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Posts posted by iphad

  1. I am not getting into a long draw out debate on Starbucks, afterall I have only had one coffee there when they were in Oz, but I would focus on the quality of the coffee I have drunk over the last 40+ years.

    Here's where I started. Mum always had it in the cupboard. But back then it was a square glass bottle.


    Over the years the were a number of instant brands tried and never really enjoyed.

    Then in the 70's I can across the real coffee taste in a little cafe in Lygon St Carlton....and real pizza, but that's another story!

    Once you have tasted the real coffee taste there is no turning back.

    I've had 3 coffee makers: one dripper and 2 expresso machines....my little Krupps is 6 years old! 2 grinders a hand crank and an electric.

    I buy beans only, not ground. Only small 250gm vacuum bags. And here in Pattaya Thailand there is a little cafe that roasts their own beans and bags them a short time later. Benjumit Coffee Shop is frequented by expats in droves. There are other good beans but none fresher than Benjamit beans.


    The worse coffee I have ever had, I think was made with battery acid not water, was off a street vendor not far from JJ Market on Pharponythin Rd. bah.gif Terrible!

    So, I can say with some confidence I have tasted the best and worst the world has to offer.

    And if Starbucks can open 400 outlets here in Thailand I take me hat off to em! I won't be seeing the inside of any of them but I am sure many will. biggrin.png

    Good post...Starbucks is a US success story I guess...although the US is a coffee nation since Independence partially due to throwing Tea overboard in Boston 1 night...but they have never been quality coffee drinkers compared to Europeans.

    Starbucks was quite instrumental in advancing America's awakening to ...hmmm dare I say ..quality coffee...compared to what was generally available.at the time.

    My impression in Aussieland is that Aussies are more European in their coffee drinking so Starbucks catching on there was probably doubtful anyways.

    Since Thailand is a new to coffee drinking..Starbucks will probably do relatively well here.

  2. I know coffee is bad for me

    That was also debunked earlier w/ a couple of references, one from Mayo Clinic. Mere repetition doesn't prove your point.


    Caffeine in coffee is a mild diuretic so going to take a piss alot more.

    Coffee contain acids that can cause heartburn.

    Caffeine in coffee can raise your blood pressure& adrenaline levels.

    Caffeine in coffee can cause sleep problems such as insomnia.

    I agree there are some benefits but in the end it's still a drug...try quitting & see how you feel.

    I also believe it's not for everyone so I said "I know coffee is bad for me"...it wasn't a general statement for everyone.

    Like most things..in moderation...drinking more than 8 cups a day is probably not a good thing.

    Best drink in the morning is warm water with lemon juice..not a coffee.

    Do note I said "can raise" meaning that every person is different & one has to judge for their own.

    But judging from your McDonalds as a healthy food statement I wouldn't be asking you for any healthy food advice.whistling.gif

    Arabica has apprx half the caffeine that robusta has so you can get the benefits of coffee without as much harmful caffeine if you drink arabica instead of robusta. Luckily for us Arabica is grown here in northern thailand.


    Robusta coffee is cheap bitter coffee usually used in instant coffee etc..& house brands at grocery stores.

    Darker the coffee roast is less caffeine too..

    But there is still caffeine in coffee.

    But I am not against drinking coffee..I drink it everyday & at home I use fresh ground arabica beans...

    but that doesn't mean that coffee is healthy for everyone..as the symptoms I pointed out.

    having 1 or 2 cups a day I'm sure is ok..having 10 cups a day..which I have done...probably isn't.

    Point is as I think you'r making..drink quality coffee & enjoy it.

    Matter of personal choice and opinion if Starbucks is quality coffee...but I always enjoy going there...

    even if it isn't my favourite coffee.

