to conduct a limited scope review with recommended fixes.

    The following are a few idea's:

    - Institute regulations for Thai Police reform; provides the legal authority for revisions. No grandfather clauses which keeps a structure for senior police officers.

    - Analyze what the total workforce currently is, where are they located compared with the communities needs.

    - Recommend compensation reform to include junior level entry training program and a pay for performance award system.

    - In addition to base pay, include a locality pay adjustment (compensates high-risk details along with reduces salaries for beach posts).

    - Eliminate/reduce the emphasis on a traffic cop as a means of revenue

    - Address corruption issues and associated penalties; to include loosing any retirement a Thai police officer maybe eligible to.

    • Like 1
  2. Wow --- great bathroom reading material.

    At a quick glance, I don't see any comments on "martial law" or "tourist safety/security".

    While Thailand does have some nice 5-star hotels, are most people staying in 5-star hotel?

    Thailand is an attractive tourist destination - I think the brochure is shooting high and a little excessive as the brochure is 26 pages.

  3. BACKGROUND --- I am 2-years out from retiring and relocating to Thailand with my Thai wife and looking to open a bank account in Thailand and start transferring money for an upcoming house purchase and required amount for Non Immigrant (O-A) Retirement VISA.

    My below question is specifically for the "bank statement" requirement for my Retirement VISA (Non IMM. O-A) to show the appropriate funding deposited or monthly income.

    Question --- who's name/names should the "bank statement" be in showing the required deposit of $800K or an income certificate? Only the retiree's name (mine) or could it be a joint husband/wife account (both my wife and my name)?

    Note --- I am an American and my wife holds duel citizenship (both Thai and US).

  4. I assume the camera crew are Thai nationals - so there in itself is your answer.

    I've done a lot of international travel to Central & South America, Europe, Asia, and Middle East and it is advised to always first ask permission to take an individual's picture as if not you could loose your head.

    So what should have been done is some common courtesies and if your not interested give you a moment to clear-out..

  5. Gee...you do "fully love her" and then you post this. How about you fully let her read your post and see whether she fully loves you afterwards.

    After being divorced and now remarried (second marriage) to my Thai wife, I have to support the guy with mixed feelings in saying that "nothing is forever and things/people change over time".

    My first marriage lasted approx. 22 years, of which the last 6 years I was on travel most of the time. When I was contemplating remarriage, I was second guessing myself if I was doing the right thing (cold feet?).

    By just saying he "fully love her" only means he is a realist with two prior attempts and wanting to CYA.

    My first marriage was costly so when I was contemplating a second marriage I also ensured I didn't have to work until I was 80-years old.

  6. As someone who has traveled/lived in Thailand since 2005 and knows Thai people, I would like to answer it in two ways:

    1). How much do they "need"?

    2). How much do they want? Thai's believe that all farang's are rich.

    My wife and I send her mother $10K THB every 2-weeks or $20THB per month. She lives approx. 1-hour north of Bangkok in a quit country setting. Prior to getting married 5-years ago, we replaced the house roof, expanded the housing footers, installed 2-septic drains. As we will retire to Thailand in 2-years, we returned to Thailand annually for 1-month where we do a lot of work on the house to keep everyone happy. We have painted the house, we have installed an A/C wall unit, bought a wide screen TV, refrigerator, computer so they can SKYPE for free, and even purchased a 2nd hand car. Last year we bought my wife's two boys (age 8 & 6) both an IPad which they love. We vacation to the beach when we return to Thailand and both her mother and boys come with us (everything is paid for - no questions asked).

    My wife deals with her family (brother, aunt, uncle, niece or her Thai friends) re: additional money requests. My wife works here in the US which she funds these additional requests. She has learned the tough "NO" answer as they feel farang, and now she as my wife, have deep pockets.

    We have discussed the monthly $20K THB when we retire which will be stopped as we will be on a retirement income. She/her mother understands.

    Re: what they want --- my wife has conveyed her family (specifically aunts & uncles) has told her to get as much money from me (the farang) now as she doesn't know how long we will be married. My wife smiles and tells them to not worry as it is her business. Point being Thai's are heavily influenced by their family and unless you have a good wife/girlfriend, your finances could be impacted.

    I recommend you figure out what you can afford and discuss this with your wife/girl friend. You might have to make some hard decisions.

    • Like 2
  7. Thailand's "Martial Law" provision for tourists is touted to protect tourists.

    The question you have to ask is "protect tourists from whom"?

    The answer is from "Thai people".

