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Posts posted by Dene16

  1. 18 minutes ago, GarryP said:

    Very misleading. My son had to go through the draft process as he is a Thai citizen, regardless of the fact that I am a foreigner.

    Correct, i don't know where the op has got his information

    Reading a few other questions regarding this matter on TV it seems that if you have lived out of the country and cannot speak Thai than you will not be accepted for the draft process but can still be called up if required 

    However if his name is on the Tabian baan (house register) he would most certainly still be in the mix and thus will need to prove that he is an exception on his inability to understand thai

  2. 16 hours ago, Harveyboy said:

    no my visa will still be ok for 7 days after i arrive can this help  i also have an account just in my name ive kept   as one does eh   thanks for any help 

    They why did you tell everyone that it was in joint names?

    why did you reapply for a visa that was still valid?

    You need to be clear in your facts if you want people to help you as they are constantly changing, much of the advice here has been wasted due to the incorrect/lacking details you have provided

    your sole account needs to have the 800,000 baht (not joint) in it but you would not need it for another year

    38 minutes ago, elviajero said:

    If you have a non-immigrant 'O-A' visa that has an 'Enter Before" date (expiry) of November 2nd you don't have problem. When you enter again on October 26th you will be given permission to stay for 1 year.

    this is good advice from elviajero however and please put me right if wrong elviajero . Is the visa expiry not dictated by the issue date, i know it had an affect upon me but was some years ago and can't remember why

    I am starting to doubt the op's information

  3. 1 hour ago, citybiker said:

    Manufacturing decline?

    Thank you for enlightening me on this point The decline in manufacturing reversed in 2011 and has increase by 5% (not exactly mind blowing) however growth it states is very negligible.

    i seem to read this statement  whenever i go  which somewhat detracts from the report and figures you present and figures can always be manipulated

    What i do see is expectations mentioned considerably 

    Also the decreasing value of the pound is going to have a significant affect upon our exports and output as they will ultimately become cheaper.

    You are obviously a stout believer in leaving the EU, curiously why did you think we were better off out

    Since 45% of our trade is with the EU do you really believe we can survive without them or broker a deal that will not entail freedom of movement.

    Making  what i would call minor trade agreements with  countries outside of the EU is not really going to have a big impact on our economy and help us (we already trade with USA and China i believe)

    I wish i had your faith


  4. Prior to brexit the UK was a ticking time bomb waiting to explode. We could of chosen to remain and all been better off, for the short term at least

    Manufacturing has and will continue to decline,regardless (10% + a year i read 3 years ago),  so where would that leave us in 10 years with 30% of births arising from couples of non UK nationalities.

    The population was/is expanding at a rate not sustainable,  not helped by the constant increase of EU migrants into the UK (200,000 a year and expanding)Non EU another 200,000

    with manufacturing dwindling and migrants increasing how were we going to support  the huge number of welfare payments that was simply going to get bigger and bigger and bigger

    Yes, we may never fully recover but better this than the catastrophic recession we were heading for, which no one looks to, as its too far in the future. 

    Another vote would probably reverse the result because most people cannot see the long term view

    I blame Cameron for negotiating a deal that wasn't worth the paper it was printed on


  5. A very close school friend of mine was similar to yourself left school with 11 Gcse's all a and b's but flunked college.

    Your qualifications will get you a very good apprenticeship in the UK. It will give you the opportunity to come and go from Thailand as you please later

    Alternatively look for jobs companies that may have postings in Thailand. Your not stupid so do your research.

    Use the time in the UK to learn Thai it will open numerous  doors  if you still decide  to come

    It's not for me to say it can't be done, as it has, but there is little chance of success and will make it hard to return.