    • Like 1
  3. a woman standing outside the usa embassy on the 4th july with a placard "Long live the usa day" was charged with lesse majeste for mocking "long live the king" slogan.

    she was released after 4 days without charges, but she had to sign a loyalty declaration to junta. http://prachatai.org/english/node/4214

    the story shows double standards of thai police against protesters during marshal law

    I'm not sure if you read her sign....it said:

    "Long Live USA day

    PL help US We need Democracy

    But Thai elite dislike democracy

    Thai Junta Pretended not to know

    Thanks God give today"

    your claim of double standards while not reading or reporting what the sign actually said is questionable.

    she wasn't charged but her ploy worked somewhat to get farang worked up a little.

    her placard is gibberish, probably translated by google. The only issue police had with it is lesse majeste and that she was standing outside an embassy.

    Thep Vetchavisit's lone anti-american protest was even more idiotic, with caricatures of president clinton and nixon (who was a president over 40 years ago). Those presidents were big time layers, but had nothing to do with situation in thailand. The only logical explanation for his lonely protest was media attention to his name and his disreputable medical practice http://www.tsroadmap.com/physical/vaginoplasty/thep-vechavisit.html

    her placard is gibberish, probably translated by google.

    oh you didn't understand it..ok no wonder you didn't read her sign.

  4. Seems to be unanimous on here, Starbucks is crap coffee and food.

    I don't drink coffee, but going on what I have read here, Starbucks are just a typical capitalist company who I hope go the same way as they did in Australia.

    You will be healthier by not drinking coffee.

    I hate to tell you but most companies are capitalist..

    the ones that aren't capitalist aren't in business anymore

    although a government run chain of coffee shops could be a good thing.whistling.gif

    a government run chain of coffee shops could be a good thing

    You mean like a SRT of coffee?

    actually it was a joke about capitalist coffee shops...I have no intention of going or supporting a government run chain of coffee shopswhistling.gif

    • Like 1
  5. a woman standing outside the usa embassy on the 4th july with a placard "Long live the usa day" was charged with lesse majeste for mocking "long live the king" slogan.

    she was released after 4 days without charges, but she had to sign a loyalty declaration to junta. http://prachatai.org/english/node/4214

    the story shows double standards of thai police against protesters during marshal law

    I'm not sure if you read her sign....it said:

    "Long Live USA day

    PL help US We need Democracy

    But Thai elite dislike democracy

    Thai Junta Pretended not to know

    Thanks God give today"

    your claim of double standards while not reading or reporting what the sign actually said is questionable.

    she wasn't charged but her ploy worked somewhat to get farang worked up a little.

  6. another week of ....but, but, not us, someone else, unfair, they did it, and other bull from the thaiscoffee1.gif

    Along with China, Thailand is part of the "Gang of Eight" countries that have faced scrutiny over the ivory trade, but it is now seen as the key offender.

    this statement says everything to make thailand wake up...the country of elephant loverswhistling.gif

    It is all false love, Thailand couldn't care less about elephants they are nothing but a commodity to Thais. Everything is money to them alive or dead doesn't matter.

    You are saying about Thai that it's all about money?

    I'm sure there are some Thai that would kill for money..as in any country.

    To suggest that the majority of Thai people would kill a elephant for money...

    I don't agree but maybe you know Thai people better than me.

    I presume you can speak Thai & have come to this conclusion from speaking to them?

    • Like 1
  7. This is utter nonsense....an eco-design or 'green building' is on average 30% more expensive to design and construct than a conventional property. Thai developers are generally concerned about making money...as much more money as possible.....using low standard materials. With 5 year old buildings that look more like 25 year old buildings, greyish green mouldy concrete, flaky paint and musty central AC's.

    If the Thai municipalities and regional authorities gave a damn, then the designer or developer is usually offered some type of incentive to go this route, as many projects are just not economically viable otherwise.

    If 'any' buildings being constructed in Thailand at the moment meet the 'green building' standards then it is most likely that they are 'Foreign designers, investors, developers' and not Thai at all.

