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Posts posted by Dene16

  1. First and foremost do not let your house go

    I don't believe you will only get 6k a month from the property but a lot will depend on your mortgage.

    If you were to change it to a repayment only your mortgage payment would be approx £400

    your rent would be around £1200+  leaving £800 minus management fees

    This would change considerably if you had a repayment mortgage but you are 36 years old

    I do this on a property of a much lesser value but much smaller debt and provides 25k a month ( i do not have a management company though) 

    Think what that 220k would be worth in 25 years time (about 2 years wages) 

    I had a friend who worked as a teacher (about your age with wife and child) in khon kaen He was happy but needed help, with air fares to come to uk on holiday, from parents 

    Once here his wife decided she liked it so they decided to stay so that they would be better off ( but he had his parents very big house to stay in)

    You just need to keep your options open here in the UK

    A classmate from school spent 20 years going back and forth from Asia until finally returning to the UK as a teacher with his wife and children

    Rent the house and use 7k of your savings to spend 6 months here and see what happens nothing lost but a great experience.








  2. I suspect that the expenses will be half that again with no real gain in the long run. Unless you have very generous relatives this will be a no go.

    I know in my heart i will be taking my son back to my homeland to be educated so that his qualifications will be worth something around the world.

    Any money spent in Thailand will be wasted

    As much as i feel for your plight you should of thought about this a long time ago

    I take it you have nothing to go back to now and would be very surprised if you could get people to finance your child's education.

  3. On 11/07/2017 at 6:45 PM, chris455 said:

    The fact is that Ladyboys in Asia present themselves in a very sexy and feminine manner. There isn't anything 'blokey' about them, and they often have better bodies, skin, and dress sense than Women.

     Blimey have you seen the majority of lady boys in pattaya

    Gay men are attracted to men the same as lesbians to women of which i can relate to

    However the idea of being with a lady boy and believing this is normal is preposterous

    If someone (unless for curiosity) were to frequent such establishments, it is purposely to enter into such sexual arrangements, 

    They believe that by having a sexual relationship with someone that vaguely resembles a woman makes it ok and exceptable to others.

    Rather then except that they would have a relationship with both a woman or a man

    Either way i think they need physiological help to go down this route

  4. 10 hours ago, smotherb said:

    Men in their 40's should still be able to attract a woman in her 20's. When the years get to 30, 40 or more; the equation makes less sense.

    yes i could go for that plus you met at work and had time to establish a rapport of sorts but most men in their forties ( no one is the same) will definitely have a different mind set than a girl in her twenties. Attract and keep being 2 separate entities

    As for the older man having more to offer than money for me is unlikely

    How many times do you see the most beautiful young woman with ageing rock stars and actors 

    Do you believe they are with them for their looks and personality 

    Lets face it, this has been tried and tested on so many TV programmes and youtube  to prove young women's materialistic attitudes (western attitudes i should add) 

  5. 4 minutes ago, Kinnock said:

    I'm also not sure that successful relationships are so rare here?  I think the people who've had unsuccessful ones just bleat about it more, while the successful ones are getting on with enjoying their domestic bliss.

    Can't argue with your logic, reading too many tales on here but also listening to the hangers on in bars when ever i frequent them for a drink. I hope i continue to be the latter.



  6. 51 minutes ago, smotherb said:

    I think more of myself. I like both beauty and brains, wouldn't you?

    yes, and i am very happy for both of you having worked out for the better

    Probably it was the brains that has kept you together appreciating each others intellectual ability.

    However was that, each others, initial attraction?. Hers being beauty with brains and yours being the ability to provide what she needed.

    You are evidence to the contrary but also in the extreme minority

    Hope it continues to last (hard not to after all this time)




  7. 13 minutes ago, oldhippy said:

    Are you suggesting that for 99,9% of Thai women, masturbation is not a taboo?

    Thailand where women want to have sex with their clothes on?

    Yes i am, however, you make a good point

    There is nothing to substantiate this taboo except reports from 25 years ago

    Most Thai kids may have sex later than their western counterparts but just like all cultures kids attitudes are changing in Thailand. Many kids are under pressure now to have intercourse in their early teens the same as the western world

    So why would masturbation be any different

    If you lived in a village you might have a better understanding

    Its just taboo for the media  to report it openly


  8. 2 hours ago, smotherb said:

    Yes, that is if you want a monetary relationship


    Unfortunately most people here do not wish to except or realise that is exactly the relationship they are in.

