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Posts posted by Nigeone

  1. 5 hours ago, proton said:


    It's not bigoted to point out it really has low viewing figures and little public interest, or that the definitions of what is disabled is increasingly being pushed. It's almost at the stage of the depressed being able to compete against the genuinely physically disabled. There is a UK competitor with mild ms running and winning gold medals, ridiculous.

    I don’t doubt when you consider the amount of competitors and the multiple grading that from time to time some slip through. In fact 2 athletes have been pulled out after there races one of which won a bronze but had it taken off him. So what about the GB swimmer Alice Tai  with club feet who had her leg amputated  below the knee  due to extreme pain  in 2022 and she got back to completing this Paralympics . She’s won 2 golds , 1 silver and a bronze and possible more to come later. Inspirational as I’d say around 95% or more are . Having struggled with CFS/ME and resulting depression I can tell you that most athletes taking part have multiple issues beyond there most obvious ones. I’ve also luckily coached lots of disadvantaged athletes are you really can’t make light of there achievements . And there’s been full stadiums and venues for most events . Noise has been incredible and loads of brilliant races . Take the blinkers away !  

  2. 19 hours ago, stupidfarang said:

    I like what happens in Australia, if you break the law and end up in prison then once time is served you get deported back to where you come from, same needs to happen in the UK and no appeals in court.

    Time for a change but without the violence of the past weeks as this is not fixing the problem.

    It’s not that easy sadly. Asylum seekers are primed to ‘lose’ there passports and paperwork so it’s not then easy to deport as it’s hard to prove where there from. And of course some have genuine issues as to why they’re seeking asylum. For sure the French aren’t going to take them as are not other European countries . First thing they need to do is streamline the appeal process and initial request for asylum . Most are migrants looking for a better life. UK is well known for compassion ! 

  3. 2 hours ago, Nigeone said:

    28.5 a unit currently where I live . That’s nearly a third of a GBP . And standing charge is 24.6 a day. All GBP. And people say Falang are rolling in money. Yes we get paid if we are more productive and the likes but often it’s forgotten our costs are so much higher. Just saying……

    But will add , as should have said , this rise  in Thailand won’t make living any easier for Thai families…..very sad.

  4. Where I live a few wallabies escaped years ago and no one bothered. Just left then to it as the surrounding land was perfect for them. They bred and multiplied and now there’s at least 800 of them. Still not disturbed and left wild. Seem to survive just fine and there’s sightings all over the place including villages and in gardens of big dwellings. Quite something . And unlike Thailand nobody’s tried to shoot them.  

  5. 23 minutes ago, Liverpool Lou said:

    Yes, IOM is a self-governing British Crown Dependency and part of the British Islands but not part of the UK.  Not being part of the UK means that, by definition, the IOM cannot be part of Great Britain, either.  I'm surprised that you do not know the content of the Isle of Man Constitution.

    I didn’t say we were part of U.K. , we never have been and also never said we were part of Great Britain. We are British though , as my passport would confirm . I’m well aware of my countries standing . 

    • Thanks 2
  6. 11 minutes ago, sambum said:


    You may be right, but the writer of the post is from the Isle of Man where apparently they have a higher level of Pension than the rest of the UK.

    Our basic rate of pension , just gone up , triple lock etc , is £241.50 a week and that’s what every pensioner will get currently. Any extra is based on NI contributions and how long you’ve made them. I actually had 49 years in and when my pension was calculated you needed 40 years . Now it’s 35 I believe. 
    And not to sound pedantic but we are not part of the UK . Never have been . Always causes a reaction lol

    • Haha 2
  7. 1 hour ago, sambum said:


    ''..............my pension is just gone up to £14,500" 


    I suspect that that is not the basic State Pension which is £221.40 per week which comes to = £11,500 app.

    Are you in receipt of an additional (Works?) pension, or other pensions?

    Well done . You’re up to speed . Yes it is my total State pension as where I live , Isle of Man , we get a supplement, if you have the required 35 years contributions ,  due to disparity in costs etc. Everything having basically be brought in and the higher cost of living and house/ rental prices . I don’t have any other income apart from a couple of small annuities which add around £1300 a year to my income . And no we are not a tax haven but our basic allowances are currently £14,500 . So with annunity I actually pay a small amount of tax, £51 total . 

    • Like 2
  8. 53 minutes ago, freeworld said:

    This is what asylum seekers are entitled to claim in the UK.



    This Daily Mail infogram shows what is affordable on different levels of pension



    This is not close to being correct. I live in a particularly expensive part of Britain and my pension is just gone up to £14,500 and I manage really well. Had two 1 month holidays in Thailand last year including hire of car for duration and room rental . I can save and just been to Turkey for a week. I budget well mind and don’t have sky and the likes but pay all my outgoing for apartment comfortably . I own with no mortgage though. But single occupancy . 

    • Like 1
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  9. I followed this at the time religiously . These two guys never did it….100% sure of that and got put down only because they had to protect the mafia on that Island. The whole thing stinks , did then back in those days , and still it goes on. There not getting off in any way or form. It would show up authorities in Thailand too much. Very sad . But it won’t be the last time something like this is corrupted to suit. 

    • Agree 2
  10. 5 hours ago, BayArea said:

    France has recovered nicely and the summer Olympics will undoubtedly put them over the top. western Europe will be back too and probably exceed expectations this year despite economic uncertainties.  I believe most people if they have some financial means will find a way to travel. The pandemic really put life in perspective for many of us.

    Those comments are true but reality is it’s now £1200 return plus to fly to Thailand as against £700 tops a year or so and £450 ish pre Covid. Massive rises in most peoples gas/electric/ food etc and big increases across the board. The days are gone but there again never believed TAT forecasts on numbers . It’s too expensive taking in everything involved in holiday in Thailand for most. 

  11. On 12/29/2023 at 2:53 AM, sungod said:

    Have not been back to the UK since 2019, whats the average cost of a ticket these days?

    Two trips recently , one in April and one in Nov/Dec . Best part of 39,000 baht each return. I have another flight before I leave from UK so in all its 52,000 Baht return. That’s me now . 25 years going to Thailand and with airfare and car hire it’s got to much. Had a good run. 

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  12. Up where I’ve stayed for years , Lamphun , there’s a disco/nightclub I used to go to with friends called Rodeo . And around Lamphun with all the factories there are lots of Tom’s . They would come in Rodeo late on with some incredibly stunning girls in tow. Never could understand it as had these usual short haired very masculine looking and dressed the part Tom’s  with drop dead gorgeous babes. Mind blowing in more ways than one .

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