    Qatar, Dubai, Abu Dhabi are far more advanced in green buildings than most other cities in the world......a large percentage of which are built by foreign designers and investors....even there they don't have local commitment to change like they say they do. Only Singapore has true government backing and policies to push for Green Buildings and Thailand would never reach their standards...

    I agree with most of what you say except maybe the "utter nonsense" part.

    This OP is from "Thai Green Building Institute" promoting "more ecological building projects in the future despite the high cost of construction" with internationally accepted standards.

    Yes I'm sure most Thai projects use the minimum standards for apartments & condos etc in the cities & towns etc

    but this is aimed at Corporations ( most likely foreign) to be encouraged to construct "green" buildings ....acknowledging the higher cost & payback is probably over 10-20 years or promotion of their own that the company image is "green".

    The fact that there is already progress makes it a good direction certainly for Thailand that relies on importing oil,cutting down on electricity & other factors.

    Will every building in Thailand be built "green"?..of course No.

    Some will & promotion is good.

    Will Thailand be a world leader in "Green Building"?

    Probably No too ....but have to start somewhere & having "Green" buildings as a lofty goal isn't such a bad idea.

  8. better start teaching chinese language in the thai school system

    Well they have not had much success with English worth a shot. Surly its the Chinese who should be learning Thai anyways.

    Hold on, Thailand needs America more than America needs Thailand, that's probably why Thais must learn English, and not Americans learning Thai.

    And now we have China in Thailand. Again, Thailand needs China more than China needs Thailand. Hence, some Thais will be learning Chinese (Mandarin). But you won't see Chinese people in China learning Thai ! smile.png

    English is the world's business language probably more to do with the British Empire starting it than American English but certainly America with it's empire replacing Britain added to the importance.

    I imagine it's not an easy process to learn English in Thailand as it is night & day different compared to the Thai language..

    as seen in Europe most people there can speak several languages whereas in North America it is usually 1 language but maybe Mexican should be taught in the schools there too..

    Most Thai I know want to learn English, probably economic in many cases but also to communicate with farang,western songs,movies etc.

    Chinese language ( Mandarin ) should be taught in Thai schools also...also should be taught in Western schools as China will be the economic leader in 5-10 years.

    Then it might be the Americans having to play catchup learning Mandarin & know what it's like for Thai to experience learning English.

  9. I know coffee is bad for me

    That was also debunked earlier w/ a couple of references, one from Mayo Clinic. Mere repetition doesn't prove your point.


    Caffeine in coffee is a mild diuretic so going to take a piss alot more.

    Coffee contain acids that can cause heartburn.

    Caffeine in coffee can raise your blood pressure& adrenaline levels.

    Caffeine in coffee can cause sleep problems such as insomnia.

    I agree there are some benefits but in the end it's still a drug...try quitting & see how you feel.

    I also believe it's not for everyone so I said "I know coffee is bad for me"...it wasn't a general statement for everyone.

    Like most things..in moderation...drinking more than 8 cups a day is probably not a good thing.

    Best drink in the morning is warm water with lemon juice..not a coffee.

    Do note I said "can raise" meaning that every person is different & one has to judge for their own.

    But judging from your McDonalds as a healthy food statement I wouldn't be asking you for any healthy food advice.whistling.gif

  10. well since this thread is on starbucks coffee i won't go off topic into a debate over nutrition of Mcdonalds food vs Thai food..

    You already lost that debate, pal, so it's good that you buggered off. It's indisputable that one can, if one chooses to do so, eat healthy at McDonalds and can do better than eating Thai junk food. Go look at the online menu.

    It relates to Starbucks merely because in the dizzy minds of our keyboard anti-americanistas, Occupy Wall Streeters, 99 percenters, anti-globalists, and brainwashed nanny staters who always Occupy any Starbucks thread, Starbucks = McDonalds = KFC = Burger King etc. and they're ALWAYS brought up for a sneer and hypocritical condemnation.

