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Posts posted by ToS2014

  1. 14 hours ago, charliebadenhop said:

    thanks guys!


    I will use the second form sent by Kidd.


    And yes, of course people can perjure themselves, so I am surprised they do not demand proof.


    I always bring my military retirement statement, VA disability letter, and SSA disabilty letter every time I require an income letter.  Each time the individual quickly looks at them and simply hands them back.  I have been 'trained' by the repeated back and forth runs by the IMO more is better, if not needed, then so be it.

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  2. On 2/28/2017 at 9:45 PM, onemorechang said:

    I have always believed i was never a welcome guest in Thailand.

    Maybe i was right all along. :jap:



    On the flip side of the coin, perhaps certain IMOs are attempting to locate all the individuals that are not following, or attempting to follow IMO rules.  Indeed, the 90 checks are a bit of pain; however, Jomtien's office processes these quite quickly.  The annual stack of papers, duplicated and signed for every year I stay on my NON-O, is quite a headache as each time there are runs back and forth to get 'something new'. 


    And yes, while it is sometimes a pain personally, my landlord has voiced her 'pains' with the same office is they require her to run back and forth too!

  3. On 12/18/2016 at 8:15 AM, KittenKong said:


    Do you think that Thais ever feel any remorse or guilt for anything? I dont.


    Thais dont arrive on time or dont do what they say they will do because they simply dont care in the slightest about anyone other than themselves. They dont care that the person who they have promised to do the work for has arranged his schedule to ensure that the work can be done properly, or that he wants the work done by a specific date/time for a specific reason that is important to him.


    This is exactly the same reason why they double-park in the middle of a busy road when there is an empty parking space 5 yards away, and why they drop litter everywhere, and why so many of them will scam and lie and cheat and generally disobey the law: they simply dont care how much inconvenience they may be causing to others, as long as what they do suits themselves.


    "Do you think that Thais ever feel any remorse or guilt for anything? I don't."  as well as... "they simply dont care how much inconvenience they may be causing to others, as long as what they do suits themselves." AMEN....and I'm not religious!
  4. immigration at Jomtien will issue a residence certificate or 10 if you want , just show them an address of where you are staying, can be hotel or apartment , utility bill or anything with a Pattaya address on it.

    Of course your certificate will be valid only until your visa/entry stamp runs out

    I'm on an O visa/extension of stay....Went to Jomtien IO recently, they also require copies of passport and visa page/s

  5. I have an easier and quicker solution to your questions. Immediately after reading this, go to the bank and withdraw all your savings. Upon returning home, spread out all the money of the coffee table and slowly consume a cold beverage; all the while feeling so proud of yourself and life savings. Upon completion of the beverage, collect all the money and go outside. Place all the money on top of your BBQ and light it. Again, much easier and quicker; and, you will actually see where your money went.

  6. sooo many people leave their 'respected' state and disrespect Thai rules. Rules are made by/from people like this all over the world; yet here, the higher class expats continuously mock them. Thanks for your 'friends' troubles while I try my best to follow the rules. Good luck with your 'friend's' next 'oops'. A tiny bit of research helps tremendously. I would have thought NINE years would have provided a bit of insight to the superior farang.

  7. Your experience is odd. I have only experienced great service at the Kap Choeng office. In fact, my last 90 day report took less than 5 minutes: grabbed a number, sat down, officer stated in English "90 day report", no one stood up, (there were about 5 or 6 people waiting) so I did, no number being called. Officer asked where do I stay, I replied, (all in Thai) he smiled, printed out a paper, stapled it in my passport and was gone. Perhaps the 500 THB donation for their free coffee provides them a bit of incentive; however, the donation is never asked for, nor implied. It is always given with respect with a 'jergon sam duen'.

  8. Live off Khao Noi. Changed over from TOT to 3BB in Dec. Paid a year (yikes) up front for 15MB. Only once, for apps 3 hrs, did I lose service. I called the support number and they told me that there was service being accomplished in the area and that it would be 3-5 hours. While out and about I got a call from 3BB; they asked if my internet was working since maintenance was finished...amazing customer support/service in my perspective!

    I regularly do a speed test and seldom pull less than 14MB. Never have a problem streaming vids, or for that matter streaming vids on my pc while the wife is busy with her cell phone. There is an office just off Khao Noi on SKMvit. Might be worth a visit.

  9. I by no means understand any woman, let alone a Thai lady. It appears that the persona the Thai's like to build up around themselves, something along the lines that I have this that and other...and then when the real or fake living standard they built up falls, they simply cannot, due to the face saving issue here, go back 'home' and start anew. I actually heard a Thai lady say that it would be simpler to kill herself than to face the scorn of going back home and trying to explain why she lost her farang boyfriend. She actually said that her life was much better than before, so when she 'comes back'...that is, after killing herself...she would have an even better life. Part of the mystery surrounding Buddhism. In the end it is sad that anyone reverts to a permanent solution over a temporary problem. Just my thoughts.

  10. I pretty much was in the same boat, changed from an ED to a Non O. I had a statement from the US embassy on my monthly pension. Showed all docs to the officials at Vientiane and the only doc they gave me back was my letter of financial proof from the embassy. On my way now to immigration in Jomtien for the follow up 90 day extension, which I'm sure will need the financial letter. Best wishes and good day.

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