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Posts posted by OPG

  1. What has me worried, is that this situation is so easy to figure out, but the Thai Gov't acts like a 5 year old with solutions on how to make Thailand a better place.

    The infrastructure is not up to par and the commercial licensing issue...well, this issue can be purchased, which makes it a bigger issue to tackle and the so-called Mafia who run tourist destinations, which include the Police force.

    Start with:

    1. Tackling the mafia and re-organizing the Police force

    2. Once the Police force shows promise of heading in the right direction, put a larger presence along all major tourist spots.

    3. Thai Gov't must invest in more police vehicles to protect the highways and act accordingly to the law (i.e. stop speeders without guessing how fast they were going, but with proper equipment etc...). Place strict and HIGH penalties for all commercial vehicles breaking the law on the highways with the possibility of impounding the vehicle and to make a strict policy that all commercial vehicles must drive on their lane.

    4. Repair all traveling highways for safety purposes (means less deaths by accident).

    5. Install more lighting in tourist destinations

    6. Install a new train system with under cover marshal's on board

    7. Place one under cover marshal on buses or "working cctv" on all buses to make sure the bus driver is not falling asleep or has gone rogue.

    8. Thorough background checks on all commercial staff (i.e. train, bus, transport etc...)

    9. Clamp down on all Licensing venues and make it more difficult to acquire your license.

    10. Prostitution is actually illegal in Thailand, but it's everywhere and it's definitely not hidden. This will never stop, but why not make it legal and regulate it in some manner. This offers additional protection to the tourist.

    11. etc...

    You get the point, but all of this must be tackled to bring the situation to a point where making adjustments to actual tourism will work. Without the above and more, Thailand will only be spinning their wheels and never getting anywhere.

    As a matter of fact, they will spend more money wasting precious time and solutions that may work temporarily, but in the end, all they are doing is putting a band aid on which will eventually come right off and they will restart again with another temporary solution.

    Thailand has SO MUCH POTENTIAL, but a Gov't with lack of brains keeps the potential moving to every other Asian country.


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  2. This truly is a sad situation, and my condolences go out to his Son.

    Is it just me or does this investigation seem to be more organized than the KT tragedy? From what I've read here, it all sounds like a proper investigation into the disappearance and ultimate findings that he was murdered to how they will collect DNA and match it up with his Son and even the days it will take for the results to come back. On the KT murders...the Police were all over the place with constant contradictions and DNA results in world record time frames.

    If anybody is being truthful about something, it always comes out smoothly, but if you get a liar, and as the story grows, the more inconsistent it all gets. What does that tell you? The truth is here and you can see it through the investigation from beginning up until this point compared to KT where they are all over the place and nothing makes sense and the further they get in the KT case, the more ridiculous it all sounds.

    Just my observation.

  3. Really, I would have never guessed that the KT situation would of had any impact on tourism. Maybe if the Ministry of Tourism decides to turn KT into an Amusement Park with specialties in Mafia and Murder Cover-ups tourism will improve. Farang's leave your credit card with pin at the door for security; we will tag you and give you an elegant looking wristband that will make you an easier target for the local mafia and corrupt police. We are certain you will enjoy this interactive amusement park.

  4. The tunnel is not being made to by-pass Pattaya; it is being made to clear up congestion in Pattaya. Now, clearing up congestion is a VERY GOOD IDEA, but building a tunnel is NOT A GOOD IDEA! I remember many issues with the Songtails in the past when Pattaya considered putting in a BTS like system in to help with the congestion. First of all, I believe it was completely stupid to have pushed this proposal away just to please the Songtails, which are a big part of the congestion inside Pattaya.