    Meanwhile Starbucks is opening another 200 outlets! Suck it up. smile.png


    The thread is about Starbucks coffee...not McDonalds food...

    to me there is no debate anyways.. if you claim McDonalds food as healthy food then keep eating it.

    I don't whistling.gif

    although I know coffee is bad for me I still drink it although I try to keep it in moderation & I do go to Starbucks sometimes...so I'm good with Starbucks opening more shops in Thailand.

    Competition is good & more jobs for Thai.

  11. Its a joke here. We wanted our villas to be LEED certified, and received a quote for over 2M baht per villa! This is just for them to do the paperwork to get the certificate. This does not include the material costs or labour!! What a joke.

    We are going ahead with all our green tech and ideas, and will list them so, but are not bothering with any fancy certs as its just not worth it.

    Yes I'm sure the certification is expensive.... I didn't realize it's that much.

    I agree that you're better off with your own "green tech" ideas & I'm sure the bottom line financially comes into any decision...but there are simple non expensive design features like placing windows towards the sun if in a cold climate or shade with trees etc in a hot one.

    Solar hot water tech has come a long way in efficiency & lower cost than when 1st available..Good luck.

  12. McDonalds would be healthier for them?..I think it's you that doesn't understand healthy food. whistling.gif

    Sure. Burger better than a sugar roll or chocolate-coated pok-poks or instant noodles w/ MSG, sugar & grease added.

    Grilled chicken sandwich, salad with grilled chicken, diet drinks, unsweetened fruit juice--most burgers not bad if you just leave off the bread.

    A Teacher Ate Nothing But McDonald's For 90 Days And Was Shocked By The Results

    A teacher who ate nothing but McDonald's for three months was shocked to discover that he was healthier than ever. . . . By the 90th day, Cisna reports he had lost 37 pounds and his cholesterol dropped from 249 to 170, according to the news station.


    Read the article for his diet at McDonald's.

    Having a keen interest in nutrition, I often post advice in the I'm Too Fat forum, so you can follow more of my misunderstandings there. Me, I've got great numbers, have run several marathons, and have been continuously physically fit for the last 36 years. You?

    well since this thread is on starbucks coffee i won't go off topic into a debate over nutrition of Mcdonalds food vs Thai food..

    I'll leave you to your own delusion.whistling.gif .

  13. I really hate to see Thai kids being manipulated into wanting the appalling rubbish being served by these companies and the consequent risk to the health of a generation.

    Now we have the IT'S THE WESTERN JUNK FOOD myth for Thai health problems. Been refuted here ad nauseam in thread after thread. Do a search. Seems you don't know Thais very well.

    The Thai diet alone, which most Thais eat almost all the time, is itself causing the rise in Thai health problems. You can start your education by watching what Thai kids are mostly eating--at school & at home. It's seldom McDonalds etc. Fact, McDonalds would be a lot healthier for them. No, it's Thai crap. It's sugar, starch, and fried whatever in continually reheated oil among other things.


    McDonalds would be healthier for them?..I think it's you that doesn't understand healthy food. whistling.gif

    • Like 1
  14. Seems to be unanimous on here, Starbucks is crap coffee and food.

    I don't drink coffee, but going on what I have read here, Starbucks are just a typical capitalist company who I hope go the same way as they did in Australia.

    You will be healthier by not drinking coffee.

    I hate to tell you but most companies are capitalist..

    the ones that aren't capitalist aren't in business anymore

    although a government run chain of coffee shops could be a good thing.whistling.gif

    • Like 1
  15. I drink coffee at Starbucks...they usually have a newspaper to read too...was cheaper back home with my Starbucks card & free refill...maybe not my 1st place for a coffee.

    I have tried McDonalds coffee..I like the coffee & atmosphere better at Starbucks.

    I welcome more Starbucks outlets..more jobs,more coffee..

    I like the competitors too..but it's trial & error to find a good one at least one knows what to expect at Starbucks.

    Cheaper to drink good coffee at home but one must go out sometimes.

