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Everything posted by MikeN

  1. If they abstain that is effectively a no vote...the new PM needs a majority of the 750 eligible votes from MPs and senators, so 376 no matter how many actually vote.
  2. She wasn't a beer promoter...that's illegal. We all know she was trying to sell soda water.
  3. Unless you are a general, in which case it is perfectly acceptable to overthrow a democratically elected government.
  4. As at Dec last year for the DLT on the northern ring road, a medical certificate, certificate of address, copy of passport. There is a "clinic" in front of the DLT for your med cert, I got my address certificate from tourist police but I've heard that job is back to Immigration now ? Only had to do the traffic light colours and braking tests.
  5. Or maybe she was eating somebody's sausage as per RTP requirements.... stating that it was strictly in line with Royal Thai Police requirements.
  6. Last year it was 180 baht for 2 days+ in the main carpark. It's calculated on a 24 hour basis, mine was just over 48 hours. There seemed to be a free parking area just before the main car park ?
  7. Do they ? when I first changed from ED to retirement I had, from memory, about 2 months left on my lease. My landlord said don't worry about new lease, leave whenever you want, or stay as long as you want. So no 12 month leases since, and never a problem with Immigration come extension time.
  8. The BP said pretty much the same today about the EC confirming the results sooner than the 2 months it appears to want, so is the Post also interfering ?
  9. Pita has said that he wants to specify exactly what constitutes an insult to the monarchy under 112. As currently nothing is specified, which is why a teenage girl is currently locked up and charged for insulting HM under section 112 for livestreaming somebody else painting 112 on a temple wall. An accomplice to graffiti yes, but is that an insult to the King ? He also wants limits on who can lay a complaint, to prevent it being abused as now anybody can lay a complaint against somebody they have a grudge against.
  10. He respects the final result, after the referee (ie the EC) has sin-binned the other teams and it becomes a case of last man standing wins.....
  11. My missus just explained the logic....people vote for the local candidate who paid them, then for the party they really wanted ! I pointed out that she had got "expenses" paid for going to 4 different meetings, so others were probably the same....so why still vote for one candidate you don't really like.
  12. That was when they thought they were going to have a landslide victory, and before the MF late surge in the polls.
  13. according to the ectreport website the Move forward party are looking at a clean sweep of all Bangkok districts that have reported results so far, 30 out of 33 ! If there is any post election hanky-panky by the EC there is going to be a LOT of unhappy voters in BKK.
  14. There are 400 constituency MPs, and another 100 from the party list (in other words, proportional representation) voted on a separate ballot paper. So people might vote for one party for the local rep, and another for the party list.
  15. unless they are going to vote for the unpatriotic, democratic, "bad guys", in which case 30 days in the slammer will mean one less vote for them. Cannot vote when he's in jail!
  16. you do realize that the house of Representatives has 500 members....100 list MPs and 400 constituency members. By the most recent polls PT and MFP are going to get around 2 thirds of the list MPs, which leaves the PPRP, UTN, democrats, BJT and other minor parties to fight over the scraps. PPRP and UTN will be lucky to get 15 between them. where are they going to win over 110 constituency seats ? Not the north (Shinawatra stronghold), not Issan (PT territory except for Buriram..Anutins home ground), not Bangkok (democrats and Move Forward). Even if they get your 126 MPs that won't get them government, perhaps you are thinking of the Prime Minister vote with the 250 senators. It would n't be a unanimous vote for Prayut this time, their vote will be split between P1 and P2 (and perhaps others when senators see the writing on the wall). Even if they did do a deal and voted 100% for either of them to get 376 votes, to go against a landslide vote for the pro democracy parties in the House of Reps would be asking for trouble this time
  17. She won't....while he is earning the alleged 5 million baht/month. But Youtube payment policies, trends and viewers can be fickle !
  18. And then Thailand mixes it all up by having stuff like steel beams in 2inch by 1 inch, but 6m long, and a thickness of 1.6mm. Or trying to buy a length of wire in kilograms ...OK Somchai, how many kgs of barbed wire for a 50m fence ?....blank look.
  19. And then Thailand mixes it all up by having stuff like steel beams in 2inch by 1 inch, but 4m long, and a thickness of 1.6mm. Or trying to buy a length of wire in kilograms ...OK Somchai, how many kgs of barbed wire for a 50m fence ?....blank look.
  20. I was going to suggest the same thing, as for the 3 months in the middle of rainy season you could get at least 50,000 litres of runoff each month from roof and carport. When it rains, it RAINS.
  21. A stew is "fried" to seal the juices in the meat, then liquid is added and simmered slowly with whatever vegetables and seasoning you are using. A curry (as in your typical Indian curry) is a stew using curry seasoning (although no true Indian cook would use curry powder!). Phanang "curry" is a soup because the meat is added to the liquid, not sealed first. Phanang and massaman are my two favourite Thai dishes but my missus, being your typical Issaan person, doesn't like either and grumbles if I make it for dinner. Should have found myself a southern girl....but they are nearly all muslim ????
  22. There's a photo report on it in the "Farming life in Isaan" Facebook group. https://www.facebook.com/groups/718761521891474/permalink/1661126747654942/
  23. Aseannow Headline : “crazy to give vaccines to tourists” What he actually said, according to the story a couple of paragraphs later, was : “ the government's plan to offer vaccines to foreign visitors is a step in the right direction” So, is it crazy to go in the right direction then ?
  24. If I've read that right, the Ubon agricultural fair is back this year, 10-19th February.
  25. So you didn’t even read the first sentence in full ? The bit about losing points plus the legal punishment for the offence.
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