    Now, I do believe that there are many options here, but the one I'd like to see pushed through, is a BTS like in Bangkok that runs up and down Sukhumvit to Sattahip with line transfers to the beach areas at Pattaya Nua, Pattaya Klang, Pattaya Tai & Thepprasit all the way to Nao Jomtiem. They can put in Car Parks along the Sukhumvit Road to store vehicles with plenty of lighting and security. The cause effect will be less congestion and will allow room to create a bicycle, running, skating and walking lane around town that is safe. Businesses around Pattaya will benefit as they will have more people walking in areas that tend to only see traffic. The Songtails will continue making money as they will still work their typical route through Pattaya Beach and around 2nd Road back to the beach and in addition, they will have an established route that will run to all Car Parks.

    For a City the size of Pattaya, it is perfect and will also tackle future problems. Building a tunnel to solve congestion in one area of Pattaya is ridiculous and extremely costly as they will only solve one part of the puzzle and disrupt traffic for A LONG PERIOD OF TIME.


    They prefer to spend more money and disrupt everything for the sake of building a tunnel on Pattaya Klang when they could disrupt matters for a shorter period of time and build a public transport system, such as the BTS in Bangkok, which would solve many issues and be more beneficial in many other ways than to clear up traffic in one general area. Oops...I'm sorry, that would step on the toes of the Songtails and they will not be able to make a living. Tear a big hole that leads to the beach and let's see the tunnel fill up with traffic as well as Pattaya Klang simultaneously and then let's see how much more money and how much more disruption will occur with their next hair brain ideas on how to cure congestion!

    Stupid people!!!

    (BTS System from Naklua to Satahip and into the beach areas + major parking lots or garages along the Sukhumvit area to store commuter cars to make the streets less congested)

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  6. I'm sorry, but I really had to laugh and shake my head after reading this article. Who in there right mind would donate that much money to a corrupt country? First and foremost, the Thai Police requires to be cleaned up, structured and trained properly. You will need to have enough police vehicles on the road showing a presence of authority and when they see something off...speeding or just driving crazy, they must do their job and put that training to use and stop the vehicle and do what the west does...you can give a warning or a citation...depending on the crime. The cameras on the highway must be working and they must send the citation with a picture to your registered address etc... It all starts with the foundation, which are the authorities who will control the system to LICENSED individuals. If they can sort the foundation out, then they have the best chance in minimizing road accidents. But to donate money now...they must be mad! Hell, it would be more secure with me and I will make sure to put it to better use.

  7. My wife and I began traveling to Hanoi a few years back for my visa run since Vientiane's Thai Embassy was always a mad house and I found Hanoi's Thai Embassy to be always empty, which meant that we could enjoy ourselves around town without having to sit at the Embassy in long lines for my visa. Anyway, we always stayed around the Hoan Kiem Lake area. I honestly believe this is the best area to stay since you will find everything you need within walking distance. As for a hotel, your best bet is to look at www.agoda.com and look at their recommended hotels.

    To name a few:

    Gia Bao Palace Hotel - Junior suite with terrace / 65 sq. meters / with breakfast for about 1,800 THB and the rates get cheaper if you don't need the big space, but for that price, it's not bad.

    Gia Bao Grand Hotel - Premier Executive City View / 50 sq. meters / with breakfast for about 1,800. They also have cheaper rates for smaller rooms.

    Tirant Hotel - We stayed here for 3 nights. The room was comfortable, clean and from what I can remember, it was quite big, but it didn't have a window, which would have been a problem, but it was raining upon arrival and it was late and we were tired, so we took the room with the thought of checking out the following day, but the staff were very nice and the room was really comfortable and a good size and we were mainly outside of the hotel at cafe's, shopping etc...that the window wasn't a biggie since we would arrive in time to watch a bit of tv and sleep. But they do have rooms with a window...if you stay here, it's a great location but be sure to ask for a room with a window to start because they don't have many.

    Well, you get the gist...but take a look at agoda and on their map and find a hotel around the lake area. You have everything you will need in that general area.

