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Posts posted by sanuk711

  1. 7 minutes ago, Vacuum said:

    In theory, the difference between buy and sell, the price is 50 or 100 baht for one baht.

    Sorry Vacuum that is a Bullion price you are quoting ---certainly not the same with jewelry. Work out how much bullion (Baht weight)  there is then you will know the minimum you will get back---- then plus how much they will pay for craftsmanship.

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  2. Its a small problem I guess.... My 1 year extension (after I renew it) will run out in November  2019, my Oz passport will expire in September 2019.

    Next year I wanted to do a lot of traveling (mainly Asia) but have read that I will not be able to travel once my passport has less then 6 months on it--March 2019. Once I renew it I have to pay again for a new 1 year visa (they don't transfer I am told)  So its only a matter of just under 12,000 Baht --(Visa + Multi entry x2 for the year-- 16 months) ...not a fortune, but any way around it ?

  3. On 10/18/2018 at 8:36 AM, EVENKEEL said:

    Does anyone believe "Better Call Saul" will continue after next season 5? I speculate a new show will happen showing Saul after Breaking Bad. If you watched Better Call Saul you saw the opening scene of the first season with Saul working in a Coffee/donut shop in a mall. I believe that had a reason.....stay tuned.

    Gosh EVENKEEL  the last episode got 9.6 rating ....I hope it continues to run, it really is a good series, I hope they show more of the BB side, but what they have shown puts a lot of BB into context.

  4. Pine Gap 

    Oz mystery thriller.......last night...........6 episodes


    Set in the intensely secretive world of intelligence and the enigmatic US/Australia joint defence facility in central Australia, the spy-thriller Pine Gap delves into the famously strong alliance between the two countries



    Said by the Americans to be their most important military base outside USA, as it can cover all of Asia----- Edward Snowden took the gloss off of that a bit with copies of documents reveling that this facility also eavesdrops and collects information on citizens, including Oz. 

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  5. 29 minutes ago, Oxx said:


    Perhaps you could explain that in English, please?

    When you obtain a credit card from BKK bank---you open a 2nd account and place 100K in it. The funds that you spend re the "Credit" card are deducted from that account at whatever timing you chose, you can take smaller payments. The funds to top up the "credit" card account are taken from your main account. And you must not exceed the amount you have in that account. There are benefits to using the card....15% discount with Lazada and many other discounts at places when you book ahead with the card, & as I mentioned first post----first onto airlines, no charge for using the card when booking etc  but its not what I would call a genuine Credit card----I have been with BKK Bank more then 20 years now, they have just offered me their new Titanium card I have not bothered to look up what the benefits of that card are.


  6. BKK Bank issued me with both Visa and Master cards Platinum--when I asked for a credit card 3 years ago (which isn't really credit I know) The Master card is an Air Asia sponsored one.....and has become quite useful, even if you haven't brought your fare with it (& there is no extra add on charge if you do) you only have to show it to board & it doesn't matter where your sitting you go with the first lot. Luggage also comes off quicker if you did book with it. I got into their lounge in KL when I was not traveling business (small charge)....etc. I have platinum cards for Oz but when I am there I just use a debit card, find the whole thing less of a hassle.

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