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Posts posted by TrueOrNothing

  1. They should wipe the bill and put in place a system where the consumer is protected,

    Fair enough the boy done the wrong thing but he's only 12 and now you've got a mother who is most likely on computer savvy and a farmer slugged with a bill which is nearly impossible for her to pay.

    He is only 12?

    If everyone customers came and pretend innocent, what is AIS (or DTAC or True) going to do?

    Give all a free ride.

    The boy knowingly tried to hack the system, which is a crime by itself.

    Should he be charged for that cyber crime?


    The boy is only 12 years old, but he has enough savvy to understand the foundamentals of deception and theft and hacking is a form of theft.

    When parents give their children access to IT goods and computers than they must bear the responsibilities as to how their children use those devices, claiming ignorance is no defence under the laws.

    The Internet has a well publicised dark side and all parents should be aware of this.

    Trying to "hack" the game was done under influence of the same dopamine the game released in his brain, it was part of the game.

    There is no theft when nothing is missing nowhere... Thieves are those who want you believe it to fill their pockets with the work of others... or ask 200k or more to play a game for kids no matter what it implies...

    Music I play and words I say are free for everybody to listen, learn and inspire from (I learned listening others), as well words and source code I write are free for everybody to use, learn from (I learned reading words and source code from others) or inspire from.

    I still "own" it all, nothing is missing nowhere.

  2. The fact is that individual behavior influences the behavior of others and the overall well-being. All that we can do or avoid doing to avoid the negative influence (from which the amalgam to all the farangs emerge also) is to consider seriously

    We cannot expect this to happend when people from a multitude of cultural systems of values and education systems come together for holidays and dont give a damn about learning and respecting the local cultural values, doing as if they were at home (or worst because they aren't)... We can see that in all countries..

    Human beings are so selfish by nature (look at babies).

    From DNA to today's physical condition, mental condition and (drinking) behaviour, we are totally conditionned by our past (every now)

    Unfortunately everyone is not necessarily conscious or tolerant, which is why we should be twice more careful not to negatively influence people around when we are not at home.

    That said drink too much if you want I'm not your mama :-)
    Cheers ! drunk.gif.pagespeed.ce.hfErN2aQEE.gif


    You sucked me in with

    Human beings are so selfish by nature (look at babies).

    cheesy.gif Kind of like saying human beings are so helpless look at babies.cheesy.gif

    You defiantly are in the right forum., Lot's of good advice take it.wai.gif

    I mean babies have virtually no education nor experience. Their behavior is not much conditionned by the limited sum of nows they have lived.
    Maybe I was too ambigous :-)
    You too can sit aside and observe anybody at any age to learn about yourself and human nature... it might even make you stop drinking altogether if you look alcoholics and recognize yourself in them :-)
    Make your choices, and don't expect anything but the choice to be happy to make you happy :-)
    Whatever, help yourself and discard what does not fit your mental patterns, as everybody does.
    Cheers ! drunk.gif.pagespeed.ce.hfErN2aQEE.gif
  3. The fact is that individual behavior influences the behavior of others and the overall well-being. All that we can do or avoid doing to avoid the negative influence (from which the amalgam to all the farangs emerge also) is to consider seriously

    We cannot expect this to happend when people from a multitude of cultural systems of values and education systems come together for holidays and dont give a damn about learning and respecting the local cultural values, doing as if they were at home (or worst because they aren't)... We can see that in all countries..

    Human beings are so selfish by nature (look at babies).

    From DNA to today's physical condition, mental condition and (drinking) behaviour, we are totally conditionned by our past (every now)

    Unfortunately everyone is not necessarily conscious or tolerant, which is why we should be twice more careful not to negatively influence people around when we are not at home.

    That said drink too much if you want I'm not your mama :-)
    Cheers ! drunk.gif.pagespeed.ce.hfErN2aQEE.gif
  4. I still buy fresh and sweet coconuts with a straw for 12 bahts from the same vendor in the same pickup every morning in my area in BKK ..

    Price often depends of the number of tourists in the vicinity...

    Mango sticky rice range from 25 in secluded places to 70 or 100 bahts in other place.... Ice tea between 11 to 40 bahts

    Beside this, the minimun income doubled recently, so expect everything will cost more: not only because workers are paid more, but also because people can pay more (so vendors can ask more) -> we call it inflation.

    Welcome in the modern economic era.

    The minimum wage doubled recently ? I must have missed that announcement.

    A few years ago yet theorically, say recently..

    300 bahts per day instead of 150.. for working 12h per day, 6 days per week in t-shirt factories or ananas fields under the sun...

    Still a shame that it worth less here than in our countries - thanks to the banksters . I call it post-colonial slavery.


    Oh no !... now despite my skills I only earn in one month (8/24 and 5/7 - no sweat) what basic workers receive there in 3 years instead of 6...

    We should invest in coconut plantations before it's too late !

  5. I still buy fresh and sweet coconuts with a straw for 12 bahts from the same vendor in the same pickup every morning in my area in BKK ..

    Price often depends of the number of tourists in the vicinity...

    Mango sticky rice range from 25 in secluded places to 70 or 100 bahts in other place.... Ice tea between 11 to 40 bahts

    Beside this, the minimun income doubled recently, so expect everything will cost more: not only because workers are paid more, but also because people can pay more (so vendors can ask more) -> we call it inflation.

    Welcome in the modern economic era.

    The minimum wage doubled recently ? I must have missed that announcement.

    A few years ago yet theorically, say recently..

    300 bahts per day instead of 150.. for working 12h per day, 6 days per week in t-shirt factories or ananas fields under the sun...

    Still a shame that it worth less here than in our countries - thanks to the banksters . I call it post-colonial slavery.


  6. I still buy fresh and sweet coconuts with a straw for 12 bahts from the same vendor in the same pickup every morning in my area in BKK ..

    Price often depends of the number of tourists in the vicinity...

    Mango sticky rice range from 25 in secluded places to 70 or 100 bahts in other place.... Ice tea between 11 to 40 bahts

    Beside this, the minimun income doubled recently, so expect everything will cost more: not only because workers are paid more, but also because people can pay more (so vendors can ask more) -> we call it inflation.

    Welcome in the modern economic era.

  7. Sometime i had no phone signal with True in some secluded places where a farang should not go in bike alone and where i did'nt need internet anyway.. (but had no AIS to check)

    Therefore this time i bought both TrueMove-H and AIS 12Call internet packages because was unsure to have signal where I was going.

    For internet speed is a concern, True-H is unmatched compared to AIS/12Call...

    In Prachuap, Bangkok and Prasat (and on the road between) with AIS I could never download faster than 40K/s and wait so long for every page or mail... dont talk about trying to update my system... neither with SIM in my computer or in my Samsung Note II LTE (using 3G)....

    With AIS impossible to reach my 6Gb limit

    I definitely stick to True-H, as long there's no better option...

    H is for Happy :-)

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