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Everything posted by MikeN

  1. There was....and the people conducting the poll were charged with 112. They were activists at the protests a couple of years ago so not surprising that they were arrested under any pretext. If I remember right, the girl that died on a hunger strike recently was charged with LM for conducting a poll about the royal motorcades.
  2. 2 extensions back Ubon office wanted copies of every Thai entry stamp, plus every visa. First time I've ever had to do everything. This year I went prepared with them, of course they didn't want them this time.
  3. If true, did she know it was going to cost her 2500 baht to submit her application? zero profit for her then.
  4. Each candidate in the first round has 2 votes, but can only give one vote per person. So everybody saves face by getting at least 1 vote if they vote for themselves, and the other "real vote" decides the winner.
  5. You should update your Thai driving licence, if you have one, but Ubon office told me not to bother until i renew it ! Your Thai bank will want to update their info to the new number. immigration of course. If you are registered at a local hospital they will probably want the new number, to match their records if you ever have to go to hospital. They will look up your medical file by number, not name, as I found out. Basically any place where you have had to produce your passport as ID
  6. the story is about the local community radio stations not big commercial operations, why would they have an app or website? Our local community station has a Facebook page and that's it.
  7. Quickly? Time for at least one change of PM, two committee reconsiderations, and a coup before then.
  8. Ah, but he was not convicted of bribery, just contempt of court. That's a much less serious offence. As to why he was only charged with contempt that's another matter. But still seriously lacking in ethics required for an MP let alone a cabinet minister. I note they bring this up while the PM is overseas...wasn't Thaksin overseas when the military overthrew him? Will the constitutional court act in record speed so that the soon to be departed senators can bring in the "right" PM, one that is left over from the junta's govt?
  9. MPs have immunity from criminal charges while in office unless the House votes to remove it, does the same apply to senators? Maybe Big Joke thinks if he can get elected to the Senate, and delay any criminal case until he does, he can relax for a few years....time enough to "sort things out".
  10. So a Thai kicked a foreigner in Phuket, but this time it was while they were sitting on the street, not beach steps, which will probably be a completely different matter. I wonder how Swiss guy feels about that ?
  11. And the place in Ruam Rudi ..."Aetna" was it? Haven't heard anything on that for a while.
  12. because nobody saw a problem until local residents complained. presumably when they built the driveway AFTER the building.
  13. Ixora will grow in shade/indirect light although it will not flower as much as in sunlight. I think it's "ton khem" in Thai...needle bush. Korean Banyan can be rather sparse and straggly in the shade. If you can put up some wire or a trellis perhaps any philodendron could be another option ?
  14. Even without paying for Youtube premium you can still download videos, but not in HQ, only standard quality and IF the copyright owner allows it. So it is not Youtube but the artist you should be whinging about. I mean, why wouldn't somebody allow you to use his IP for free ?
  15. Don't let the Old Man in ...
  16. Do you have a Thai yellow ID then Crossy? Because part of the wallet activation requires you to verify your ID, and the only ID acceptable is a Thai ID card. Screenshots from Lazada website:
  17. Absolutely no chance of the BJT being dissolved. It's one rule when it concerns the future forward/MFP, completely different when it's about a party that the "authorities" think is one of the good guys.
  18. Yes, that's what I did too (2018 version)...and you can find the installation key number by Help>license info on the top menu so as long as your old computer hasn't died completely it's a painless process.
  19. "at a Buddhist festival to celebrate Loy Krathong has stirred controversy " Loy Krathong has never been a Buddhist festival, it originated in Hindu India. Many Thais use the krathong to thank the Goddess of Water, the Hindu Goddess Ganga, Phra Mae Khongkha.
  20. Nah, they can press gang all those young-ish Russian holiday makers in Pattaya, give them a free trip back to mother Russia. Their Black Sea fleet needs more manpower...and ships.
  21. Why did Prayut need 9 guns ? I thought that he claimed that he had to continue living in the army barracks for security reasons....he couldn't have been very confident in that security if he needed 9 guns for protection.
  22. You are also supposed to abstain from sex and alcohol during this festival, not just meat. Somehow the combination of Pattaya and abstinence seems to be a bit unlikely.
  23. ^ Well first they have to have a referendum to see if the public want to change the constitution, and then another to approve the changes (said the Constitutional Court). The new govt is already backsliding away from it's alleged desire to change things so I don't think this guy will get what he wants...or the MFP with public support might slip in some of their ideas too, and that would not be what the Senators want !
  24. So, if somebody has to pay Thai tax when this is all sorted out, just what is the procedure ? Step #1 would be get a Thai tax number, but can you do your tax return here online, or what ? Back home I can do it online, with most of the data prefilled as employers, banks, etc report all your salary, interest and dividends to the tax office. I've never seen any tax agents here like back home, and my wife has never paid any income tax in her life apparently so she is no help !
  25. I was replying to somebody who claimed that Surachate would not be corrupt because he was already successful. My point was that there have been plenty of rich and apparently successful people who wanted more and were prepared to commit crimes to do so. Thaksin was just one example, relevant to Thailand, but there have been plenty of others. Alan Bond, a multi millionaire and Australian folk hero for taking the America's Cup ended up in jail for financial crimes. Bernie Madoff in America. The president of Samsung in Korea. And plenty more around the world. And as for Surachate's early and rapid career success, some people wonder if it has anything to do with his family connection to Thaksin's family, especially his ex-wife Khunying Pojaman (principal in the dirt cheap land corruption case that helped bring Thaksin down). That's also online for you.
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