    Especially without parents to support you in the UK

    Working with your cousin's is not an option 

    I don't believe you realise how hard it will be for you (assuming they are doing hard manual work in hot conditions)


  6. 8 hours ago, Mario666 said:

    Ideally I would like to move it to February/March time when I am always in Thailand. I looked at some older threads (2014), but as we all know the rules  

    I tried to change mine also. they stated it ws not possible even though i would be doing my extention 2 months early

    i managed to do it but only because it was my first year,  doing a border run  2 months  before the end of my visa

  7. 5 hours ago, oilinki said:

    Turkeys' population 80 million. UK's population 65 million. 

    It will be just few year before Turkey becomes a more important player in EU economies, that UK is.

    What is your point?

    Only 2 days ago both German electorates stated that Turkey will never become part of the EU

    Turkey is so poor a nation it is estimated that the EU would have to spend over 30% of the EU's structural budget if it joined

    It's population is growing at such a rate with very little growth that will ultimately lead to mass migration on a huge scale

    This is before you get into the human rights issues

    Either i have missed your point or you must be very deluded

  8. 10 hours ago, steve187 said:

    i had to read this a few times, you say an 'O'A' is unavailable, but a multi tourist is available, both have to be applied for in the home country. so why can he get one but not the other.

    He cannot get the OA visa because the thai consulate has informed him that the money needs to be in a thai bank account (due to a second application), which he has, but is in joint names (it must be in his sole name)

    To change that he would need to enter Thailand  and therefore would no longer be in his home country

    At no time did i state that the other options were not easier but simply offering options if his plans were to differ and wanted to stay longer whilst travelling

    It is not totally clear but seems that he is reapplying for his OA visa that has either lapsed and reapplying or trying to apply for extension while not in Thailand 

    If he had the available time he could simply return to Thailand change his account and just renew but obviously that is not possible 

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  9. As ubonjoe states the account needs to be in your name. As an OA visa can only be applied for in your home country so this visa would now be unavailable to you.

    Another option other than the one above would be a 6 month multi entry tourist visa.

    I used this visa a few years ago now before i applied for an OA myself

    You will need to exit the country every 60 days or purchase a 30 day extension before you then do a border crossing and return immediately. This process can actually give you nearly 9 months

    Also it can be a little costly and time consuming (doing a border run) but as i was travelling to Cambodia  also,  I just judged the dates to suit me 

  10. On 25/08/2017 at 11:17 PM, Kiwiken said:

    Yingluck was naive not negligent. Because of her name the current rulers want to make her the scapegoat . How is that not also corrupt?

    I could not agree with you more.

    However many here believe she was the puppet for her brother, something that cannot not be proved or disproved

    That cannot be said of some of her ministers


  11. On 27/08/2017 at 7:58 PM, wtboatr said:

    When it comes to buying a round trip plane ticket from the USA to Thailand and back, what name must be printed on the ticket?  I'm anticipating a problem since she will have a green card with my last name, but a Thai Passport with her maiden name.


    Your plane ticket must always match that of your passport or the airline could refuse boarding

    There is very little difference between a one way and airways return ticket

    Just carry relevant documentation for when re-entering  USA  in case of any queries from immigration

  12. WOW

    i have yet to read such an important topic that has not lead to petty squabbles in some way or another

    Nearly everyone has given there opinion based on their thoughts, some based over a very long time frame

    Seemingly no one can be accused of being 100% incorrect in their analogy even if one does not 100% agree

    Nothing is based on our own personal experiences so nothing can be argued, only debated

    I believe,. the fact that she has left, has alleviated the possibility of civil unrest (not war) 

    Anyway kudos to you all gentlemen





  13. 9 hours ago, Baerboxer said:

    So all those posters who think she's innocent, please explain why her actions weren't negligent?

    In every government worldwide the ruling political power has individuals that deal with different aspects of government   

    That's why you have a foreign secretary, secretary of welfare, etc, etc

    Every political party makes mistakes, that's why they normally get voted out

    Was it her idea or one of her ministers? Either way she is the fall guy

    The UK government said welcome to all migrants when every other country in Europe said no  (ultimately leading to brexit years later)

    Where they  negligent?

