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Posts posted by sanuk711

  1. 13 hours ago, simon43 said:

    I chat daily to a fellow radio 'ham' on the Pacific island of Samoa.  No Wuhan flu cases there and no chance of that either 'cos the island is not 'open' to any visitors right now ...

    I used to be there every 2 weeks (& every other island---high speed cargo ship, about 30 hours in each place) burn out sort of job...... get woken up middle of the night, ask where we are---Pago-Pago. oh its Thursday then.

    But Samoa was nice.....Aggie Grays---Mount Vie night club.......this was in the 70s....maybe there gone also.


    Yes....completely off topic................image.png.46cedd7e673722a3dce7204a2d789b61.png




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  2. New series : The Baker & The Beauty

    Only seen the first Ep. What a great show! A light and funny rom-com fairy tale.  ---Nemises


    Are you American Nemises?  I ask because other than a few exceptions, I don't seem to find a lot of humour in American sit-com. Maybe you feel the same way about the British stuff. The American Crime/Drama & Doco's all fine--usually good stuff.

    I was watching Kenny Everett shows last night---still funny (for me) over 20 years old.


    No Football---no Boxing--so I am actually catching up on my back log at last..........




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  3. 17 minutes ago, NilSS said:

    However, our property is fully liquid, and we have no debt. So, we will survive. . . . . and crucially, our competitors won't. They can't service their debts and they will just evaporate due to this crisis. Ultimately, this crisis will put our business in a very strong position, the weaker players culled.

    Their hotels wont go away will they NilSS, they may go broke and as you say a savvey investor will prob take them over, maybe make a better fist of it, so your competition will still be around.


    And I hope you do well with yours......

    • Haha 1
  4. 14 hours ago, Pravda said:

    Normal or not Thailand comes out out of this a clear winner.


    No bailout of the poor, no currency devaluation. 


    CAD to THB 18


    AUD to THB 14


    USD to THB 40


    very soon

    If your selling AUD at 14 please consider me.....I will take all you have and even pay 16....... as the rate for AUD has now risen to just under 21......highest for a while.....I do agree Thailand has done well considering the amount of Chinese tourist they have had this year.

  5. On 4/24/2020 at 9:40 AM, giddyup said:

    Has this appeared anywhere?

    As the Cinema's are closed --it seems that a lot of movies will be delayed moving to DVD until they have made significant profit at Box office.


    Download & stream reports

    Is Calm with Horses available as a pirated stream or pirated download?
    No, not yet.
    When will Calm with Horses officially be available?
    As of now, there's no release data announced. This includes official services such as iTunes, Disney+, Blu-Ray or DVD release.

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