    Restaurant...you have got to try: Quan An Ngon - Great Vietnamese food, great atmosphere and CHEAP! The restaurant looks very, very nice and is our favorite place to eat in Hanoi. Now, there's a restaurant bar that looks chic across from the lake called Inbox...it's good, but pricey. They tend to have good live music, but like I said, it's expensive. I found the Sofitel's chic bar/restaurant is much nicer and much cheaper than Inbox. And of course for a GREAT STEAK, there's my buddy's restaurant, which is "El Gaucho's Argentinian Steakhouse".

    Good luck on your travels to Hanoi and if you and your family decide on going somewhere else in Vietnam, I will suggest Hue. We really love this place and the restaurants and bars close later than in Hanoi...Midnight in Hanoi...you'll begin to see the police sweep the streets to make sure people are going indoors to their home or hotel.

    OH...I almost forgot to mention the traffic at intersections around the lake...WOW!!!! I used to love and sit at a cafe and have my breakfast while I watched the traffic...it's incredible. The smart thing to do when crossing the road, is to just walk and DO NOT STOP FOR ANY REASON. Don't try and avoid motorbikes and cars by stopping and going and stopping and going...you'll only get hit. The reason they usually never have accidents at those intersections is because even though it looks disorganized, there's a constant flow and if you disrupt it by stopping and going and stopping and going, you'll disrupt the flow and you'll get hit. Just hold your breathe and hold on to your loved one and walk slowly without stopping. Motorbikes and cars will see you and will not hit you as they already adjusted their thoughts to adjust their speed as to not hit you and continue with the flow of traffic.

  8. Was under the impression that last years event was the finale of the competition.

    I remember looking it up about a month ago and found that there was going to be a competition this year, but now I cannot locate anything except for discussions and articles about last year's competition. I hope you are not right as I really was looking forward to the event...I wanted to take my baby girl to see for her first time.

  9. Martial Law has nothing to do with the drop in tourism. Solve the KT tragedy honestly and openly and you'll see tourism bounce back, but until that happens, it will make no difference to lift Martial Law. As a matter of fact, lifting Martial Law will only make matters worst in the country, since this will then open the red shirt flood gates.

    The more I read statements being issued by departments of the Thai Government, the more I want a job. You get a great salary+bonuses to come up with the most idiotic ideas that can help deter the economy from bouncing back. Talking about a non stressful job.

    BTW, Martial Law only affects areas outside of the tourist spots; Phuket, Samui, Pattaya, Hua Hin, Bangkok etc...(tourist areas) are not affected by Martial Law, so what other excuses can they come up with... I'm telling you, I WANT A JOB to come up with crap like this.

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  10. I mentioned this bit of news to my Thai wife and her response was that she heard as well, but it may have been due to the petition that was making it's way around. She said that their was a requirement of 50,000 signatures for the UK to get involved. She also stated that many Thai's had signed that petition since they all thought this was also a farce. Hearing her view made me think...I do know that there was a petition going around and prior to this petition the UK never once did anything to help this matter. Now that the petition met the required 50,000 signatures, the UK seems to have no choice but to get involved. If this has no truth to it, then what other reason can you come up with why the UK never once got involved until now.

    In any case, I for one am very happy that they are finally getting involved. This tragedy needs closure and the real culprits need to be brought to justice.

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  11. Does anybody know if Pattaya will hold the International Firework Competition this year (2014) and if so, when?

    I remember last year's...it was very disappointing when you compare it to the previous 2 years, which were incredible, and I'm hoping they make up for the bad one in 2013.

    Thank you in advance for any information pertaining to this topic.


    So...KT murders during martial law is an exception?

    I would love a job within the Thai Government...salary + bonuses paid to the most ridiculously elaborate nonsense the world has ever heard to boost our economy. Requirements: Minimum...primary school education, love's to dream and easily forgets about the immediate past. A brain is not required but would be a benefit. Come join us and get world recognition as being the laughing stock of the world!