    The reality after reading the Thai news is it's a corruption and assault is on Thailand, other Thai people, and foreigners.

    The Thai PM needs to impose a "back to the basics" law enforcement effort.

    1). Stomp out corruption (i.e. Govt, various Mafia, others)

    2). Stomp out crime (i.e. rape, murder, theft, financial and killings)

    3). Address alcohol & drug abuse, and connected crimes

    4). Institute a marketing blitz to "Thai people" to improve their morals and values

    The penalty for the above crime(s) needs to be severe and violators will serve as a lesson for others.

    Note --- Does it make sense to impose martial law on the people who are being assaulted?

    ACTION --- The PM needs to address Thai people and in a separate effort foreign nationals.

  8. I've seen a lot of posts ridiculing this new scheme (an understandable reaction to anything related to the RTP, of course) but I actually think this could work. The simple fact is, no-one will offer a bribe of 10,000 THB for any motoring offence. And if there's a genuine fear of entrapment and arrest, no-one will accept a police officer's request of a bribe either. So with the reward set so high, they're effectively pricing bribes out of the market. So it's a win-win situation surely?

    You are missing the point.

    It's not an issue of bribery but an issue of raising the salary of Thai Police who's monthly salary is approx. $10-12K THB.

    Having two Thai Police approaching you to collaborate or fabricate each others story is the issue.

    Thai Police have a deserving reputation of corrupt, lazy,...and this feeds into it.

    Based on your position, I assume you support the proposal for all tourist to be issued/wear an ID bracelet to track their presence.

  9. Outside of the obvious money response, my Thai wife has said to me "you can't live on love".

    - Western men who have money (they don't need to be rich) can give them some of the finer things in life (vs forcing ones wife to work at a bar).

    Thai women with a little intelligence (they don't have to be school educated) are turned-off by Thai men due to their constant infidelity activities and need to indulge in alcoholic libations.

    Lastly, while looks are not the number one element, if you expect to ever have sexual relations you should regularly take a shower, exercise some, and take care of her like you would like to be treated.

  10. RIP ---

    Previously I had gotten taken advantage of by my then Thai GF's because of my good will.

    Yes they swindled me out of numerous 1,000's Thai Baht and yes I made some bad decisions.

    But none were worth me taking my life.

    For some of these Thai working girls it is their job or their livelihood.

    As I was in my 40's, I always thought I was lucky to find a girl in their late 20's/30's.

    You need to ask yourself: - why do you think a 30-year old girl needs to be with a 50-year old man.

    MONEY $$$

    No Money - No Honey :)

  11. Written warnings for a start. You can't fire them without a payout, so be prepared to give them their dues.

    Regardless if they are good employee's or not, half the battle is merely showing-up "on-time" daily.

    1). Issue in writing to all employee's the company policy on what their daily hours of work are. This policy should state infractions and punishment for 1st and 2nd offense, followed by the 3rd offense with suspended time-off and final with dismissal.

    2). All employee's should sign a contract with their agreement to the time and attendance policy.

    3). Implement and follow-through as inconsistency breeds abuse among fellow workers.

  12. Thailand has one of the best taxi systems as far as availability and affordability.

    Here in the US (Washington, DC) a taxi costs approx. $20 USD just to get inside and drive blocks. God forbid if the driver touches any of your luggage, which they are now making mandatory (for liability purposes).

    Be warned if fares increase it will put some drivers out-of-business as people will look at other transportation options based on affordability.

    • Like 1
  13. Funny. Even the Russians are now saying their government has not been telling the truth. At least the truth is known now.

    From the above article:

    Gen Breedlove said that since last week, some Russian forces inside Ukraine had returned to Russia but remained available to "bring their military force to bear on Ukraine".

    I guess these fighting troops "vacation" is over and they are heading back home? LOL

    These Russian protesters should be careful as a Govt ordered round-up has been rumored.

  14. Thanks to all the people who responded but never read my question properly and CharlieH for being a good moderator. For anyone who has first hand knowledge of the matter of car insurance in Thailand for a Thai national happy to read their feedback.

    Regardless of the insurance issue, on a practical matter she is playing the Thai/Westerner card.

    Recommend you deny the request as you are throughing money away. Offer to buy him a few bottles of Thai whiskey :)

    NOTE - if you concede now you would be setting precedence for future type requests.

  15. A lot on twitter saying there's major issues with it. it deletes all your photos.

    Negative --- it does not delete your photo's.

    Got it and have extensively used it. There are bugs but no major concerns.

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