    Wake Up! This is Thailand no woman who is more than 20 years younger than you is with you for love. Accept that if your money runs out so will she. Even those of a similar age would of originally been based on how well you could take care of them, but have a good chance of survival.

    People have married for money and power throughout time, hence, arranged marriages.

    whether you met your lady in a bar or on a website she was/is there to better her life and to pick the best suitor

    This could possibly be different if you met at work or environment where you were introduced as a friend etc.

    Did you pick your gf for her brains (unlikely) or her looks (likely) this is normal in most relationships but that would not be the reason for her. The reasons for the sustainability of the relationship is far reaching and completely different for you and her.

    Having said all that, it can still work but the question is, are you in that monetary bracket without realising it?



  9. 1 hour ago, InMyShadow said:

    I can rent places here which would cost 3 or 4 times as much in Australia. For me, having a nice place to live is very important. Other people don't mind slumming it and spending their money on girls and booze. Each to their own.

    Yes totally correct of which i stated as much in my answer although in a different manner

    1 hour ago, tropo said:

    No, you're missing the point, which is easy to do with the new forum format where you don't see the original quote that I was replying to.

    To a point you are correct because if you had read the previous quote to the one you were referring to you would see that someone had made a totally irrelevant statement on the cost of rent in a very expensive area of Bangkok.

    Not wanting to go too in depth, this lead to the hijacking of the original thread (normal procedure).

    My point being, when people retire they no longer have the same budget that they had in there originating country and in order to enjoy life in the manner they wish they may have to live in a 32m2 condo, as many do ( I stated much earlier i would tire of that eventually myself)

    Your budget is sufficient to enable that luxury but not for many. Be honest to yourself and look at how you worded your answer and how it comes across. my answer was a little tongue-in-cheek to express that as you know(with a little bit of sarcasm) sorry

    200m2 is obviously a  large 2 story house, what would you consider not very expensive?


  10. 8 hours ago, tropo said:

    Geez... it is for me. I won't rent anything under 200m2. I think you've lost touch. I expect to live better in Thailand than I can back at home..

    Geez..... i think your missing the point

    Unlike yourself many expats don't have the financial resources to afford anything over 200m2 ( depending of course where in Thailand they are/want to live)

    They stay because it's still a better life than in their own country for whatever reason

    i would also  like to live better but have found that the people around me are far more important than your seemingly materialistic lifestyle

    If you can afford it that's fantastic, but no need  to knock people that can't or feel it not that important    



  11. 46 minutes ago, Pdaz said:

    I can easily stay months and months in hotel room, or a small studio condo. Thailand is a jungle, eat local food, live pretty much like locals, and it's far cheaper here than even Eastern Europe.

    Great if you are happy with that but i for one and i'm sure many others, would eventually tire of that existence

    For many expats Thailand is no longer the cheap place is was 8 years ago (exchange rate) and really must struggle on their  declining government pension (uk) which would, then, of given them a very healthy living.

    For some ( as already mentioned by someone) that existence is still better then they would have in their own country

    I will be one of the 6 month stayers.Maybe longer later but consider myself very lucky to, always, be able to do that

    Expats from the UK are no longer able to retire to Thailand on a present  government pension. Only those with an additional good works pension or other means of financial support

    For what it's worth there are few Thai dishes i like and always fill my suitcase with the tastes of home


  12. 13 minutes ago, bberrythailand said:

    This kind of news show very well the kind of attention that most doctors put here in what they do.


    I once carried $200000 cash and I cannot imagine forgetting here anywhere. But maybe this is why I am not a doctor, I am too smart.

    too smart for me. I have not got a clue what your on about

    No offence intended

  13. 19 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

    why don't you get your money to a shared account over here now?

    Then she can spend it before you die!

    Could end up being a recipe for disaster

    Unlike a pet, a wife is not always for life, however much you think it will be at this moment

  14. 4 minutes ago, moe666 said:

    No Thais do not get a pass on gambling

    Every year in the village its always a funny topic of conversation over who managed to get away and who got caught when raided. (normally playing HI/LO however someone last month was grabbed with a piece of paper with a list of lottery numbers from the local village lottery) I was told the head of the village did not pay his usual contribution (2000 baht fine at the station)

    The local police travel around the villages in an unmarked police car and look for houses with lots of bikes parked outside

  15. To me he's extremely  irritating and obnoxious but appeals to a very young generation, not a reason to deport him.

    Add a few more words, Irritating, obnoxious, old miserable, grumpy and you would be deporting 40% of the posters on TV but then it wouldn't make for such entertaining reading

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