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Posts posted by sanuk711

  1. 16 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:

    I still like it here but even in the 10 years I have been I see a disdain more and more for Falang.

    I think the Thai opinion use to be Falang:  happy people with money who love Thailand.

    Now: annoying complainers who are cheap and contribute little.

    You mean the change (in Thai opinion) came with the influx in numbers of the whining Brits bkk6060..................:coffee1:

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  2. 10 minutes ago, Tug said:

    It works very well for Kim he gets recognized on the world stage without giving up anything 

    Tug....he has given  more in the last 10 months than what had been achieved under all other western leaders in the last half century.

    Bodies (remains) of solders are continually being sent back (& DNA is proving they are genuine). Missile launching ---one that broke up just 8 minutes after flying over japan has completely stopped after their last one in November. Tension at the boarder stopped  regular visit by South K & discussions on reunification of families are under way between the 2 

    And if you want to talk about give away nothing......What has the USA given in return.?

    Maybe your more upset that this has been achieved by Trump when all other efforts either failed or were a con after other presidents tried.

    Discussions ---Its only been a short time.......and your already condemning it.

    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, Will27 said:

    I download from youtube and then watch it

    on TV via a usb

    youtube is a great place to get stuff......if you know what you are looking for---someone tells you about a program --great , if they dont then you miss it . Its also good for a whole day of wandering around---great clips.


    For James Nesbitt... "Occupation" was about the best TV Mini series he done, IMO 3 parts   https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1253869/?ref_=nm_flmg_act_18

  4. Watching "Midnight Man"  James Nesbitt  3 part BBC thriller a few years old 6 I think ....so only one place has all these achieves-


    He is a sacked jurno , doesn't like the sunlight so is reduced to going through prominent peoples dustbins in the wee hours, ...this ageing pop star had receipt from a kiddy porn site....sell that for a thousand quid to the newspapers. etc etc......of course in the end he stumbles on something big enough not to have to worry about money anymore.......one way or the other.

  5. A simple Favor


    Caught This Movie in Oz last week, it really was very good, sat there for the first 15 minutes thinking my daughters had conned me into watching some Chick movie--which was OK as it was one of those cinemas with tables that serve alcohol & food throughout  -- but it turned out to be a really good Murder thriller, try to catch it when it goes to the net. Probably the best I have seen this year....so try to get through the first  10-15


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  6. There is a site ----that you have to pay a download sever to...download. but its free to go into , you dont even have to join it. I used to download from it about 12 years ago before Torrents got so good. They really used to hound this site---so now its out of Costa Rica--but this site still has everything out first, and what it is good for is just looking at what came out last night when you wake up.....because I forget....(most things in life now)   Oh there is "Get shorty & Lucky man"......go to torrents and get them. saves me making a list of what day etc.


    RapidMoviez  ----yer it also has the movies



    AAaaand...........is anyone interested in Boxing ?....there is a Russian site I use (Free) its not the fastest one around (has been 4 hours behind in some of the fights) but good quality. PM me if you want the site if I keep putting site names up the mods get upset.

  7. 29 minutes ago, bluesofa said:

    Thanks for that, a couple of questions first though.

    Does it require downloading software, and if so does it support Linux or do I have to run it on Windows (W7)?

    Is it free or subscription based?

    No...no software-----no payment -free......I dont know about Linux, I am running through windows.


    At the moment I have just seen Redit advertising that UKCHAOSTV  has opened its doors for more membership---you can sign up there.


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