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Posts posted by sanuk711

  1. I have visited IDC  (& most other prisons) it can be like that photo --& worse--or it can be quite empty, depending on the rate they move them out, (or how busy the BMW is these days)  as you can see from that pic ---not to many white faces ..the Embassy's usually sort something out in the end.  The best IME  Ireland --then Scandy's , USA is OK they will get you back, take it from your pension or something---Kiwi little better than Oz..........the UK rates quite low against them, never dealt with Canada.

    In Pattaya they were using the old Immigration office -Soi 8 behind the Sailor Bar as it has cells in it.....


    Covid-19...No Sorry no not been anywhere near a MH in 7 years.




  2. 1 hour ago, gomangosteen said:

    Sorry if facts upset your narrative.

    What could have been a polite post pointing out what you feel I had got wrong----had to turn into that silly one up man ship---I guess you get used to seeing so much here,


    I understand she was grated citizenship gomangosteen----but she wasn't there to except it..Madox her son was. I understand she she was appointed goodwill ambassador but that was in 2001. (Jolie was named a UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador in 2001) As the paper states she has hardly returned to Cambodia except for her new movie which premiered there, although you are quite right gomangosteen she often uses phases like its a 2nd home to me--coming back and forth---much the same Phases are used with her other interests in 1/Tanzania in 2001--2/Namibia: In 2003--3/Colombia: In June 2019--4/Bangladesh: In February 2019,


    Some may think They (Cambodia)  has done well with Angelina Jolie-----well its certainly a voice that people would listen to.

    Others may feel that she has done quite well from them----The land (she can now acquire  being a Cambodian) is prime.

    And was purchased from some one of the stature of Adolf Eichmann


                     The humanitarian icon flew to a remote part of northwest Cambodia after a screening of the movie

                      she directed First They Killed My Father in Siem Reap and later made a £32,000 offer through her

                      charity for a stunning 2.5 hectare plot of riverside land. The land is directly next to a heavily-guarded

                          jungle hideaway that Jolie, a UNHCR goodwill ambassador, bought in 2002 from a notorious commander

                          accused of genocide and crimes against humanity during the Khmer Rouge reign of terror 40 years ago.

                       He was accused of the mass murders in 2015.  Confirming the sale for the first time, reclusive 

                             Yim Tith – Now in his 80s, was charged with genocide in December 2015 after 600,000 people died but remains free and since

                          selling his jungle home to Jolie in 2002 he has lived quietly with his wife in a comfortable

                           single-storey rural home 20 miles away where he tends an orchard of dragon fruit trees.

                            Speaking by phone, Yim Tith confirmed to a Phnom Penh-based journalist

                           working for Mail Online that he reluctantly sold his land to Jolie after

                           being pressured by government officials who warned him the land would be requisitioned

                       for a wildlife reserve if he did not sell. 'I didn't want to sell, but the government told me they would

                                      take control of the land if I did not,' he said, confirming the deal for the first time.

                                                'We decided to accept the offer for little money and leave rather than be forced to

                                                                      leave with no money at all.'


    The Madox Jolie foundation have plans to buy more connecting land and set up a resort.......


    but the land she has now, is now the headquarters ...................


    UK Paper report


    Cambodia charity headquarters are shacks with no running water, barely any electricity and live-in workers are fed white rice and banned from sex - while actress doesn't spend the night and flies out on helicopter

    • Angelina Jolie's home in Cambodia, which also acts as the headquarters for her charity the Maddox Jolie-Pitt Foundation, is made up of a few shacks in a field
    • The compound in Samlaut, in the Battambang province, has no running water, electricity for only four hours a day at night and has no mobile phone signal 
    • According to a handbook distributed to visiting health specialists who are assigned to the MJP, conditions at the compound are Spartan at best 
    • Meals consist of mostly white rice every day and workers are banned from having sex, the handbook states 
    • Unlike Jolie, who is ferried in and out by helicopter, workers get around on motorbike and have to be wary of snakes, mosquitoes and land mine



  3. Well it had been nearly 18 years since she had been there (although she has been purchasing a lot of land through an agent)



    Seventeen years after her first visit to Cambodia, Angelina Jolie has come under fire for her conduct while casting a film based on a Khmer Rouge survival story And in 2011, it was reported that Ms. Jolie had purchased land in Battambang province from Yim Tith, alias Ta Tith, a notorious Khmer Rouge commander who has since been charged with genocide.

    At times, Ms. Jolie’s involvement in Cambodia has been portrayed as just another celebrity “white knight” whose vanity projects have done little, if any, good for the country.----Cambodian Daily

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  4. She has a book coming out soon in which she tells how she was raped when she was younger by a guy who is now dead...., and that's why she took to drink...20 years latter...but now has dried out. She done a tell all on the TV program called "The View" which is basically where Whoopi Goldberg & a few other multi millionaire ladies sit around and explain to you just how tough life is.   



    Demi Moore

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  5. On 4/7/2020 at 5:53 PM, TomKorat33 said:

    Nevertheless, I will not stand for this. I need to contact Honda corporate. The website is all in Thai. Does anyone know how I can get a rep to talk to in English. Thank you. 

    Tom about 17 years ago I brought my wife quite an expensive Cannon Camera  in London, all the warranty etc was fine. However the instruction book showing you how to do wonderful things with it etc, had all the main Euro  languages but not Thai....in those days it wasn't so easy to grab everything off the net. I Sent Thai Cannon 2 e-mails (no answer) then phoned them seeking to get a Thai instruction Manuel---the answer was in the realms of.....well you should have brought it here.  E-mailed again with a  CC to Japan...... telling them how I would not be purchasing & advising all who would listen, any other product from Canon --  7 hours latter (out of office time ) had the manager phone me with apologizes---& a Thai Manuel arrived by courier 1 day latter.


    E-mail from Japan customer service also asking if there were any other problems--please contact them direct.


    Write to Honda.... but CC it to there head office also.



    • Like 1
  6. Give her the Gold Kiever


    A real woman is a man's best friend Kiever.

    She will never stand him up and never let him down.

    She will reassure him when he feels insecure and comfort him after a bad day.

    She will inspire him to do things he never thought he could do, she will enable him to express his deepest emotions,

    and give into his most intimate desires,


    she will make him feel confident, sexy, seductive and invincible.....


    .........No wait.....I'm thinking of Beer, it's <deleted> Beer that does all that!...................................:coffee1:

    • Haha 1
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