    • Like 2
  16. In Australia green or environmentally friendly homes are a gimmick and are not affordable to the masses. For the sake of reduced energy use, make them affordable for all where ever you may live.

    Australia is probably in the top 10 as a leader in "Green" buildings.

    I wouldn't call green or environmentally homes a gimmick per se although there is an initial higher cost with savings in the future & I'm sure homes will promote it when selling..as they should because of the cost & savings involved.

    Of course as more homes using the technology the prices will come down as was with computers when they were first introduced compared to computer prices today.

    The masses couldn't afford a computer back in 1980.

    Homes or commercial buildings using "Green" technology will have a better resale or rental value.

  17. Lie after lies. they don't even put double glazed windows for new condos or office building. most of the entrance and exist doors here are single are always open. I guess it's one way of dealing with global warming by cooling outside too

    what lies?...Can you actually read? or do you know what the word "strive" means?

    the OP is from Thai Green Building Institute promoting "Green" building in Thailand not an official Government position.

    the first certified green building in Bangkok was inaugurated in 2007.

    There's about 100 certified or near certified "Green " buildings in Thailand.

    Toyota Motor Corporation Thailand is a good example of a company embracing the green building concept to build an even more eco-friendly image. The Japanese automaker is implementing a worldwide initiative to convert existing dealerships into green buildings. In Thailand, 374 dealers will take part in the program that will run until 2015. http://www.eco-business.com/opinion/reality-thailands-green-building-sector/

    The lies & drivel are consistent on these forums from uninformed or ignorant people who at every opportunity continue with the same anti Thai agenda without checking facts beforehand.

    • Like 1
  18. Having worked in the Marine industry in the Government for over 30 years in a western country I can say that everything safety related is to minimum standards.Drinking on the job when I was younger was almost standard practice.......many times I came to work & the Captain was wasted...someone covered for him while he slept it off.

    Luckily I was never involved in a disaster...& looking back I still wonder why I never reported a potential disaster in the making...but like others you cover for your crew mate...

    In fact any new regulation usually comes about because of death...like a ship sinking etc. since the dawn of time for ships.

    For sure a despicable act by the employee but people even in the west get hired because they know someone..this is not unique to Thailand.

    Not every employer checks for previous crimes..I'm not justifying it...just saying it happens.

    People do the same job day in & day out & some get lazy in the routine...most times everything goes right.

    People sitting in their chair behind a computer don't know the whole story.......

    even if it is a story in the newspaper...

    but it's always easy to say what should have been done & to blame someone...it's only human.

    My thoughts are for the family of this young girl..& hopefully justice will be served

    but she will never come back & the family will always feel the pain.

    • Like 1
  19. Dear Viewers!

    As a frequent " Train traveller " here in Thailand.Firstly the trains for me are the only " real way " to explore Thailand.The roads are boring,dangerous and totally uninteresting.With the trains they are very cheap,the route that they take is far more scenic and a delight with the window down and stopping at all the " beautiful train stations " with the freshly watered flowers and excellent service offered by all " the station masters " ( i have met most of them! ) it is an absolute delight to travel by train in Thailand.

    I do NOT drink alcohol ( it makes me fall asleep viewers..) But why would anybody " have to drink booze " on a small train journey anyway? If you cannot board a train for example from " Pattaya to Bangkok " and sit on the train without the need of a " can of beer " for just a few hours then you must be living on the edge of being " an alcoholic " It should be noted that i am happy with just a small bottle of water but i guess some of you would " struggle with that idea " ......

    Have a lovely day viewers!

    Farang Jaidee

    I love the train too...actually my first choice of travel in Thailand ...the clatter & shaking going down the tracks,getting up & walking around,the scenery..all great for me...

    never had a bad train trip that I can remember.

    Yes maybe dangerous but so is a car,tuk tuk,motorcycle,bus plane etc...

    if I wanted to avoid all danger I would stay home & never go out.

    and for the price in Thailand compared to back home for train travel it's an almost total joy.