    The USA went to war against Vietnam and then pulled out at the cost of millions of lives

    Where they  negligent?

    Both will cost, has cost a lot more than the rice pledging scheme

    Governments rightly or wrongly are voted by the people to make their decisions, they also make pledges to stay in power without really thinking of the cost.

    People can talk s##t  about the family all day long but the bottom line is she was elected by the people


  14. 13 minutes ago, bankruatsteve said:

    MCB protects the wire - nothing else.  The OP has already stated that most of the wire is 2.5mm2.  That is rated for a 20 amp breaker.  If there is 1.5mm2 runs to light circuits - no big deal.

    Apologies regarding the use of the 20A breaker you are correct, acting before brain was in gear

    However it is not certain if the 1.5mm2 lighting is also connected to the sockets 

    Wiring here is so dangerous in many instances that i become a little zealous

    And someone with limited knowledge such as the OP is playing around with wiring that may also be questionable.

    He's probably learn't more than most so called Thai electrician's know already 





  15. 44 minutes ago, bankruatsteve said:

    Again, you can simply replace the C10 breaker with a C20 to probably resolve your tripping problem

    This is really bad advice

    Different amperage MCB's are there for a reason

    The circuit is probably overloaded but that is not guarenteed at the moment 

    No electrician would ever advise what you have suggested as it has the potential to cause a fire, destroy appliances, and kill in the right circumstances

    The op has implied that he will will change his distribution board which to my mind is the best solution as allows him to distribute the loads more evenly

    As Crossy has mentioned an RCBO is a must but would be easily incorporated into a new board  with more spaces

    As the op has mentioned there are already questionable area's of wiring of which putting a larger amperage MCB would make it even worse and more dangerous 

  16. 37 minutes ago, mogandave said:

    Even if you have to pay taxes, you still get to keep part of what you earn, yes?

    Not sure what you mean?

    He will only pay tax if he earns more than £11,200 and only on the money over this amount

    Everyone in the UK does not pay tax on the first £11,200 that they earn in each year


  17. On 17/08/2017 at 7:16 AM, AGLV0121 said:

    No, I meant in the UK. Probably yes, as there is little you can do to "escape" them.

    Sorry missed the 't' in front of here. He would pay no tax in the UK.

    He would have no additional income from working in the UK as he will be in Thailand so he can make up to £11,200 before he pays tax

  18. 2 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    Part of the Bond character has always had an element of cheeseball, but Moore (not Brosnan) took it over the top.

    Please don't hate me but i actually liked Roger Moore but he was the bond of my youth

    Until Daniel Craig came on the scene i was becoming quite disillusioned with all the James bond actors and films

    However he was looking very old in the last film,  unable to carry off the cheesy lines that they put in, and not a very good film to boot

  19. 25 minutes ago, AGLV0121 said:

    Interesting, have you deducted the taxes?

    You do pay taxes but as the op would not be working here he could make up to £11,200 per year before he paid any.

     Everyone is entitled to earn this  before tax is paid plus he could claim management fees back and lots of other things that he would not really use so in effect tax free. 

  20. 8 minutes ago, VBF said:

    Not entirely true - it depends where in UK you live.

    Of course, i knew when i wrote the comment that i was leaving myself open for a comment such as yours

    But the rent is lower, flats are constantly changing tenants, undesirable tenants. Its all about the tenants.

    I have 2 properties still but getting rid of  my flat was the best thing i did.

    I also have friends that have many properties and they say the same.

    Having said that it can work but only if you manage them yourself.

    He  needs something that is he can practically forget about and if he so decides can come back and move straight back into. i don,t think he will want to move back into a grubby 1 bed in Durham 

    Not always true but nice house = nice tenants that will look after it


  21. 12 minutes ago, maxtwo said:


    I would sell the existing property and buy two cheap ones to rent out as all the income from them would be yours


    2 properties for 150K ? 

    You obviously don't live in the UK plus the new rules that came into place 3 months ago regarding owning more than one property.




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