  13. "Meanwhile, tourists continue to flock to Koh Tao under the watchful eye of tourist police and volunteers. The number of tourists is not high but it is still the low season, with strong ocean currents and monsoon rains."

    Well, I'm happy they were able to give us an update on tourism and the weather report on KT; I was really beginning to worry that they may starve on the island without any business. TOTALLY RIDICULOUS to give updates on tourism and the weather conditions in the same statement on the murders.

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  14. I just drove into Bangkok and had not read this article, but on my way in, I saw many police on the highway stopping motorists and was curious to why in the heck there are so many of them within short distances; NOW I KNOW WHY! LOL!!!!

    I came in for the day and will return home soon...I'll be sure to obey the law today, but before I leave home, I have to pay a a ticket received a while back, so I've got to visit the Police Station...maybe I'll get a citation upon entering.

  15. Heck if I was detained for 4 months on illegally entering the country, I would have escaped as well. Who the heck knows what would have occurred if they stayed; life imprisonment for entering illegally? They should have never had to wait so long for exportation. I would have been stressed thinking that the out of the ordinary length of time spent imprisoned without exportation would have been connected to a potential set-up of some other criminal act.

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  16. Some yaba head street punk tries to shake down an old man, then assaults him with a deadly weapon (baseball bat size stick) when the old man tells him to piss off.

    Up to now this guy has been struck with a ---piece of wood, a baseball bat, a baseballbat size piece of wood ,and a PLANK of wood. Anyone know what he was really hit with??

    A TOOTHPICK!!!! Look at his reaction when the police re-enacted what occurred...he poked him too hard. LOL!

  17. Do you mean, if I understood you well, we, as "falangs", must carry vaseline and accept it? No wonder Thais think we're easy targets!

    Sorry, not my style.

    Good god don't any of you have any balls, do you enjoy bending over and letting any Thai give it to you, pathetic!

    Here's the next victim.

    It's not about having balls and bending over...it's all about life in a country that we are not originally from. It's about compromising... It's about learning to live in a different culture than our own. If you are not willing to compromise or learn the culture and want to live by your standards without a care in the world for the country you live in (Thailand), then why stay here? Why not just go back to your own country?

    It's people like you who cause all the problems and then place the blame on others.

    No, that's not what I'm saying at all. What does compromise mean in your vocabulary? Would you agree that living in a different country that has a different culture than the one you come from must be learned and compromises must be made and adjustments must be considered? There's a give and take you have to play in this country...it's not carrying Vaseline to make sure you lube up prior to paying an overpriced parking attendant. It's just respecting the culture and or making sure you don't get attacked by 10 Thai males with knives, machetes, sticks and guns. You learn to live in this country without having to lube up!

  18. Good god don't any of you have any balls, do you enjoy bending over and letting any Thai give it to you, pathetic!

    Here's the next victim.

    It's not about having balls and bending over...it's all about life in a country that we are not originally from. It's about compromising... It's about learning to live in a different culture than our own. If you are not willing to compromise or learn the culture and want to live by your standards without a care in the world for the country you live in (Thailand), then why stay here? Why not just go back to your own country?

    It's people like you who cause all the problems and then place the blame on others.

    Nope. You've got it <deleted>-backwards. It's people like you that encourage scum like this to do what they do.

    We're all entitled to our own opinion and I know yours and you know mine. That's the end.

  19. Another thing that annoys me a lot here is that in some restaurants, when you finish eating, "car park" staff spot you from one mile away, run to you to escort you to your car, help you open/close the door etc...

    The essence of Thailand. They "pretend" to be nice and to help you. But they are just putting pressure on you to tip them. This is a form of extortion.

    I never give them any money

    Just say no thank you and it's taken care of. There's no need to get your panties in a twist over someone trying to help you for a tip. Hell, I wouldn't help someone to their care from my place of work for free, would you? I'd expect a tip as well...you know, they do add up and if you work in such an establishment as in any other country in the world, tips come with the game.

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