    • Like 2
  20. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    I predicted the response of some posters thinking not getting a beer on a train because of a rape/death of a 13 year old girl that they were the real victims.

    That is not the point. The point is that the government's response is a knee-jerk reaction that doesn't address the problem but makes it look like they are doing something serious. Since rapes by drunken men can occur anywhere, not just on trains, why not ban alcohol altogether, everywhere? I'm sure there are politicians who would like to do so (remember Purachai?) but it wouldn't solve the problem and would just create others.

    No one is saying the inconvenience of not being able to drink on the train is anywhere near equivalent to the horror of being raped. How you could get that from any of the responses so far is beyond me.

    Since you feel my comment was directed at you & since I used "some of the posters" I guess you represent the farangness of some of the posters here .

    ok I'll bite.

    daoyai in post #4 "So now instead of one unfortunate victim, all those travelers that enjoy a drink on board the train are victims also."

    theset2014 in post #6 "So why are they intent to punish all train travellers by banning alcohol consumption on trains?"

    daoyai again in post #12 "If the trajedy was in any way connected to beer sales on trains the reaction would be understandable. The real victims are the people that live under a reactionary, predictably stupid govt. understand now?"

    if the railway decides to ban alcohol..as a knee jerk action when everyone is demanding action.............to protect passengers......I think kinda fits....

    Probably also because of other problems before so this was the time to clamp down.

    But listening to whiners say they can't bear to be on a train without alcohol is a knee jerk reaction too..blaming Thai people,or that the railway needs money from alcohol sales etc....

    If you don't like it..take a bus,fly, put your beer in a brown bag,drink before you go,drink vodka from a water bottle.

    Just because you are farang & think you have the right to drink wherever you are in a foreign country, whenever you want, then whine because you are demanding action but the action is going to hinder your rights.

    you are not citizens of this country..you can't vote..

    you're just alcoholic whiners.

    Grow up..read a book on the train if you must travel that way..

    you won't die from being sober for 10 hours.

    • Like 2
  21. Haha, this topic goes to 67 comments in shorter time than topic about the fact that we might face water problems get 15 comments.

    Sorry guy, but you have to bring your own alcohol on your visa run to Laos, but at the end of the day, it wont matter much since you're slowly running out of visa runs :-P

    LOL...it's a proven fact you can go 3-5 days without drinking water ...but for many drunk farang try & go 15 minutes without a drink...8-10 hours would worse than hell.

    I too am guessing many are visa runners since they can't afford a plane ticket whistling.gif

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  22. failing to see the point. one would assume that employees were already required to remain sober while working.

    Perhaps a review of SRT's employment policies would be more in order than this knee jerk reaction.

    Segregation seems like an excellent idea though. very forward thinking indeed.

    personally i cant see how anyone could tolerate the train sober

    "personally i cant see how anyone could tolerate the train sober "

    Perhaps you are far too high above Thai people.

    Shame on you for such a statement.

    I think you are letting your PC indoctrination get out of control. I travel 4 or 5 times a year on Thai trains for long distances,they aren't tolerable drunk or sober,uncomfortable,smelly,noisy,late and generally dirty,and that's the air-con carriages.

    take the bus then or better yet fly..

    personally I love the train.

  23. The ladies only carriage idea is a good one.

    So what if you are married? I think this internal problems, what do you think?

    Maybe a young girl alone, then make cars for the young ones. To keep them separated, from other people.

    Does one have a problem with this? Just asking? There was never this problem before.


    all this means is there would be a car available only for women..if they so choose..doesn't mean all women have to sit in the back of the bus.

  24. I predicted the response of some posters thinking not getting a beer on a train because of a rape/death of a 13 year old girl that they were the real victims.

    If the trajedy was in any way connected to beer sales on trains the reaction would be understandable. The real victims are the people that live under a reactionary, predictably stupid govt. understand now?

    which reactionary,predictably stupid government?..Thai in general or the Military now in power?

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